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Children's Services Scrutiny Sub-Committee - Thursday 6 February 2025 7.00 pm

February 6, 2025 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Children's Services Scrutiny Sub-Committee meeting on 6 February 2025 saw the Sub-Committee note four reports.

Ofsted Report

The Sub-Committee noted an Ofsted focused visit report (LambethFocusedvisitoflocalauthoritychildrensservicesDec24) on arrangements for Children in Need and Child Protection plans that took place on 2-3 December 2024. The Ofsted inspectors found that Lambeth Council's Children's Services had improved significantly since the last full inspection in 2022. The inspectors found that social workers had a better understanding of risk for children and that strategy meetings were convened quickly, with attendance from a good range of partners. The inspectors were also positive about the transformation of services for children with disabilities into the 0-25 disability service, noting that it has vastly improved services for disabled children. The inspectors did identify three areas for improvement, one of which was the need for more frequent visits to children to better align with their assessed needs.

Diversity in the teaching workforce in Lambeth

The Sub-Committee noted a report (DiversityintheteachingworkforceinLambeth) on diversity in the teaching workforce in Lambeth. The report, which was produced using data obtained from a Freedom of Information request to the Department for Education, found that 82% of Lambeth pupils were from an ethnic minority, but only 47% of teachers were. Councillor Ben Kind noted that Lambeth Council is not the employer of every teacher in Lambeth and that the Council's powers had been reduced by central government, limiting the Council's influence over recruitment practices. This led to some debate about the role and powers of school governors, with Councillor Ibtisam Adem arguing that, in practice, governors had limited power to influence change and that “an awful lot of power is retained within senior leadership”. The Director of Education and Learning, Abrilli Phillip, countered by arguing that “governors are more than advisors. Governors run schools. They actually have the power to run schools and make decisions for schools”. Phillip also outlined some of the things the Council was doing to improve diversity, including a new headteacher induction programme and a drive to diversify governing bodies. Oliviero Veneri-Thomas, Co-Chair of the Lambeth Youth Council, argued that more needed to be done to support junior teachers from ethnic minorities into leadership positions and called for more institutionalised cultural awareness programmes.

Pupil Place Planning

The Sub-Committee noted an update (Pupil Place Planning Report) on Pupil Place Planning (PPP), which seeks to address an oversupply of primary school places in the borough. A number of options for school closures and amalgamations were approved at a Cabinet meeting on 4 November 2024. The report noted that a referral to the Office of the Schools Adjudicator had been submitted in relation to the proposed amalgamation of Christ Church Primary SW9 with St John the Divine CofE Primary School in Brixton. It was also noted that the consultation on the proposed amalgamation of Fenstanton Primary School with Holy Trinity CofE Primary School was ongoing and would close on 28 February 2025. Councillor Ben Kind told the Sub-Committee that “this is not a situation that either I nor anybody that works in the education team or really anybody in the schools or the community want to be in”, but that the Council had a statutory responsibility to manage school places. The Director of Education and Learning, Abrilli Phillip, noted that the initial 2022 Pupil Place Planning Strategy had sought to address the oversupply of places by reducing Published Admission Numbers, but that this had not been successful, leading to the Council having to use its powers to propose school amalgamations and closures. The Chair, Councillor David Oxley, noted that he had a personal interest in the matter, as his son would soon be applying for a school place. The Sub-Committee also discussed the financial implications of the closures and amalgamations and heard that the Council was developing a local offer of support for staff who might be made redundant.

Lambeth's schools' achievement report

The Sub-Committee noted a report (Raising Achievement in Schools 2024) on school achievement in Lambeth, which included a supplementary report (Raising Achievement of Black Caribbean Pupils) on the achievement of Black Caribbean pupils. The report noted that attainment at Key Stage 2 in Lambeth was higher than nationally, while the percentage of pupils who get a standard pass in both English and maths at GCSE was similar to the national level. The report also noted that the pattern of attainment varied by ethnic background and that Black Caribbean pupils’ attainment fell below that of their peers nationally. Councillor Ben Kind stressed the impact of poverty on school performance, noting that most of Lambeth's underperforming schools were in deprived areas. This point was also stressed by Karen Chamberlain, the Headteacher for Lillian Baylis Technology School, who told the Sub-Committee that, in her experience, the biggest barriers to educational attainment were poverty, locality and attendance. Chamberlain went on to describe the work her school was doing to address the achievement gap, including work to decolonise and diversify the curriculum and a decision to stop setting by ability, in recognition of the fact that bottom sets are predominantly black boys. The Sub-Committee also discussed the performance of pupils with Special Educational Needs (SEN) and heard from Sophie Garner, the Assistant Director for Education Strategy, Access and Inclusion, who described the work the Council was doing to support these pupils, including increased investment in autism outreach services.