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Health and Social Care Scrutiny Commission - Monday 3 February 2025 7.00 pm

February 3, 2025 View on council website
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This meeting of the Health and Social Care Scrutiny Commission was scheduled to include a follow-up briefing about the Blue Badge scheme in Southwark. A previous briefing took place on 15 November 2023.

Blue Badge Scheme

The meeting was scheduled to include a briefing by officers on the Blue Badge Scheme.

The briefing was to include an update on the anticipated switch to the national GOV.UK online application form.

The main benefits in using the national Blue Badge application form are:

  • Shortened application form for those identified as permanently eligible or in receipt of a passport benefit
  • Improved customer journey, improving customer satisfaction
  • Easy to use form which meets public sector accessibility requirements
  • Nationally aligned application form
  • Dedicated expertise and resources continually improving the form
  • Cabinet Office led indepth user research continually and regularly completed and tested with live users to drive improvements, at no cost to Local Authorities.
  • Regular audited by individuals with disabilities to remove accessibility barriers.
  • User feedback contribution to form and customer journey improvements
  • Increased support information (how to guides) on completing national application forms

The briefing was also due to cover how the Council communicates to unsuccessful applicants that they have the right to have their application reconsidered.

If you believe the incorrect decision has been made you can request for a review by completing a review form, within the next 30 days.

You must clearly explain why you believe you meet the legal criteria for the concession that you have applied for, and provide documentary medical evidence to support this.

The report notes that in late 2024 the request to reconsider the concession form (review form) was redesigned “using government digital service principles, making the form more user friendly, simpler and more accessible.”

The scheduled briefing also included a reminder that when applicants are informed that their application has been successful they are also signposted to information about parking permits and exemptions that are available to Blue Badge holders in Southwark.

The meeting was also scheduled to receive the minutes of the previous meeting of the Health and Social Care Scrutiny Commission held on 13 November 2024. 1

  1. The minutes of a meeting are the official record of what was discussed and decided at the meeting.