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Part Two, Cabinet - Tuesday 4th February 2025 10.00 a.m.
February 4, 2025 View on council website Watch video of meeting or read trancriptTranscript
Welcome everyone to another meeting of Cabinet taking place on Tuesday, the 4th of February, 2025, we press to welcome members officers, any press that may be in the public gallery, and I have to think around them, there aren't any, but there may be some members of the press watching on the Council's YouTube channel, alongside members of the public, so welcome to all those that may be be watching on the Council's YouTube. So for those councils, I'm able to join the meeting in press, but our members of the Cabinet, the Executive, obviously you're welcome to participate online in the debates taking place at the Chamber this morning, but you won't be able to vote, and your attendance won't be reasonably noted. And then with regards to meeting etiquette, can I ask that for those members that wish to speak on a letter, to hear a question or presenting a report, would you kindly introduce yourself by the award that you represent and the career responsibilities that you have. And similarly, with those officers who are talking to the report, would you introduce yourself, including which service area you work for or at. All right, so one minor agenda, adjusting to the agenda, colleagues, if you know, from agenda item 16, we've got the executive response to adults and counselors, smoothly reports on meeting your needs. And I'm going to be taking that as the first agenda item. Once we get through So firstly, before we commence with apologies for absence, I just need to take a moment to thank Councillor Melanie Argo for her dedication and energy for youth power. As you will all be aware, she is a step down from the cabinet post last week and I will be setting out. I will be setting out in due course provide an update as we move to cabinet components for youth power in the upcoming weeks. So moving on, can I just okay um joy could you kindly provide me any formal apologies for absence are there any other alternatives that colleagues have all right thank you very much those are noted and please um across agenda items there are um exempt uh appendices um specifically for agenda item 18 um so i just wanted to draw your attention to that and then moving on to definitions of interest as set out on pages nine and ten in accordance with the members of conduct this is a time for members to pay any disclosure of pecuniary interest in the primary interests they may have in any matter be considered at the season have in regard to the guidance attached to the agenda so as it relates to any of the agenda item including any information contained in the event appendices are there any disposable pecuniary or non pecuniary interests that need to be aired at this point to speak no there are none if we can record that as none then if we can go to the minutes of decisions of cabinet made in the ninth of january 25 that are set out on pages 11 to 60. can i just ask cabinet members to approve that these are an accurate record of decisions made on the ninth of january do we agree agree that's agreed joy thank you very much and um as it relates to appointments to outside bodies there are no outside for this you presented should i say um now we're going to be moving on to as mentioned earlier the first substantive agenda items is now again the item 16 and that's pages 703 to 718 in the agenda and i am going to be asking uh california walson if you could kindly present this exactly thank you very much chair so councillor neil wilson flasto south cabinet member for health and adult social care now the report by the health and adult social care scrutiny commission entitled meeting newham's future needs in the period 2040 to 20 25 i think that should say the time they've gone in there um 2040 was noted at the cabinet meeting held on december the 3rd here last year uh where it was agreed to provide the executive response to the commission's recommendations the report had 22 such recommendations the health and care system as an entirely within newham two of these directly related to the council they are recommendation seven which is communication with residents in the private uh rented sector and recommendation or teen which will report on the public health grant spend eleven recommendations were made to the newham health and care partnership which is um in sort of integrated care uh system speak called a place-based partnership and the remainder to local nhs organizations the northeast london integrated care board uh the the overarching um board which covers us and the neighboring boroughs bart's health uh nhs trust which has a role within our acute provision particularly at the hospital site east london nhs foundation trust which is a mental health and community trust all the recommendations have been accepted except for one which was relating to the changes to a national gp survey as it's clearly ultra various is not within our remit but within the authority of newham partners but i want to put on record that we and i've had this conversation with the chair of the relevance which and and i think i'm on public record at a previous meeting to say that we should continue to campaign to make that gp survey far more granular far more interactive to serve the needs of our residents so it's not within the authority of this report it's outside the scope but it does not stop us as a campaigning council with other local authorities to campaign for a more um reliable it's not so much reliable but a more inclusive survey in relation to those specific to the council as i've been chair they were seven and 14 the communication with residents in the private housing sector prs to work to communicate access to services to residents in uh the private rented sector is in progress it's a very important topic we have in this chamber uh noted with alarm some of the conditions that people are living in in the private rented sector not lead dampened mold but also you know infestations or very bad risk state of repairs and it is important that we communicate across how they are part of our newham residents as well and the report on the public health grant which paragraph recommendation 14 refers to following a refresh of the 50 steps health and well-being strategy we're at stage two of that and it's owned by the health and well-being board as an overarching strategy of the partners involved the london bar of newham will publish an annual report progress updating reporting against key performance indicators and review use of the grant we have made that commitment here but we're uh underlining it to the full um executive response so it's definitely a very important report and in responding to commission's recommendations the health and care system is demonstrating its commitment to ensuring a planned response to the long-term challenges of population growth the integrated care board did commission work for the whole of the northeast london footprint but we would argue that newer well has through our adults and health directorate very good um projection modeling based around population growth addressing workforce and estate challenges that is in relation to obviously the buildings and the land are currently built on in response to this increase in the borough's population will give rise to continued opportunities we would continue to look obviously for opportunities to develop not least our hospital site but particularly keep the pressure up on the um the redevelopment or delayed redevelopment of whips cross and other acute providers but it's not just a hospital it is also land for our primary care and hopefully have more co-location within our services between primary care providers and the local authority for example our local infrastructure forum and one public estate program so one public estate program is specifically related to the newham hospital site which is in my ward but is a very wide expanse of land for development and they will help shape better use of our estate and its regeneration as a part of planning for growth one of the main obstacles that this authority along with all the local authorities is perceiving is that we we want central government and we have more um segue into central government over the estates program in the past the estates at regional level has not been strategic with the new um administration in central government there has been some really positive news that there is a flexibility of approach and a true um commitment to subsidiarity whether it's in through the strategic role of the mayor of uh london but also the use of the icb footprint um not the footprint the icb process the commission's recommendations around including patient's voice particularly important in this borough with such diversity the patient's voice the co-design which we have led on in some particular areas in public health but co-design and a voluntary community faith representation particularly important that we do not lose sight of the impetus and dynamic that was exercised during the pandemic but we actually use and employ a technique from the local authority as a as a partner with others to make certain that the uh all of our communities are served by a population health a population health sorry a growing demand on population around our priorities to widen their participation of our residents and their health and well-being so i do welcome this report i think it's a really good tribute to the working across the areas and we look forward to um coming back with other reports from uh the kpis that we are we've been intending to do around public health thanks chris i'll leave it there thank you very much um my colleagues i wanted to ask you if there are any questions that you've read what you've read in the report and i'm just making an assumption the spooking colleagues are content with the um response are there any additional things that colleagues wish you had loaded on the report councillor madeline i've got really great admiration for neil montaz and they're taking uh work on this for the first time what was particularly interesting is the added is that the presence in the private housing sex both for the elderly and for those families that housing that's um something that's uh may be impacting on their health as well and i was just wondering whether they were looking at non-digital or ensuring that people uh are reached we're not relying too much on social media and on uh emails etc so i was wondering how much pharmacies and um the landlord licensing scheme will be used to um get information to those people would you like a response yeah yeah just to make it really clear the risk the report was from the uh commission and this is a response to it so thanks for the compliments for myself and montez and the directorate but i think that the compliments really need to be addressed to the scrutiny commission but the response in terms of page 712 paragraph 7 you raise an important issue around communication with residents where where where especially where they might be digitally excluded the private rented sector the first bullet point my colleagues are working towards a one council approach and adults and health have an operational interface meeting with senior housing service colleagues each month that would i want to emphasize that my meetings with councillor uh verdi and his predecessors are well established and they're inclusive of councillor ruins so there's not just um officer interface for operational interface but there's also a strategic interface around uh links across the directorates and on the other point about revising information and booklets hard copies these will be given to people discharged from hospital i mean as a person who goes into the hospital quite a lot i think it's important it's not just about booklets but we do have public um health events both there and at our libraries and any other points we've had interfaces in hubs and in and workplaces in um westfield so we're not averse to going out to the community and that has been praised in other quarters that we're developing the links with small businesses because employers need to know about for instance uh the ability to have innocuous uh sorry vaccinations whether it's for flu or covid or whether it's about how to um manage people with respiratory infections not least possibly causal but not solely caused by things like dump and mold i don't look back to lyrical but i think i'll leave it there in the future okay well thank you very much so um i don't know if you're just going to see if we may have any other comments as uh chair of the university report um no because we've got quite a lot of details and you can use your phone and conversations with that okay so i'm not allowed to put my points on record you can submit your points and record if you want sorry i don't understand the question what the i'm just asking if i can respond to this i know and i've said no lots of agenda items we need to do quite too well dirty sorry what was that no i just said wow um okay so council masters in respects of this chamber it would be really helpful to be respectful we've received an executive response to a really important matter and we'll note across all the recommendations pretty much um i think that's a very very positive position between scrutiny and the executive and mainly because you can't on an executive to approve the cabinet for approval i'm just slightly jealous right okay so cabinet members recommendations on page number 704 the reason set out on the report cabinet specifically agree 2.1 approval of the adult social care let's move on to the next agenda item and that's agenda item five so colleagues agenda item five on the page big page number 71 please go to tribes anytime i can see um and as you know as part of that outcome space we've had uh in line with our good governance and transparency agenda being presented these reports that highlights progress achievements and so areas of improvement required uh within the organization in terms of service delivery improvement not least um in light of the financial constraints and challenges that we presently face it's very important that we're transparent in the presentation of the health check of this organization and it is a useful regular reminder in line with our internal governance approaches that sits on the executive be it cabinet deputy cabinet member with corporate directors and the lead of all offices of the council are accountable for delivering that good excellent excellent services within the project and globe sets and within the times required in terms of this um particular uh quarterly um report on the transformation improvement what we um have done is that we are uh presenting a new form to this report because it's uh presented a number of things in the one strategic framework um it responds to our outcomes-based performance our progress against the local government association prepared challenge action plan uh as well as the delivery plan and our transforming new and for the future so that's the new delivery model for the organization but we've now decided to call it together so it makes a much more hefty report um i'm going to be inviting james francis to talk through some key aspects as we'll be inviting members of cabinet to uh highlight areas um as it pertains to their service uh areas uh particularly um as much as the new stories are welcomed um just amplifies further work will be done so on that note i'm going to um pass it over to james thank you uh so i'm james parsis i'm assistant chief executive uh chief transformation officer um and responsible for the uh corporate performance function and a range of other support services that have inputted into into this report and thank you for the um very helpful uh outlining of the updates we've made to the format for this report and the kind of overall intention for it so i wanted to take up the entirety of the meeting i'll just give a few opening remarks if that's okay and then perhaps um yeah individual portfolio holders may may want to fill in additional updates in terms of overarching uh kind of points to raise to cabinet's attention today and this report is made up of sort of three core components that set out what i'd say you know make up our sort of performance improvement and transformation journey uh the first of which is the report which uh as the mayor's very helpfully pointed out um we've worked hard on updating on that is our performance uh appendix um and we've taken on board hopefully in positive ways a lot of the feedback that um uh cabinet members and yourself uh mayor roxana have have offered up to us in terms of the transparency of reporting and the ability to kind of understand narrative and context for a lot of the information that was previously presented and you'll note from the the format that's been produced there's now um very clearly articulated narrative that relates to all of the exceptions that have been raised uh from the relevant corporate director or head of service uh for cabinets to to interrogate some to kind of uh share with um other colleagues outside of outside of these these meetings and other places um second part of the report takes us into the lga peer review action plan and um outlines kind of current position and the current challenges uh that the the action plan is seeking to address which i'll give us a few highlights of and then finally uh and i hope this will become a more prominent feature of future of uh future reports we've got the latest uh transforming into the future highlight report so just to give you a sense of the shape and structure of the report that's what's covered um if i quickly go through the uh building afternoon performance report if what you can see on the updated format is um a clear description of where the exceptions are and my overarching commentary on on those exceptions are that there are you know the continued sort of challenges in the areas that we've we've reported on previously um that remain challenging for the council to to kind of improve in particularly uh the areas highlighted as red rated uh exception indicators um and they relate to a number of discrete areas of services like take up of leisure services for example um continued outcomes monitoring from our new and work um and continue take up of community wealth building pledges in our um kind of business community um and uh particularly in the sort of key areas that relate to environment continued uh challenges but continued progress in some areas relating to fly tipping um and our sort of overall uh borough cleanliness ambitions which which are kind of outlined in in a number of detailed uh highlight reports for the cabinet's attention uh we continue to report uh some challenges on our community safety indicators uh relating to asb and some of the wider partnership indicators that relate to um knife crime and youth justice but commentary is updated there for for information on housing we've got the continued challenges of uh temporary accommodation um which i don't think will be of any surprise to not only new and but to to a range of other councils that are facing similar regional challenges um and continued improvement uh work required around our housing services which link very much to our housing uh strategic housing improvement plan which we're working with the regulator on and then finally uh in terms of kind of key outcomes for children's um we're reporting some some key exceptions relating to our ehcps and uh children engaged in early intervention outcomes uh which the commentary is is sort of clearly outlined for cabinet's attention and uh continued challenges around our resident experience services although some really um uh potentially quite significant uh recent improvements which this report doesn't pick up in that area will hopefully indicate a positive direction of travel around in complaints i just wanted to highlight as well that this will this will be i expect the last time we report on this suite of indicators and this set of um corporate plan commitments because we are at the very sharp end now including the review of the corporate plan that we've been working on collaboratively um across clb and cabinets and um we are we are uh days away from product producing the sort of final um revised version of the corporate plan which will uh this hopes go to the next cabinets in february and so in many ways this is a parting report from the previous corporate plan but we expect to see a number of the indicators remain but a number of indicators move um into kind of service-led spaces as well as we move into that uh that uh that new that new suite of reports will come from the corporate plan there um i'm happy to go on to the lga action plan and transformation report but i wonder if that might be a useful opportunity just to pause on performance and draw out those kind of key issues thank you very much um i've got a couple of comments in addition but i'm gonna just invite other colleagues if they want to i'm going to take councillor sarah rose then i'm going to take councillor neil wilson is there anyone else that's issues to say anything okay councillor sarah rose thank you chair uh councillor sarah rose statute should get the female and cabinet member for environment sustainable transport children services and education uh firstly can i just say how much easier this report is to read from i've not necessarily somebody who's actually in love with data and stuff but actually this makes me want to read it because i can understand it so thank you to james and his team um i i think that it's fair to say that um yes while we are we are um and highlighting things that we do have some challenges and i think that's um actually very healthy for us uh so on um and i'm sure mirage will will come in about the waste and and fly tipping and stuff but i'm really pleased that of the number of healthy school streets that we've managed to deliver um i think that the fact that we've now said schools have to opt out rather than opting in has made a huge difference and they can't just opt out without giving us a decent reason you know and it's not always easy and there are always teething problems but we do eventually get there and actually everybody benefits from that and the same as i think we we will be on train to deliver so many more ev points this year um probably for ev points and we've got cars but you know it it is part of our longer term plan about moving people into electric vehicles um so i'm i'm really pleased about that and mirage i think we'll pick up on the waste if i talk about um supporting our young people many years people would move out of newham for education and now actually people are moving into newham because of education and i think that's testament to how we how we have delivered our schools all i think are either good or outstanding um and for a borough like newham that's quite an achievement however um my concern still remains with the number of exclusions um i'm probably even more concerned about the number of off-rolling um we're not necessarily allowed to talk about but actually that that's more than the exclusions um and the other area um and although i've noticed that the there's been a decrease in the number of knife crimes we are seeing an increase in our young people uh around knife crime and it's something that the youth justice board looked at very carefully last week how we are going to be able to try and change you know it's but it is a worrying trend for us in children's services and uh the other area of course is send uh where we have had a successful inspection that doesn't mean to say that everything's hunky dory we still have a long way to go before we are delivering um not only the quantity but also the quality of ehc plans to it to a target um and to the satisfaction of both families and schools so we know that we have a lot of work to do but we also know that we have a very robust plan that we're working through and certainly parents are so different so i'll end there chair thank you very much um i'm going to take counsel neil wilson yes thanks very much jess so paragraph 421 about the healthier new women aging well and i wanted to focus on the positive and then like my covenant colleague talk about what still remains the challenges the aging well festival took place and i want to pay tribute to one of our academies actually for hosting that uh nil cost to us and having a full range of services i think it shows that when we work in partnership even where some relationships in the past have been strained we can actually develop an event that was um basically um very cost effective but more importantly celebrated our residents over the age of 50 an increasing cohort who are living longer uh but also having need to uh focus like the event did on improving their health outcomes through information dissemination we've already talked in this meeting about how do we disseminate information but there were exercise cases and clinics um the full rip uh the full detail of that is on page um um 34 if i've got it right and um that important event uh does follow the launch of our aging well strategy aiming to improve health and well-being of residents 50 plus and reduce the very persistent long-standing health inequalities not least through the intersectionality of age and race the next uh key achievement is the rate of permanent admissions to our residential care homes an increasing cost burden on this council as in all other local authorities and i welcome central government commitment to reform adult social care which is quite frankly fragmented and is um a rather cost driven upwards sort of trajectory but the rate of permanent admissions to residential care homes remains for age 65 plus below the london average and i think we have to highlight that and it's and last year's admission numbers and a high percentage of desired outcomes more importantly of people at risk are achieved through our safeguarding inquiries the most important thing that this council does whether in children's or adults is to safeguard its citizens and we've got 96 percent in the risk um uh being the desired outcomes and 96 percent and the last one in terms of health ensuring children get the best best starting life remains a focus so 94 of the new birth visits were completed with 14 days a positive outcome that exceeds both national and london averages and along with what sarah was saying that wouldn't have been the profile that we had from the hospital or other care providers only a few years ago so i want to pay tribute to those obviously they're in partnership with a lot of other people including the health listening on the last one the challenges though attendance at leisure centers appears to have dropped like we would argue that that is because under the previous provider which had a rather opaque relationship with this council called active newham there was a very um um when i i i i'm not going to be on public record rather uncertain data collection processes and we have been determined through our new contract the gll better um previously known as greenwich leisure liberty are under a transformation of that data because they are providing services under a contract for the london bar of newham we have accuracy of data it is monitored on a monthly and sometimes even weekly basis from returns so we feel that we're on a better footing for that it remains important to continue to track progress comparing to previous needs needs to be treated with caution therefore and i want to say that a key objective during year one of the contract is to create a new baseline for benchmarking that's benchmarking will be along the indicators that we have in the rest of adults and health which is clearly around age all the protected factors including of course ethnic group and diversity and age groups now the number of rust sleepers sleeping rough through uh by monthly count has increased last year 23 but i can put on record that it was at a low point when i went out with the team last week and it's currently a decreasing trend newham has seen an increased number of new people rough sleeping over due to specific interventions in response and the resilience of our rough sleeping integrated model that the formal annual street population snapshot will be comparable comparable to previous years it is important to note that the ministry of housing communities and local government take that snapshot in um february we went out and yeah sorry we it was based on the data in get my dates right where are we generally that that was in a survey done two months ago um but there's not released it but we're hope hopeful and we are fairly confident that it will be comparable with previous years i want to put pay tribute to the officers leading now i don't want to name them in a public meeting but the rough sleeping integrated model has been a success story and a real tribute to the way we're working across directorates and i think it's important to note that those challenges and areas for improvement are based on real solid data collection by hard-working staff but also working in partner with change grow live in the case of our rough sleeping integrated model and in terms of our officers in public health under leisure working very closely to monitor contract delivery thank you thank you very much okay thank you thank you mayor um councillor miraj patel green street east deputy cabinet member for environment um this report uh where it relates to environment is generally very positive uh uh we've seen a increase in um household waste sent for reuse for something or composting um albeit you know it's one percent this there's not much in it but um if we we think about the you know sort of the hundreds if not thousands of tons of waste uh that we produce as a borough and off our wider framework of the east london waste authority it does add up so it's it's uh quite significant uh we've got lots of opportunities coming out of our current pfi contract going into um you know a model that will be far more beneficial for the residents of newham um post 2027 and that's uh something that we are partnering with uh we're partnering with uh pretty much havering and barton and dagnum are partners within the elbow framework um in terms of flight shipping there is more work to be done um i am hopeful and actually quite optimistic with um the envirocrime team uh that's been set up um and with us focusing on the data-led um approach that we're using in terms of uh hot spots looking at hot spots utilizing cctv um and looking at sort of problem areas that we can reduce flight ability further um and we've gone through quite a big uh waste change uh as of this um where it's affected every single household in the borough uh we did have some issues although please to say that uh the complaints and also the missed collections are lower than um than we were seeing in summer and they're back to pre-waste changes so that that's really good to see um we've also moved away from certain aspects of our public realm team uh using a paper-based system to digital which will which will help uh greatly over the next uh years uh come i'm sure um the technology that we've we've recently um links us in areas that we weren't joining up uh in for example cage vehicles to flight it individuals or or our staff had to go back to base and then come back out which will save um and work so much more efficiently and i'll end on the note of um our public realm team specifically our our refuse team actually winning the uh keep britain tidy award for um if you can help me alid service team so i'd like to extend my congratulations to all of the team um on on winning that and achieving that yeah thank you all right super thank you very much okay awesome um thank you chair uh councillor blossom young uh betton ward um cabinet members for housing landlord and tenant experience in business i really welcome um this report and particularly the formatting which is um much more straightforward uh in lots of ways so thank you very much james for your work on that um just in terms of where we are with homes for our residents it's really great to see um our affordable homes for new and program um continuing um particularly the regeneration programs and uh seeing the 12 trees uh park has completed its first phase which will be a really important um scheme and and uh i know that the mayor and community wealth building team have been working incredibly hard um on that so and that's an important piece of the supply for the homes that our residents um need and of course um that supply is important it's important in our temporary accommodation challenges um and our general needs um there remain challenges of course in what we do we are only just over 12 weeks on from uh the regulator of social housings judgment of new and back in at the end of october and um i know that the team have been working incredibly hard on uh development of an improvement plan which we are in advanced discussions with the regulator um on at this point and while there are significant challenges that remain in um making the improvements to our folks that are needed the direction of travel in understanding how we've got to this point and what improvements we will make and how we will accelerate that so that our residents have um the decent homes that they need uh and can feel safe and confident in their homes is is very much well underway and it's really good in that vein um to see that uh there has already been an increase in the satisfaction of our residents with um repairs since the last quarter um there is what to do of course on that and um we are still the direction of travel is right on repairs um completing first time but we're not there yet and that's very much part of what we will be picking up in in that report okay thank you very much um and then councillor mclean oh brilliant thank you um chair councillor shana mclean cabinet member for resident engagement and resident experience um i just wanted to come in on a few points under resident experience just on the back of what um councillor patel mentioned with regards to the the waste collections and the change in waste collections so one thing to remember is that you know most things have a knock-on effect onto the areas that i'm responsible for so resident improvements is obviously the call center complaints etc and you can see from the the report on uh big page 76 that we've got a few few reds there but as um james part is mentioned in his his remarks briefly and it's written here that there was an increase in demand in in on the service from complaints and telephone calls because of the change in the in the waste um but that's now been resolved and the demand has has gone down um and i'm confident that in quarter three you'll see a marked improvement in the um expansion of the telephone and i i believe that in in december we we surpassed the target um under james's leadership so thank you very much james and olivia and for that one um because it it has been a lot of hard work that's gone into this service area and you'll see from the transformation plans that's mentioned in the the budget that actually there is a deal plan as to how the resident experience will be improved for for the residents of the borough so um i'll leave it there so i know that time's short but i just wanted just to flag that thank you chair okay uh kelsey madeline content voice gate south sexy cabinet member for education um under supporting our young people on page 69 and you'll see that um the inclusions used to provide example young people in schools in order to uh mention of tackle and tackling school exclusions um which is excellent and use of resources and building within schools to ensure that students um given every opportunity to make the best uh use of their time in schools and not be uh educated elsewhere if possible and secondly on page uh you'll see that we've got that the educational psychology service has been interested in capacity also there's a greater offer on speech and language that is available through the joint work with the east london foundation trust but those involved in education health and care plans in schools one of the reasons that we are not able to meet our four targets within the time frame of the um 52 weeks is the lack of specialist services to write the reports as part of the education health and care needs assessment which is undertaken before the education health and care plan is written our schools are working incredibly hard to identify children in ways of intervention for support beyond those that ask support and which is known as a needs assessment at the moment because of a lack of capacity not just within europe but countrywide in terms of the number of available educational psychologists qualified within school but also speech language therapists when they take the specialist assessments and to be able to look for these like auto traits within children's speech language and communication rooms and that is what's holding back the progress and the uh speed of the hcp uh delivery within the time frame of um tool undantly within the standard experience in even 18 years 000 to move to an even brigade so we'll focus in a single bullet in some opportunity to learn how you improve and then be developed forward to accept by what's your goals and个et and also then be explained but i'm sure you can figure it out at a time frame for all your goals and teachers who have come to us and is and being issued within 20 weeks from the initial request, still being at 60%. The team officers and graduate work with the North East London Health Trust is being undertaken to build that capacity to ensure a sustainable reaction to that current deficit so it can become a sustained positive. Okay, and then I've got Councillor John Whitworth. Yes, I'd just like to mention some of the projects undertaken by areas associated with my portfolio. The acceleration in healthy school streets and the programme to procure for electric vehicle charging points are very commendable and represents a very big acceleration. There's a lot of work that's been done on the new Air Quality Act, which is due to come out this year. This will be a little different from the previous ones in that there's more stress on public engagement and public involvement. Work has been continuing in schools for a few years, mainly in school context, small amounts of funding have been obtained. This depends on the cooperation of the schools, but this has been enhanced by the schools' sustainability conference, which has now become annual. There'll be another one in June, and this is a good vehicle to get schools involved and showcase the good work that's being done. I will mention the climate action team, which is, of course, the cost of the council is just in the salaries and the maintenance of the team. They get funding, and they've been successfully getting very good sources of funding, more than three million pounds this financial year. And there are a couple of projects that are coming up, but one of them, hopefully, there is a bid for three million pounds of funding, which will be new and share of the funding from London councils. If it's successful, that will provide the means to retrofit three hundred council homes. So this is very big project, and we're hopeful that that will come to pass. And also, I'll also mention the Community Energy Newham, which has worked with Repower in London to equip four schools and three libraries with solar panels. There is now a share offer going public this month, which will enable residents to take public ownership of this project. So that's so good work that's being done. And I think very encouraging. Thanks. All right. I'm going to suggest that we can conclude on this part. I mean, I've just got a few comments on stations. And how progress updates and posted reports reflect figures and numbers and data sets being presented in our cabinet reports. So, for example, there's a highlight as it relates to stronger community voices. It's a critical task of residents to get a positive decision-making. And then we've got a report coming to say, we've got 10,000 people, 20,000 people, 20,000 people. And then I guess the set of questions that are going to be raised by other members in their roles as ward counsellors is what's the discernible difference they'll be able to see as it relates to service delivery by wards and the resident experience. Because presently, there is still quite a lot of amplifying dissatisfaction. And I note a number of the items across all the areas of the building, as the very few haven't been completed. And no doubt scrutiny, as well as audit commissioners, will be examining aspects of this in order to get assurance. And then I'm also noting some of the public council that's been made around senior colleagues exiting and how do we ensure the momentum is maintained in some of these critical areas. Yeah, I'm happy to provide a quick response to overarching comments. Very, very helpful, overarching observation. I'd say particularly relating to the number of corporate plan commitments and LG action plan commitments that remain in progress. And I think there are a couple of things in the next quarter which will move into a kind of completed status. But also, I think the good work that cabinet colleagues have been leading on to prioritise the corporate plan will have a significant positive impact on sort of organisational capacity, which I think cabinet colleagues should be credited for in the way in which they've engaged with that. And that will come come through the next period. I think on the LG action plan and the broader points, which we haven't really covered in the conversation today. I'm sorry so far this morning. One of the key tasks on the LG action plan is is to revise and refresh that plan in light of organisational capacity and capability over the coming year. And I think it's clear from the kind of work required to see through the kind of conclusion of the action plan over the next six months that either revised timetables will be needed in key areas, but also perhaps some more strategic conversations will be needed about kind of organisational capacity to respond to that, the budget, the kind of significant performance challenges that are faced in key areas. And I think that's a very, it's a very insightful observation to offer around the kind of coming periods as well. No doubt, you know, leadership capacity, as mentioned, is a key key issue to continue to support and to kind of, you know, focus on over that period as well. So hopefully that's a helpful response. Right, so let's move on to the next part of this. So I'll be brief, just given time, because I know there's substantial items to go through for the remainder of the agenda. But you've also got the LGA action plan, which I just referenced. The current kind of exercise that we're undertaking on that action plan is to review delivery milestones and timetables in light with that comment made about kind of corporate capacity and capability over the coming periods. I do think the kind of key areas that I'd highlight as acceptance for cabinet's attention on that report relate primarily to the activity relating to relationship reset and then sand prioritization. But I'm happy to sort of report verbally, even though that's not, you know, reflected in in in this report cabinet. But I do think significant, significant progress is is due to be made in those in those areas, particularly some of the work that I know we've all been involved in around relationship reset involving external supports, which I think is has been moving in a positive direction. And also just to reference again the really good work that's been happening outside of this formal space to revise the corporate plan and to to to streamline that they those two activities alone will address some really significant aspects of the work that the LGA action plan is sort of highlighted for the organization to to take forward. And as part of that, I think there's obviously an ongoing need for continued strategic conversations about, you know, the significant strategic challenges the council faces and how that kind of is interfaced with by the LGA action plan and the transformation plan. And those conversations, no doubt, will need to continue. But I think from a from a delivery perspective, hopefully some really positive movement in the future there. And the only other kind of key exceptions to flag on the LGA action plan relate to kind of continued work happening around the overview and scrutiny improvement plan. The conclusion of the LGA support for us around member development and the good work that's been happening with the cross party members working group, which I understand this at its final meeting or final kind of meeting of this phase of its work, and no doubt it'll be future future focuses for that group to to to support. And the kind of continued focus on all of the work that flows from the budgets and the asset strategy, which the the action plan also covers. So those would be my sort of highlights to to flag to cabinet today. And I'll quickly cover the transformation plan just to to aid speed and conclusion of the item. But on the transformation plan, I think the key highlights to flag are the kind of key decisions that are about to be implemented and made in consultation. With cabinet colleagues and there's workshops planned over the next couple of weeks to go through this in more detail to start to really turn programs one and two of the pro of the transforming for the future program into into very clear structural changes and to start seeing accelerated delivery of of the digital and technology improvements that you've you've you've you've heard of from a pilot perspective. And the continued mobilization of the wider program remains remains a focus over the coming period as well could probably spend a bit more time on the transformation program itself. But given time for this item, I'll kind of keep it brief and perhaps the next kind of time that this report comes to cabinet more time could be spent on on those other aspects of the plan as well. So I'll stop there. All right. Unless there are any final questions, I would suggest that we just set out in the report and its appendices note that this quarterly performance report will be further developed in the next cycle to include progress updates on the directorate of transformation. plans. Okay, so is that agreed? indices note that this quarterly performance report will be further developed in the next cycle to improve progress updates on the directorate transformation plans okay so is that agreed that's fine now moving on to agenda item six which is overall financial position 2024-25 future for the budget monitoring period eight i'm going to be inviting council to introduce this good morning council of karalee currently for financial resources and uh can i say thank you james and the mayor i know that the financial situation is a challenge for all of us but i think uh the precise item that we had a lengthy discussion on is a clear demonstration that it is continuing and we're working hard in our north funds to make sure that we deliver our manifesto commitments and our corporate plan and building for the new target so excellent thank you james you and your team and i need the math chair this report is a continuation of the cycle of courtly financial commodities that we've been provided cabinet and as it stands this covers the savings tracker the designated school grant the housing revenue account position of our reserves and the capital and uh this is a summary version of where we are based on all the actions we've been taken and we noted that uh during uh the last year and indeed this year we have implemented a number of uh good governance and financial controls and uh they are still ongoing however our uh pressures remain the same in terms of temporary accommodation costs the uh young um children and people and adult social cares costs are rising and these remain our our our ongoing pressures and that situation is is making life difficult now for us as i said previously we're not alone in it but this is hitting us the hardest and it is beyond local authority financial capacity you can think about you know the total revenue budget 395 million two-thirds of it already goes to social care it does not leave us much room to to do things uh to deliver other other services and the entire local government sector is affected by this and we know why this is tory government's mismanagement of the economy the lack of support for our residents during the last 14 years and this is having a continued impact and significant impact council's finances leaving the disaster legacy for incoming labor government to sort out the tory message i would say however the local government finance is not the only challenge faced by this government and i'm pleased and thankful to the new government that they recognize and acknowledge the work that the councils like new have done and are continuing to do in services going through very very difficult time it is encouraging to note that the new government has already taken a number of steps in the right direction to help local authorities we have seen since july 2024 when they came into power the new government published local government financial policy statement for 2526 at the end this opportunity subsequently the local government finance settlement was published earlier than the time the tory used to publish and they also showed a commitment to publish multi-year funding settlement for the next year and that has already been welcomed by us and that's something we've been trying out for many years because that will help us to plan things better based on financial in recognition of the different local parties are having meeting their costs in terms of rising homelessness and accommodation and social kickoff the new government invited struggling local authority to apply for exceptional financial support which we did along with many other authorities so the government announcement yesterday where they allowed six authorities across the country to raise the tax tax above 4.99 percent that the government has already assumed in their local government financial settlement back in december the new currently we have the sixth lowest constant tax in london and we are facing unprecedented financial pressures heavy heart our part of us application asked for five percent increase in the council tax over and above the 4.99 the government has already assumed and yesterday's announcement committed us to increase the aspect by four percent in addition to the 4.9 the government has already served it's not something that we took lightly because we want to minimize the impact on the taxes i would like the cabinet to note that based on our assessment of the position of other boroughs even with the permitted increase the government has allowed us yesterday we will still remain the four seventh lowest london tax authority however we recognize the needs of our residents and remain committed to continue with our castle tax reduction scheme as part of the budget process we published initial proposals to reduce to 70 percent of our efs application and feedback from engagement process the advice proposal is to take it to 80 percent and that work is still ongoing and will be part of the final budget proposal as i said earlier we have introduced a number of spending controls and i'm grateful to the cabinet colleagues executives and cmt but continue to find mitigations managing down the identified pressures managing risks and seek to identify implement mitigation action to reduce the overspend in order to achieve this the council directorates have implemented a number of conditional financial control things all recruitment requests are being approved by director expenditure control we have a target reduction in agency staff all overtime additional staff payments are to be approved by director panel all budget orders are being approved by director panel all requests over 10 000 to go are going to the corporate leadership board for approval all purchase cards have been canceled or reinstated only where necessary you can see how senior management team is working hard to make sure that there's consistency in control across the authority as i mentioned it is good to see they are working together to operate as one council to reduce cost increase efficiency and manage resources better delivery of the agreed saving is a key priority for the council and something that is being monitored very closely i'm pleased to say that the forecast at present is that we are on target to deliver 86 percent of the savings for the current year we're not stopping in here work is ongoing we're doing everything we can to make sure as far as we can to achieve what we set out to do and we're managing this pretty well however in quarter three forecast change you will note that the general fund overspend is 45.5 million and this is an improvement of 1.1 million from the quarter two report and that is no point two seven decrease there are a number of areas where there has been probably positive movement and the financial controls are showing that they're working and uh even the ta is is the most uh costly uh service that we provide them you will note in the report that our efforts to reduce the nightly cost reducing using less travel large another nightly accommodation has resulted in million pound plus saving but that work is ongoing and will continue to that's a priority for us to do that the budget for this year was also um ballast with an anticipation use of 60 million for capital proceeds section five of the report provides you an update uh on where we are and the council is confident that that will be 15 million will be delivered during this year as as expected as part of the budget process the report also deals with reserves situation the dedicated school grant housing revenue so in terms of capital the forecast profile so far is we expect to spend 462 million uh on that basis out of 672 however there are projects which are ongoing and they will be part of the future budget report as we go along the the deficit as you know this year chair is is the 45.5 million this year and we do have uh airmark reserves and uh i i as a report really states that the um the gap between the um anticipated budget and the um anticipated budget and the cost funded from europe reserve but this is the position which we can't repeat ourselves this is going to be one of and uh i'm assuming that the government allows us the efs in the future that will uh help us to to look at the balancing the budget of the future in the future i would uh and danger myself and ask conrad to uh uh like to do that but all i would say the report not the progress no litigation action we are taking by the difficulties departments of the council the captain colleagues to work in order to contend the situation but this is something that is not sustainable and it's something that we can't solve and i hope that the government will look at the violations we are uh regarded as an after london borough but all the characteristics that in this borough are in london poverty level unemployment level population rise the aging population the highest youngest people in our borough those factors need to reflect it and i'm pleased to also say government is uh reviewing the program of financial uh formula and i hope that this will lead to some beneficial impact for us and i i'm also uh responding to the local government financial review process uh through the letter council fga and leader of ourselves to make sure that we make the case when you're important when you want the matter thank you very much okay thank you chair i'm conrad hall i'm the corporate co-rector of resources in section 151 office of the council uh and reward deputy finance directors uh just very briefly as council allies have still in lock with the report just to highlight a couple of uh important things uh i've mentioned the final local government finance settlement was yesterday and it is the date in the council's comments tomorrow uh capital uh covered the point on council tax in there uh one or two uh slight changes to other grants from the figures announced in the regional government settlement uh i do have one or two concerns about funding for national insurance contributions and possibly also uh to regime ring fences on some of the grants we're going to do a second briefing on that because it will be wrapped up in the budget before the cabinet the 18th february to be published uh on monday so i saw bearing in mind courtesy of that directly the subject of the support uh it was worth mentioning uh and the other thing to say before i hand over to andrew uh of course to re-emphasize the point of that's about what they made uh although how far uh i agree for the significant issues uh in terms of the way uh that the union is funded nonetheless important to take all of the action we can uh within our own resources and agency uh in order to address the finance should be faced as much as we may so i agree with the council when he says the code will still arise you've got to be wider but we need to be able to of course then uh andrew ward is online uh andrew ward deputy director of finance hope i'm being heard clearly um so just a few highlights from the report itself it's the court free monitoring report it follows force called one presented to cabinet in august and the quarter two budget monitoring report presented in october uh on the general fund there has been a you know a modest improvement in the in the position but the key message really is that strategically uh we remain uh where we were with significant um pressures on social care and most significantly on temporary accommodation and the costs of providing for both those uh statutory areas um it's the overall budget monitoring so uh the report also covers the the hra where we have a separate section on the hra and we are on track and in line with the budgets that are set for the year uh for the dedicated schools grant uh i'm pleased to report that good progress continues to be made in bringing down the dsg deficit as planned in line with the budgets and on the capital forecasts where overall uh the position we were expecting a fairly sizable underspend um on the capital budgets that were set um elsewhere in the report and some of this has been covered so i won't i won't speak at length on this but the the section four of the report does give uh information on uh spending uh across the council and showing and demonstrating some of the impact of the spending controls uh that counselor ali uh outlined have been put in place for this year in response to the general fund position section 20 uh details um what's happening with the savings that need to be delivered for the the current financial year and as you heard we're on track for an 86 uh savings uh delivery rate with some savings take a little taking a little longer to deliver uh and section 21 uh details the expected reserves usage in the year all of which should be important contextual information of course for uh the budget report um which follows later this month to cabinet very happy to take any questions but thank you just let me set out your best comments okay thank you very much are there any questions colleagues notes okay so we're just noting this report and i appreciate probably the someone relates to this tablet paper is very challenging and we will be publishing the budget um uh 25 56 next week sorry um subsequent um cabinet meeting taking this this month did you want to say something i didn't it wasn't a question i just think it's sometimes it's worth highlighting just where our over spending is but i'll leave it i'm not i don't need to do well i think it's pretty evident yeah yeah accommodation and social services yeah primarily yeah adults and children yeah sorry i've just seen did you want to say something i i just wanted to add and contribute to the conversation just in terms of what was highlighted in terms of temporary accommodation you know obviously i know it's not a favorable proposition sorry just to introduce myself council amber birdie cabinet member for housing needs homelessness private rental sector and community safety and crime green street west as councillor ali highlight there has been some positive trajectory in terms of what we've seen in ta um and some of that due diligent work has taken place and showcased in 6.4 of the report which includes obviously taking people out of hotels which was one of our outposts in terms of where we are and pathways which are being created for people in terms of the next six to 12 months in terms of secured accommodation i think there's something really important to highlight obviously you'll see on if i just scroll down apologies um just need to reference it because it's really important highlight it's on point one nine which is the homeless response program which is a really important piece of work that's ensuring that the key foundation of the council has the resource and team in place to that really early intervention work and prevention work um you will see on obviously on 6.22 in terms of numerous changes that are being made into the pathways and just in terms of pipelines that the team's ensuring the fact that people that do present themselves as homeless team can adequately support them similarly in terms of what you will see in terms of uh 6.26 which is in terms of the pilot work we're dealing with mhcgl which is a really important piece of work as well so just want to highlight some of the work that the team are doing in terms of not just being static in terms of the approaches that we've had in place but some of this core resource foundational work and pilot work which is fundamentally important to tackle ta recognize there's still work to be done um and hopefully forecasters continue as they are but as counselor ali highlighted i think this is something that is if not across just new but on a national level in terms of housing crisis supply that we're seeing lack of and landlords are exiting the market as well which is something that to contest with so there's many many components that we have to consider um but just want to give members the reassurance of some positive work has taken place which is supporting the budget but recognize there's still more work to be done all right thank you very much um is there anything else that anyone else wants to say say beyond what has been stated so far yeah yes i'll leave it um i think there's a time okay okay so if we just correct on the recommendations page one one eight big number we'll place c for me i assume stands for corporate leadership board i'll replace it with the reason set of the report and its appendices the mayor and cabinet is asked to do 3.1 report and its appendices 3.2 like the management actions to reduce the overspend i set up section four of this report can we get that correction yeah yeah apologies you know the report obviously goes through that version and then it was not a case we should be uh cabinet meeting psychology okay for cabinet members only can we um are we agreeing with the responsibilities yeah agreed and now we're moving to uh agenda item seven and this relates i know we've been mobilizing the restoration and redevelopment of the carpsis state which is 28 acre site um as the council the hearts of stratford and we've been working with um residents that live on the estate for a very long time we've been working with um by the council contributions of the past and we've worked really hard to restore trust and work in partnership with film i'm currently serve the independ consists of 這個 year and network of CLARA acres of oscar to prefer to family home within the которого i intend to be able to Сам Basic London for the curve and helpful to tell them or the developing country more helps to get it done in our departments uh myハ seating for quite a bit which then remains that i think i can tell you that i just wanted to live here and i'm with ailing matric sharks here today yes Craig i was um i buy it 12 to 15 years there's some of the timelines for delivery because of program delays apart from the consequence of um other factors as it relates to a uh james wright point which no doubt the officer who's here uh deputizing for the corporate director um can elaborate on this report provides uh primarily an update on the progress against program delivery uh that was previously approved in a cabinet report that came to uh cabinets in september 2023 um at that point we presented an update on the outline master plan which we had uh consequently received from the london legacy development corporation we provided an update with regards to costs as it um is caused by cost construction inflation and also an update on other important matters in this report it's really um you need to draw your attention to a um significant range of updates as uh set out uh in the recommendation set um i'm going to ask cabinet members if you've got any questions as it relates to an exempt matter i will take them in public uh um but i may have to stop you uh subject to the sentence i received with gerald macken because i may need people to ask that question during a exempt session where i'm going to be available to the present public those will be in relation to matters to do with viability we'll note um that there is a table um 4.10 um that sets out the current position as it relates to viability of the different phases that this report is focused on and um in conclusion in terms of my introductory remarks we uh we've been noting in this report there has been a cost increase but how that will be um managed in relation to draw on carbon like decarbonization of it and um in and through other approaches so i'm going to pause there and i'm going to invite uh director of community and so yeah as i said we last came to cabinet in september 2023 but with a series of decisions around the next stages and building through the problems most of them at that time we committed to coming back to cabinet uh on a clinical basis with viability updates and as well as any other why you don't think it's on the strategy so that's the purpose in today's report the mayors mentioned there are a number of key changes that the report is as a cabinet's approval for one of them is the increased budget for phase one which is filthy uh from 72 million to 98.3 million that's uh said that we've all driven by increased costs inflation they may institute to see people and also some uh changes to build the safety regulations that have had to be factored into the design and it's worth noting that that increase has been upset by additional gla grants to to therefore pretty much fair net you know no change in normal costs to the council and the second key proposals to out is around blood point there's a proposal there to increase the density on that phase of the program uh from premium units and that does lead to a slight increase in uh planning budget which is also requested in this paper and then the third and the change here is that the later the later phase on this general engineering so phase three is that one of the elements of that instead of the council taking forward the detailed design work will all start for now uh with the potential for exploring moving that forward with the partners um as far as the current individual strategy for the estate um and just one more point to point out as well as mentioned there's been an increase in table 4.2 around the peak borrowing uh increase is in fact is driven by the fact that that there's a slight prolongation of the program um as a result of the delays that the mayor has as mentioned and obviously it has increased increase in the last year and last year and last year and last year and last year overall the uh program remains viable for the council um based on the evidence available to us and just why the uh the recommendations are to continue to proceed okay so um um i'm going to open up to questions holly's questions please if you have any i've got counselor charlie mclean and then i've got council of us and young brilliant thank you chair and thank you for that update um darren as a um i think in this room i think i mean myself and council wilson were here from the beginning of the whole saga of carpenters um which was a saga then but now is a is a pretty successful story i i believe um as the mayor mentioned you know residents have been taken along on the journey which is something that's really really important because you know there are a lot of people that have lived in carpenters estate since it was built um and they've they've stayed there they've they've been pushed from pillar to post that it's going to happen it's not going to happen and now it's finally finally happening um and i just want it's just a little plea really just to remember the people the people that live on carpenters there's people that that died waiting for the um the regeneration tackling and it never did but it's going and then they they unfortunately had not been able to to see that and people that lived in the towers i could go to a lot about the different people that have passed away but i won't mention any names and i just had a couple of of questions about the um in 4.46 of the report where it speaks about um the difference in the overall budget and well done on receiving the money from the due later offset that but in the table further down at 4.52 it just mentions about um the pcsa stage a and that which i don't know what that is um and i'd appreciate a bit of an explanation because it does mention that the cost consultant and contractor underestimated the complexity and cost but what did they underestimate why did that that sort of happen because 6.7 million is in the scheme of things it's not a lot but in this financial situation it's a fair amount um and i did have some other questions just about the um break session but i will speak about that in the closed session because it's in the exempt papers thank you thank you very much yeah thank you for that yeah that's right the jrp costs moved quite significantly from november 2021 to the last segment of what we had here in september 2023 and the main reason for that was a consultant said on decimation program i've sat out in the report partly driven by the fact that this the retrofilling approach is quite novel it hasn't actually been done as far as we know anywhere else at this stage so there is more uncertainty in dealing with a project like this um i think the kind of important point of raises at the moment these are budgets to our expense so the money hasn't been successful and that as we've got through the design process we can reduce certainty over the risks of our lists um and obviously we're wondering okay fine um right i've got council for something on um uh thank you chair and uh thanks very much for the report and and carpenters and the kind of wider regeneration of strategies of incredible importance in uh so many different ways so it's good to see this um progressing i guess my question i've got two questions one is around kind of our level of confidence in uh in in these estimates and where we are now knowing that the wider picture across london is remains fairly uncertain in in relation generation schemes um and also being aware that this is a much longer term program and while uh there is a request to kind of approve a series of um go points at this stage the ability for um this cabinet to uh review and uh kind of pause should that be a decision we wish to wish to take in future um yeah thank you for the question um yes so i guess with any as you've said there counselor with any long-term regeneration program assumptions are made about costs at the point in time and so we have cost consultants we have um various technical professions providers with that advice and data advice on board in these assessments that is reviewed at least annually but on a six monthly basis and possibly more than the project we've got that continued over said but there are estimates and there is subject to change i think the point around cabinet control is yes we're not um proposing in this paper to enter into any construction contracts unless we get explicit approval to do that in future i think the other thing i would say is cabinet retain control over the strategy and there are other things the cabinet that was uh decided with the primary housing dates commercial mates involvement components to retain that um control throughout um right any other questions from us i've got council's all cut thank you mayor and thank you darren for quite a detailed commercial report uh clearly this is a big project major project and we are regularly seeing progress report and that is helpful my question is around borrowing can we have um some information in terms of the impact on the borrowing because if you look at table 8.2 is was peak borrowing was 1.1 million in december 23 and december 24 is 1.4 million and obviously next then we have some assurance with that environment perhaps 100 there are you okay yeah for response to that so thank you uh thank you for the question uh as has been said the nature of schemes like this you know because you're dependent on the the assumptions that one makes you know non-visibility measure and knowing what will happen to the interest rate or inflation or whatever over the next 10 years will make these little assumptions so what you have in the table that's been highlighted uh is the current outputs of the viability model of the pin system uh that has been highlighted uh shows that the scheme remains viable on those assumptions uh but with peak following uh increasing uh to that one point figure which is essentially i think you know the cost of the uh program uh all the other matters set out in the report uh and i'll highlight in particular i think in terms of those assumptions you know interest rates are probably the one uh most important to look at uh you know we've currently got 5.5 percent in the model uh that contracts the current assumption of a you know very gradual reduction interest rates over the next couple of years uh clearly that may not happen and if it doesn't and that we're going to see you by downwards uh you would see significantly further uh viability challenges but the critical thing in all of this is that although the borrowing does does increase on the current model you know being set out at the various decision points before major contracts or whatever the opportunity to change strategy for example around a mix of sale or rent with private units and so on in order to adjust those figures uh and uh provided that that net present value figure remains you know which currently is with a reasonably healthy uh positive figure uh what that means is that you know those borrowing costs will contain a billion year old schemes rather than uh impacting by the services but yeah probably you'd have to be right the ways to matter you know you need to force anonymity so you have to put this to the just inherent in running a program like that but such final point that i should make you know if you're in the business of building houses pick the scheme like this you know pick your emphasis on trying to deliver more you know what follows from that is that there are i don't think risks associated with women back into reporting borrowers and so on uh you know so uh international benefit was hopeful from that you weigh against those risks uh but you know it is absolutely right to highlight those as we do by all the importance of who this decision point so that at each critical stage cabinet can determine whether to continue with the program recommended or to make changes to the fact that you use to be changing the slightly right the answer now upon due to that that was important to pull those points out but happy of course that they can take any other questions on that larger discussion thank you okay um are there any other i thought i'm going to propose that i've said there are a couple of questions as it relates to privacy um and also there is a actually on the question on the concrete um yeah so uh i know at um post six point at six point um under risk it does mention um about you know that the concrete that they can't possibly may not be in this is no not sorry i'll rephrase that it says that the may the concrete not be expected condition that there wouldn't be any additional costs um there wouldn't be any significant it says what it says at six point five about concrete um and it just i just wanted it just stood out to me because i i do recall that previously um um i know i recall that there hasn't been any um mention of the concrete not being in a in a fit state i know that we've done initial preliminary tests um and the concrete was proven to be okay that's why we were going down this this pathway um i do know previously that when the original plans for carpenters were in place and the blocks were due to be coming down due to the um i can't believe how many times i said this phrase in this in this chamber concrete eating ants um and that it wasn't a sound structure but it's just jumped out at me that actually maybe it's not so i'll just that was mine but if you can find a question in that yeah would you like me to comment um yes thank you for that that question and yeah there's been a number of surveys that have been carried out on the free tower blocks at the carpenters and so the uh the the survey results here that a jlp is potentially a good time today for deep rupture a bit which is why the detail design strategy uh was greater than the work has been in the way to do that i think uh what the report is highlighting this is quite an awful project there is a risk of course that when the work was deeper into the building issues arise which is important i think flat about them as part of every kind of you know for due diligence on projects like this and the kind of overarching point would be if that wouldn't be discovered then the building itself would need a new strategy and for example you'd end up in strand demolition or whatever else so again it would be a checkpoint it would be a decision that would need to be taken on how to proceed after the wishes that happens yeah thank you okay fine thank you very much so um are there any other questions no all right super um okay so we're going to be going to an example um um agenda item 17 which sets out the exclusion of press and public for the item uh number seven um of the business to the extent that except information as described in part one of schedule 12 8 of the act 1972 is likely to be dismissed um can we agree to um exclude the press and public numbers only yes thank you very much so we can't stop it but we can put it up on everything and welcome back colleagues to the public um session of this formal meeting of cabinet the public um and members of the press that will have been watching via our youtube channel we were as of the cabinet and executive um still on the cabinet paper agenda item 7 which relates to the restoration and regeneration of the classes of state program update we were wanted to ask questions as it relates to some key items the exempt appendices and specifically exempt appendix a as it relates to the master plan viability update uh and also a couple of questions as it relates to um exempt appendix c jrp cost plan analysis and exempt appendix e strategy um i just wanted to also advise um in this public um cabinet uh we've noted uh we've noted uh we've noted the formatting and numbering of appendices and for the purposes of um the record of decisions um just wanted to advise colleagues that will capture in the minutes um clarity around a non-exempt appendix g which relates to recommendation 2.3 on page 225 of the substantive non-exempt non-exempt report and similarly what we will do is just provide an explanation as to pages all the appendices including those exempt appendices for the interests of expanity and clarity and noting that some of the exempt items if you were to access them if you've got a authorization to access exempt appendices online we have detected a uh user experience issue that we will resolve but the exempt appendices are also online in the designated except appendices section of for this report via yeah now coming to the recommendations are there before i head into recommendations are there any final comments before we move on no i'm going to just invite darren to do some concluding remarks and particularly darren in the context of subject to approval formally uh around the timeline of the state restoration regeneration programs what time frame are we looking at now what and what will we be able to be able to point to as a discernible shift in activity and things emerging including meanwhile projects but the estates and other residents living in and around stratford can see are you over to elaborate and then i'll go to recommendations yeah sure thank you um so yeah the meanwhile use project it's the um arrival on site and it's been installed on the site of the training courage which is going to be a community cafe that's usually open in the spring early summer and and there'll be activation around that there'll be further work on um support caverns that are going to be uh like a box spot not box spot but that sort of effect that's going to be launching for next time to solve some businesses uh residents and opportunities up there and because meanwhile use strategy is progressing uh separately to the way the development works and then on jrp uh specifically subject to cpu um you should be able to start seeing progress on site there and around okay so you've been trilling but thank you very much right so recommendation of colleagues if you can note the 16 recommendations that are set out across page 195 and the top of 197 um the only thing that i wanted to clarify is as it relates to the breakdown of the social housing decarbonization fund where it's got delegate authority resources and consultation with lean men to approve the social housing decarbonization fund application for grant funding is that because it's a grant as it relates to just transition and climate emergency and you're just a bit confused why it's director of resources and not in consultation leave yourself and other cabinet members right go um so i understand that this recommendation is the cabinet would need to make any decision around receiving grant money so this is about experience really so even when the grants awarded who can get a non-heal decision with what's signed up by the corporate director of resources so it's just about ensuring the yeah yeah yeah no i appreciate the efficiency point it's just why it is the director of finance i what is that because the director of finance is also the section 151 statutory i have no idea i don't also understand why it's not in consultation with you know because it's social housing it should be with you know blossom because it's part of our council state and also with me overseeing the overall program i just don't understand it but you can amend it to add other consultees uh if you want that doesn't present any sort of uh problem uh i think if we simply drafted that way uh no particular uh uh in the fact that uh social housing decarbonization sits within the climate change that they're consistently in my department but no it's not because of any particular certainty is not problematic at all grab in consultation uh with uh any other members that you you think uh using blood for it okay fine so can we just insert in consultation with uh after the lead member for finance the lead member for housing land leader 10 experience improvements and the lead member for inclusive economy housing delivery okay thank you so subject to those that just okay thank you so much thank you so much thank you very much thank you very much letter item eight investing in our homes storing decent homies works for tenants i'm going to pass it over to brossom young and brossom the director is being deputized for by uh thank you uh thank you chair um colleagues will be aware uh that we are undergoing a significant improvement program for our homes and this um paper is um in that vein we take our commitments to providing our residents with a safe and secure home very seriously and have an obligation to maintain the approximately 16 000 social social tenant and homes we maintain to ensure that they meet the decent home standard um we've got an ongoing program of works to make improvements to the quality of these homes and have um had that for some time um and in particular we have obligations to periodically upgrade kitchens bathrooms heating systems windows doors and roofing um it's important we make improvements in these areas because they can lead to better environmental and energy efficiency for our tenants um which will assist in the degree of our justice transition plan and um can help to address fuel poverty um this is of course also part of our response to the regulator of social housing's judgment um and as such what we're bringing today is really an acceleration of our planned program of delivery um so we want to bring properties up to decent home standard and we need to do that quicker than our program has been previously um for us to be able to do that we need a really efficient and effective route to deliver the program of our works and so we're proposing bringing in external contractors to assist in delivery of this um this report sets out the proposed approach to procurement of the contracts the program of works and seeks approval for up to 18 million pounds to be used for this sourced within existing budgets um it's important we do this so uh the decent home standard uh is important in uh residents having uh safe and secure homes that are appropriate for their needs um and that we're periodically making uh those uh additional uh improvement works in key areas we need to accelerate that process one of the things that we found uh all that was found as part of the regulatory judgment is there's around um 20 of our um homes which currently don't meet the decent home standards so that's why it's really important that we're doing this work now and that's around three thousand four just over three thousand four hundred um properties in terms of this particular process um we're proposing to bring contractors in um we want to uh do that over um geographic uh contracts so more than one contractor certainly um focused in particular areas to try and deploy the resource as effectively as we can um and what because we've been doing this work for a period of time um the team have got a very good understanding about what the costs are for um sets of work for windows kitchens bathrooms doors electrical systems so on um so the intention is to use a kind of basket rate model so what would be the average cost for a one bedroom flat for these works two bedroom flat uh three bedroom four bedroom etc um and then to invite contractors to price on that um on that basis the report sets this out in more more detail um and yeah i would just urge cabinet to approve the recommendations okay i'm going to invite any critical questions are there i've got councillor ann east thank you um annie said one of the councillors for royal albert ward um which is so often sadly the ward that time forgot and so i particularly welcome this on behalf of our residents there i see that you hope that the work will would be done by march 28 that's three years from now um how confident are you are we aware of the extent um so i think i'm i'll bring seven in a in a moment but i urge colleagues to see this as part of the wider program that we're going through with the regulator so yes this may seem like a very long time frame of course we are as well as doing decent homes program also investing in our repairs uh to reduce that backlog particularly addressing fire safety and remedial works there and a number of kind of building safety improvement work that is already happening so um i i think that you know the team have been doing a lot of work in understanding the time frames for delivery of each of those elements and how that balances against each other so um yes i think there's reasonable assurance but you know i i think there's a lot around what is being put in place to kind of quality assure the work of contractors and make sure that we're keeping on a program track so i'd expect this to be under periodic review and also i don't know if there's anything you want to add to that anything that i would add to that is obviously in order to deliver this large capital program plus all the other things that council young has identified and are crucial in terms of our responsible regulator we are in the process of building our capacity to deliver capital investments at that scale so in terms of confidence it's dependent on that process being successful i think i think most of us um know that most building schemes that we know of have um gone on a bit longer but i hope not too thank you okay um just a very brief on from what councillor young has said about contractors being um monitored and you know could you just explain how you intend to do that because we we know work gets done the quality of work and contractors coming back and feedbacking feedback that work is completed how are we going to be assuring that the work is done to a quality that has been expected uh absolutely so this is certainly something that i'm working on with the team at the moment because clearly on this and on uh the fire safety work that we approved um in january we're looking at a different route and a route which is not all about in-house delivery and i think part of um david's reference to capacity is is very much about gearing ourselves up in a way that's about managing this slightly differently to the way that we have done before um so certainly uh kind of meetings with those contractors and the appointed contractors um making sure that we're seeing uh key data in terms of how quickly they are moving what the quality of the work is um we've had discussions around spot inspections for example and making sure that we're um visiting and assuring uh for ourselves and for our residents also so um i don't know if you want to add anything to that david but yeah actually we can talk about building capacity to be having adequate property managers uh project managers and adequate government systems around the project to ensure that the work is done in one of the investigations that would be efficient that that would probably need to spend another capacity but the works uh provisions and so at the moment that works provisions absolutely excellent director that is something you're looking at in the future with the option of building up that capacity can i just add something i'm really pleased that windows are replaced and windows checks are going to be done thank you okay any other questions no i can't see any so i'm going to be just putting on to the recommendations on big page number three one eight um you'll note for the reasons about the report and its appendices tablet is recommended two three two point one decent home standard improvement works hra housing stock as described in this report at section four proposals to be undertaken by way of program works 2.2 to delegate authority to the corporate director of inclusive economy housing and cultural representation with legal and for housing language and experience improvements to 2.2 221 2.2.1 commenced and approved appeal process for up to four contracts for the program of decent home standard works for the council's hra housing stock up to a total cost envelope of 18 million 2.2.2 to award the contract subject to their combined values not preceding budgetary envelope of 18 million pounds is that agreed colleagues agreed there's one thing that i have said previously we can pick it up outside where you've got some of our housing stock enabling our affordable homes and new students is there a way in which we can look at sinking the upgrade of the estate because we've got to start avoiding the situation in neighborhoods where we're investing little towns to build brand new world design stock and then states is still being left to fester and there's not so i thought we i appreciate this prioritizing matrix that you're part of but i've spoken about it a number of times now um and i don't know whether a lot that's specifically built into program thinking um right let's move on we've got agenda item nine so um colleagues this is you know relating to the holiday activity and food program for 2025-2028 you'll note that the paper lists as lead member councillor menly on on a vote who was formerly the cabinet member for youth power um and as mentioned at the start of this meeting um she regretfully stepped down so i'm going to be presenting this report um i'm going to say two things one um i'm going to be presenting this report in her honor uh because uh we have uh lost a great talent in the cabinet cabinet and i know that she was very passionate about wrong things young people and the second reason why um the second point i wanted to make as part of my introductory remarks is in the context of nuance given where our wisdom communities are as it relates to not their physical location but the material condition of their lives we know that too many households are exposed to the damaging and corrosive impacts of poverty and inequality and as an administration since 2018 it has been a fundamental aspect of what we do under the auspices of now building a fair of newham then people at the heart of what we do join code 19 towards a better newham and all of our corresponding complementary strategies we are anti-poverty first and foremost and we think that even at this juncture of the 21st century despite this seeming to be more of a feature or our assumptions of the global south poverty in terms of poverty in terms of food poverty food insecurity is a lived experience of so many houses with households with children and people uh that we were horrified and shocked the holiday activity with food program that we've been delivering over recent years um is a testament to our endurance and to give families and people a hand we are unable as a administrator we are not wanting to constitute a dependency culture that draws criticism from nebulous forces that exist in our country try to try to serve fair and project antagonism towards those access our supports we're doing this in anti-polity strategies enabling people to gain skills access jobs be paid well through a london living wage uh we're incubating uh we're incubating a vibrant inclusive and dynamic economy it was said earlier in relation to the performance performance report for a place like newham is exceptional but we are achieving such high educational outcomes actually it's not exceptional it's to be expected given the nature and the character of the people that live in this borough and who we are fighting and in abundance holding back their aspirations and their ambitions for themselves and for their children and i think the holiday activity and food program is amongst the best examples of how we use funding not to diplomatize children and families but to empower them to make them realize that they are being cared for or being cared for supported council and administration that believes every single child and young person has the entitlement and basic human and to have available and open to them a whole lot of and that's the reason why i will continue defending everything that we do uh through the youth power endeavor and youth empowerment service i think it's commendable that the youth empowerment service has been at the front line of delivering this because they see um very much what's happening on the ground in collaboration with the community and faith sector departments and it is really important that we're doing that uh with partners in terms of ensuring that the holiday activity program role that we've received from us will be receiving for the period set out in the report that's 2025 to 2028 um is um as expansive as it can be within the projects that we've got i know that at times it's been a challenge for some of our voluntary community and faith sectors to undertake outreach there's been points at which that money has had to be returned we don't want money to be returned we want for that money to be used because returning that money we want for that government and it's important that we uh remain diligent and ensuring that we're capturing through our data and through our eyes and our ears for every single account including our work and the 50 steps to a healthy annuum which recognizes and acknowledging social determinants of ill health health which fundamentally relates and the work that we're doing as it relates to our food um food um yeah the range of the scale of food insecurity uh and the spatial areas of the borough where people don't have really access to cheap nutritious food so this is a really welcomed contribution i think it's it's the council have been allocated additional funding for the coming year uh so it come in three years 25 to 28 and it's two million from the department of education and remember that the holiday um is it is going to be um so uh i'm not going to be bringing in is there anything esther you want to add no nothing more to add but thank you for that um glowing overview of half very much appreciate that okay super um right is there anything gory you wanted to say no nothing to add mayor just to say that we have got confirmation of the exact um amount which was predicted really well by esther and her team so it's two million forty nine thousand and a hundred and ten pound two thousand more than last year which is good um but given the last preschool meals it doesn't necessarily equate but at least we got you know the same as last year i guess okay are there any questions right i've got councillor um nil wilson councillor montez khan councillor an easter and then madeline yeah yeah thank you very much share um you've referenced the already nutrition and physical health and imports of those in terms of the uh school holidays but also in three one the uh children affected uh with unhealthy holidays right reporting in uh speech mark uh or about less likely to access uh organized out-of-school activities and more likely to experience social isolation all of those factors are well known this is a contribution as you say uh mayor towards some of that delivery for those uh children less affected and i just wanted to um flag up that i think it's an important point for those of us who represent the local authority at school governors in four six to maintain schools will be invited to express an interest in delivering half provision experience of interest will be assessed against that framework of standards clearly and maintain schools will submit submissions there is clear reference uh you know to schools board of governors and we've had discussions in this council for quite a while that school governors are the decision makers and speaking as a chair of finance of two i think it's important that we do actually make certain school governors have that decision making um and be alerted to it as well as head teachers who are quite clearly the senior officer present at such meetings so it was more of a statement than a uh um a question share but i think it's important we we do link those two elements about governors and the way that they are also by the way the largest volunteer group in the country um you know encouraged to actually decide this provision for the good of our young people especially in these school holidays um i think it is going to be um such a um wealth of a resource for some of our families school is a safe haven for most of our children um where there are overcrowding um some of our children experience um or are witnessing um domestic abuse at home when schools are off i think you know the the fact that we are able to provide um this facility this program which has been very successful and we want to continue um so i just wanted to commend the work that's gone in um for us to okay fine thank you very much um um how are we going to make sure that post-16s are included um i'm going to pass over to esther because there's specificity in terms of the holiday improvement program in terms of age and in the context of post-16 that will be that's been picked up after the auspices of our wider food insecurity strategy which will be subject to review in any case and i know that in some of our spaces that young people occupy specifically our youth zones there's a emphasis around how we enable them to both learn about the joy of cooking and have access to nutrition nutrition mills because of the oncology that young people schools um we know that as it relates to secondary school kids there's a lot of work that needs to be done in encouraging uh presentations as it relates to the front in already available um outside of our program that we offer which is um yeah there's a lot to be done around mobilizing our food security strategy better i don't know if there's anything it's not in the grant criteria but it's something that we raise when we meet with you know the department for education because sometimes they garage and their allocations narrow down so much it's yeah most helpful but some 16 year olds because it's up to year 11 so you are 16 and maybe it's or a half thank you uh councillor madeline for forest gate south chapter cabinet member for education um really welcome the report i was very lucky to be able to go and visit a large number of the half projects in the summer and see children across the borough in many different locations from parks to fixed uh sites to school and community facilities taking great pleasure in being on the half projects and seeing a real boost to their community and how they felt about themselves and as well as gaining good nutrition uh during the holidays what i wanted to check was that um one of the issues for the government is to ensure that we are have the capacity to only use 10 of the grant for administrative costs is that something that we've been able to and or we feel we're able to meet yes a hundred percent good yeah okay anything else no all right let's move to seriously the reasons set out in the report cabinet has recommended point one agree the acceptance of the anticipated of circa two million in dfe for the delivery of the the half of program for the easter summer christmas and days and 55 and also just know the actual amount that we received was two million three hundred two million and forty nine okay we'll note that in the records as well and 2.2 delegate authority to the corporate director of the children on pp in consultation with the portfolio holder of huge power but right oh or it's except the grant funding from the ufe you've got the school holidays in 2026 2028 yeah if that agreed okay fine right let's move on to send special educational needs and disabilities capital investment um counselor rules thank you very much um members will remember that in 2022 and probably in 2018 as well but we made a commitment in our manifesto to provide the best educational opportunity for our children and young people and the best right here at home in newham really important that our young people remain within their home communities it creates friendship circles and it also means that they don't spend half their time traveling in a cab and we would like them close to families and existing support networks this report highlights our dedication to an inclusive education and seeks approval for capital allocations from existing dfe funded grants additional investment in specialist provision to ensure that education in the borough continues to be increasing and that all children and young people have equal opportunity thrive in their educational setting supported to achieve success in society and the world of work we have worked with our family of schools with parents and carers and as importantly our young commissioners to co-produce and identify the projects for investment that will deliver the best send provision for our children and young people additional specialist places are an investment which will enable the avoidance of both high after fire replacement costs and children and young people being placed in less inclusive settings outside of newham i believe that peter is has joined us peter has been responsible of this program from start to finish so i don't know where to go through the chair but peter do you wish to add anything can you hear me yeah thank you councillor rosen um we went through a thorough process to shortlist the providers um for following this expression of interest process it was really helpful that we had the input from both parent care representatives and the young commissioners um and that there was a concurrence of views about which were the uh the strongest uh projects to shortlist um the projects that we are recommending um will very much meet the need that we have identified that are growing for our children and young people particularly around autism and those children and young people with profound and multiple learning difficulties um it will also create more provision for young people over the age of 16 which was particularly identified um as an area that we needed to develop in the um ofsted um send area inspection last year um so we believe that these proposals will significantly enhance our inclusive provision and avoid children young people having to travel out of borough okay super thank you very much do we have any oh sorry did you want to say something madeline yeah no no i was gonna make a comment afterwards okay cool any questions yeah no um first big thanks to everybody for the work that's been taking part in this um the government was very generous with giving grants before christmas for the building of capacity as we've been building with covered sites in our new sites which because of the work that's been undertaken by the team scm was waiting in there to actually receive the grants and which i hope will um um capitalize on this work it's really great that there's going to be an extra 34 places across the border for students with um autism and sounds of masquerone examples in addition to actually bringing um back particularly into newer those places that are needed more 16 plus as somebody that's worked at pmld and asd schools where some children are traveling up to two hours each way in cabs uh with you know not always with an attendant or an assistant with uh that it really is something to end in terms of the and deregulation that that students as well as the concern um all around the parents when they're out of their site for that time even though they are with uh somebody with dps check but also because um it means that should there be a problem with transport which can occur people rather human it means that their children were stuck at least a four-hour round trip away for them to be able to go and collect them if they have anything so this is really really needed desired wanted and it also continues newham's um clear focus and attention to an inclusive uh facilities within the borough in terms of those schools that can apply for increasing their inclusion and responsibilities and duties but also for students within the with high needs very high needs to be able to stay within their local community grow up with their friends their neighbors and their family close by them for every board work so i can't make anything else i've got recommendations big page number three three six to the top of 337 so that's because it's recommended to agree 2.1 or the way through to 2.4 how about members only now we're moving to agenda item 11 this is so i'm going to invite um councilor charlie mclean to introduce this i'm a member of resident engagement and resident experience and my my friend here has just pointed out how long our our report is because there's lots of appendices and lots of information there and lots of information there for um for people to to please view and i hope that colleagues have all all read all of the the information that's been provided for you for my evaluation so um i wanted to start by thanking you now for your vision back in 2018 for becoming a beacon of participatory democracy no it's not thought it's a big thing it's a positive thing so there was a recommitment again to the vision in 2022 manifesto and people power places is now the primary vehicle through which we as a council fulfilled this commitment yeah we're getting to that bit about world winning so this initiative empowers residents to decide how to allocate part of the council's papered community and structure levy funds so by involving community residents in this decision-making process we enable them to influence and cover trees local priorities facilitating a democratic distribution of public funds for initiatives that residents identify and residents have a unique understanding of which projects will benefit their communities most so it's only fair for them to have a direct say in how these funds are used over the six-year program we have uncovered new methods for tackling issues enabling residents to implement impactful projects across the borough ppp funding has supported over 300 resident groups charities spatial enterprises faith organizations and voluntary and community organizations reflecting diverse experiences this has shown that our communities possess a wealth of knowledge skills and resources and that residents are in a solid position to identify and address their needs to improve their neighborhoods participation rates in the program are encouraging indicating a strong desire for further community empowerment over 10 000 residents took part in the voting voting process alone this program has significantly significantly expanded its work for external partners in this cycle the partnership the role docs team has proven mutually beneficial with the two team committing to continued funding and collaboration networking events have also fostered connections with over 20 key organizations including funders threats developers academic institutions and infrastructure support organizations creating a foundation for further partnerships in the next cycles if this report is approved today the people pad places programs reputation as a leader in participation democracy democracy has grown significantly generating interest not only for many other local authorities looking to develop their participation budgeting initiatives we recently invited to conduct a seminar to 80 civil servants in national government to explain how we do what we do go vocal the developer of noon copia ranked people power places as the top project for digital participation in 2023 and that and the most engaged project globally and just to show you the scale of that go vocal works in 500 plus local governments and organizations across 20 countries so in 2020 we were the best of all of them okay so in october 2024 people power places was also selected for the democratic innovation accelerator a prestigious eu-funded eu-funded program won by the us-based people powered and the european-based network the democratic innovation accelerator supports innovative participatory democracy initiatives for 11 countries we are part of that the report also includes several recommendations from for the extensive evaluation that was undertaken hence my learned friend here showing how thick the report was because we take this very very seriously the key outcome of this evaluation is allocating funding to ensure it is distributed more equitably for resident-led projects especially those focused on or led by young people lastly i want to express my gratitude to all the working group members for their dedication local knowledge and hard work as well as to the counselors and senior officers have supported this program the community neighborhoods teams that facilitate it and guided everyone through the various stages of the initiative and also the participation democracy team who hold it all together lastly planning colleagues who believed in people power places and but most importantly the residents who have participated in the program program and have embraced the process wholly um i'll leave it there for now chair but just to say people power places your voices your choices your neighborhood thank you thank you okay are there any um questions i just think we should vote this report no no no i've got counts a question not a comment and a contribution you know convey your appreciation of what's been achieved that's the question a lot of work has gone into this we shouldn't just just ask it off i know and we're celebrating and that's why i was suggesting a standing ovation that's why i was suggesting a comment yeah anyway question thank you um for those uh residents who have been really involved in the democratic participation and engaged people cloud places offers yeah and is there a steps uh kind of progression ladder for them to move on to or move within the people places system to help them to help them become advocates or help them become um community coordinators good question good question um before i bring officers in i'll just let you know that there are people that have taken part in different parts of the of the process throughout the different cycles so you've got people who were working group members who have now decided that actually they'll put through a project themselves it's been very successful there's people who put through projects and then they're counselors there's people that have that have engaged in all different parts of the process and there's opportunities because that is what noon is all about but sadia i don't know if you wanted to add a bit to that um absolutely so in the new cycle that we've developed one of the key recommendations is the the introduction of an alumni network record recognizing the journey that our residents and community project leads have been on and as part of the alumni network we will provide some training for them to continue on that journey they will also mentor new projects they will share their valuable learnings and they will continue to work with us to shape and share and develop the program so i think that's a really critical way and it's also to recognize the journey that some residents have been on so as councillor mclean mentioned there are many ways for our residents to get involved in the program and we have absolutely seen some residents take part in just coming along to our events um but they've then been inspired to perhaps apply for some funding we've had residents take part in some of our projects who have then gone on to be project leads so there is certainly a journey for our residents in community leadership well done fantastic good question i just think on that point around ongoing development of vis-a-vis community leadership and again in the context of transformation of this organization and a one council approach as part of a review that's going to be part of as part of the reviewing aspects of this next phase of the program when considering and reflected on the delivery of the state it does need to be something around how it's aligned to pathways into skills and employment because it's a skill that they're acquiring and actually in the context of some of the concerns that have been raised by members around the you know current state of the relationship of the council and community-based sector and different parts of the council are trying to bring that together as part of the voluntary sector and community sector strategy how this can also help support that but we can pick that up on someone yeah but well done right i'm going to suggest that we move to the recognition of the big page number 21 for the reason shining chair um another sign of how glorious you are yeah your lights filtering sorry uh 2.1 for the reasons set out in the report this appendices cabinet is recommended to agree from 2.2 to 2.6 is that agreed agreed agreed agreed agreed agreed agreed now moving on to what we're getting there thank you awesome yeah thank you officers we've now got to agenda item 12. we've got deliverance of exclusive profit safe protection borders alcohol related issues and control um our pspos coming to expiry so hence this paper has been passed and presented to cabinet um it's one of our key aspects of keeping residents safe um and our parks safe as you know we've got areas of concern where we've got dangerous dogs in our borough and repeated issues of people causing anti-social behavior when it comes to alcohol related issues um the pspo provides one tool that we might use as a council in terms of preventative work that we do um and working with partners in adults and social care when it comes to preventative work that we want to deliver um we recognize that newham generally for many people is a safe place but recognize there are components where people try to change that landscape um this paper sets out some of the work that we've done in compared to other councils and benchmarking as well um and there's dependencies from a to g for reference if people want to check um in terms of strategic focus i think the council and directors has changed this way in terms of our approach we look at community safety um the nice new integrated community enforcement is our approach that we've taken to try and change the landscape of how we keep our residents safe and like so um working with colleagues in community wealth building and highways at place making our environments to ensure some of the level asb that would normally be there is not there um so this paper sets out in terms of sort of providing reassurance that this pspo tool is i'd suppose in that instance and similarly in terms of some of the other work that we're doing to tackle some of the wider asb issues uh i can't see anybody online but i'm supported with allison sherwood who is the lead officer on this report and corporate director allied richards if they want to add anything further thank you chair no i don't i have nothing else to add that good summary all right so are there any questions right i've got council millwood questions remember please maddening solid content would you agree there is a close correlation between the areas identified in the table around alcoholic asb enforcement and those known to us in terms of the um rough sleeping pathway for instance uh as an exemplar canningtown flyover and that there is good partnership working with cgl partners within public health because drug related and alcohol um related issues do contribute to some of the most vulnerable in that yeah thank you council wilson yeah definitely i think some of the officers that you'll see on the ground that are involved in a lot of this work and the due diligence of training and problem-solver approaches is really testament and what you'll see in terms of some of the support that they'll find with as you see vulnerable residents on on streets that are rough sleepers that need that wider support um and that proactive work in terms of partners like cgl hestia that will refer them to that i think this is more of a preventative mechanism that we have to look at in terms of what we're trying to do to ensure that residents are safe but then taking that that tough flooding approach but we would need to issue fpns for those that don't adhere i think if you look at the level of interventions that have taken place and other wider pathways that we need to create for residents that need that support when it comes to alcohol and substance issues is is really important at this moment in time as you've seen over not just covid but um the cost of living prices the level of alcohol increase that we've seen so it's fundamentally important that those partners um that we're working statue partners well you know with the met police um do they do diligence and some of the change and reform that they've put into place when it comes to substance misuse especially drugs project adder is example of that and how outreach is going to place a worship on the ground to support residents when it comes to this sort of work um and the wider dog dog's partnership board that myself council wilson councillor ruiz are all involved in in terms of tackling some of those hard-hitting issues yeah but yeah it's definitely interlinked yeah okay councillor councillor medley's other content um very grateful the work that your team and councillor are the resources teams do with regards to um public safety around uh street cleaning etc on lovely streets there is a um a choice when you're saying that a street needs cleaning mentioning that it's dog fouling or that it's sharps and needles yeah but there isn't an option for glass around bench areas i've actually had a email today from a resident about such a case is it possible maybe to add that to love clean streets as smash glass um don't control our clean streets we could put that as a suggestion for the operators yeah okay thank you thank you thank you for the suggestion i am not going to tell you no if you don't want to pick any um sort of a question but i can always ask amma okay fine yes it's fine it's just this is a public meeting it's only public papers as opposed to statements because yeah there is a point of time as well um are there any other things i'm going to suggest that we move to the recommendations that we have to start in the book of the premises capital recommended to agreement to agree 2.1 to the implementation of the proposed model by the pspos for the appendix is made and then it's 23rd of february 25 expires 23rd of february 25 expires 22nd of february kept in peace is that agreed that's agreed moving on to the next tablet paper which is a procurement of electric ship with charge points this counts the syrie thank you very much um as you members will be aware we have been actively working to tackle pollution and improve the environmental quality of the borough and with one of the key challenges being the reduction of vehicle emissions as part of our ongoing efforts we are committed to supporting the transition to electric vehicles which is a vital step towards lowering emissions and improving air quality increasingly our residents are embracing electric vehicles and to support this we genuinely need to build the necessary charging infrastructure the scheme will see newham's total number of ev charges rise sorry 2135 making considerable progress towards our target of 3000 by 2030 so we've got another five years to get the last remainder therefore we meeting future demand as more people transition towards electric vehicles by the uk government's zero emissions vehicles mandate where all new cars and vans must be electric by 2030. given the financial pressures on local government particularly following a decade of austerity it has become more challenging for councils to invest in infrastructure independently as a result we have sought innovative solutions including securing alternative funding and forming strategic partnerships with neighbouring london boroughs redbridge and waltham forest jointly procure the ev charging infrastructure this collaborative procurement approach aligns with new and broader sustainability agenda and our commitment to the 14 residents in their transition to electric vehicles we will continue to explore partnerships and funding opportunities to help us meet our invention mental goals and ensure a cleaner greener future for our community and charles is here charles is your you charles is here may i should you wish him to answer any questions anything else that you wish to add yeah um i'm charles macundi uh from the hires and traffic team uh yeah uh thank you uh canada ruiz and uh i'll just say that uh this project does present unfortunately to us to catch up with other local authorities uh you recall um a couple of years ago we're behind the curve in terms of uh rolling out electric platforms uh but in this project you'll be able to catch up and um um um it'd be closer to achieve more goals uh i think you just um if you just let me know what that is um people up and uh bp uh um google plan has been working on it um to boundary with the fingerprinting for a year and talk to amd uh went with a plan by uh helping uh taking the dataset and having the knowledge of approaches to uh funding for actually these projects so i simply really wanted to have a deal with a new direction by improving on küç Tanar um yeah this is a very welcome initiative that will multiply the number of charges and as you enable us to catch up and um presumably meet demand i have a question there we have some figures of projections of new and need made from 2020 and also figures about the number of electric and hybrid vehicles but i wonder um are there any estimations at what point the number of charges will meet the um estimated demand thank you yeah thank you thank you um according to the projections that we have of estimates that go to 2041 we expect that the numbers that we have achieved by 2041 right numbers to meet future demands okay right any other questions oh yeah um thank you chair um this is amazing another example of us um our manifesto commitments and that we made and and over over exceeding them my my question is just because i know this is a procurement report but how how you will choose where these electric charging points are going to go i mean i know that on the new website you can sort of suggest places where you can you can put charging points but i know there are some parts of that that have nothing at all um and you know electric vehicle ownership is definitely growing up that um drive for a living and so i was just wondering if you could reassure residents as to how they can have more input where where these these um charging points can go so thank you um um we we have criteria that we are using for selecting the sites and um uh one of them is to ensure that we we have a feature of different different boards uh how we have to note that because we at the beginning of this program at the moment we're looking to meet demand so we'll be looking at where people are requesting for this but the other criteria that we have to look at we have to consider safety we have to consider environmental impact and uh also project also we do carry out um strategic consultation with the um with the residents as well as key stakeholders that in of these sites okay i just um we've done our first draft of a strategic policy in terms of the allocation of ev charging points which we are proofreading and then we will have a discussion with a cabinet member take that book okay can i also add we were also looking to ensure that we have some on actual housing estate yeah that's in my world this um and it's those are the sort of things that will be in the strategy so that everyone can have an ep i think it's also important to just be mindful when it comes to private developments us not subsidizing generate profit and installing these because i know that there's an issue that's emerging in these villages where ev charge points stopped the infrastructure's there but stopped but and i don't understand why but yeah okay i've lost them um yeah this is really welcomed um i note working in in partnership with other boroughs and the proportion of uh charging points which will be in newham being much higher than other boroughs involved but understand is it more than forest that will be leading the procurement process so just just what mechanisms are in place to ensure that of charges that will be in newham what steps are we taking to ensure that our needs are put foremost in that partnership okay yeah um the higher proportion of charges in newham uh basically ambitious in terms of proposals for this project and um uh we are also uh in addition to the procurement exercise we're going to enter into partnership agreement um with the other properties uh with that to make sure that the the investment targeted for newham is going to come to newham and also newham is going to benefit from this partnership arrangement as well okay now what what the mechanisms we're going to use to do that is my question sorry um mechanism to get the right numbers no how do we ensure that welcome forest don't just let us sorry i should say it in that way um how do we ensure that our partners who are leading the procurement are going to make sure that new um newham's interest is at heart so to be assured with our partners it will be ahead of terms as part of humans um uh the procurement agreement yeah that they can sign up to so that would give us the new one's interest and the amount of charging points we want will be delivered okay i've signed that that memo of understanding effect are the other touch points monitoring we will be this is just going to procurement and when we if when we get the provider there will be touch points then to ensure where we are to deliver those and we have a very very good relationship with walking profits in this i'll just say that uh there is a plan that we have contract uh contract management meeting during the uh term for concession yeah thank you okay council thank you and these are clearly much needed developed in charge and team for negotiating a better share in terms of partnership role in section in the financial implications say that the cpos are required to find at least 78 percent of resulting costs uh once we go to the procurement exercise i just like to know what's up thinking around how we manage how we're going to be funding that collaboration application 8.1.2 thank you thank you thank you to question correctly you're asking how are we going to ensure this we expected to find 78 percent of 19.3 million uh the question really is how what's our plans about being around that how are we going to meet those costs yeah um what we um we did a market engagement exercise uh for this procurement and at the moment there is an appetite in the industry to fund if if possible to fund everything so we are confident that uh there will be players that would be interested in beating for this work uh when we go to tender yeah okay fine i'm gonna suggest that we move on so go into the recommendations you note the recommendations on the big page number six and three went to six seven four section two or five so for this we set up the report and it's 10 to 6 2.1 all the way through to 2.1.5 is that agreed agreed yeah okay now we're moving to um agenda item 14 regulating micro mobility services in newham so this is council sarah grewers sorry for that um most of us here will have been recognized that the borough is currently by micro i don't mean i just call them scooters or electric bikes um and this report is actually to help us deal with those issues um we want newham to be a place where everyone is empowered by the bicycle um but by addressing barriers such as the cost of purchasing uh a lack of secure storage we will ensure that every resident can enjoy the many benefits of cycling we know that more cycling will not only improve our residents health but also reduce our environmental impact and provide a cost-effective transport option particularly important in today's cost of living crisis to unlock these benefits we need to invest in better regulation of stopless cycle higher services for example line bikes at the same time we are dedicated to ensuring that newham remains a place where footways are clear safe and accessible while doctor cycling offices increased offers increased mobility it can also lead to cluttered ways resulting in road danger if not properly if not properly if not properly managed this is why we are proposing dedicated parking spaces for dockless bikes ensuring that they are left in designated areas by taking these actions we aim to maximize the advantages of doctor cycling making it a sustainable convenient transfer option this balance approach will help us create a borough where cycling is both safe and accessible while keeping our streets clear and welcoming for all ultimately building a more inclusive efficient and sustainable future for our residents so yeah basically it means that hopefully it will lead to no having these like littering our pavements right across the borough and i've in fact charles as well charles is this year as well that's me i have nothing i have nothing to to add there was a screen to election please okay i've got thanks john whitworth councillor neil walson john mcclein and councillor madeline so i'm confident questions questions please yeah questions thank you well councillor ruiz has underlined the importance of encouraging people to to cycle we're undertaking a number of efforts to do this so it's a great pity really if people have put off bikes by seeing them all over the pavements and against their homes this kind of thing i i just wondered um in establishing the formalized party base if we've noted the experience of other authorities and how they have dealt with this and what the results have been thanks very good question thank you um i think we have consulted with uh working forest which has introduced the space like 10 years ago uh so we are building on the experience which has been several years um and but the important part of this is avoid the obstructing between so surely um that would be improvements you've seen success in in other words in framework several years experience on that um a little bit late but okay right so then i've got neil yeah um welcome this particularly in regards 814 right the under equalities regards the footway construction in terms of disabled people with vision and or other mobility in parents and children people with buddies etc noting that it doesn't include e-scooters at the moment which is obviously quite a lot of controversial um legislation making or non-making at the moment um the recommendation that's to report to us as cabinet members is a pending operation of the pan london contract at 2026 are we represented in those discussions and what progress would we sort of put on public record towards uh making this a pan london which would make sense for people don't recognize boundaries with these folks that may be colored green and exception absolutely yeah um yeah we have regular thank you we have regular meeting with london councils and tfl about the progress uh we expect in 2026 however uh things can go you know much further so we making sure at moment to uh regulate um the sorry then the operators that we which are operating at the moment already in our forum so um but yeah also to note uh there is um the english uh devolution um bill um which is not noted on the report because it wasn't it's been recently introduced and we are very welcome uh that paper that white paper because that is is another um it's gonna have further support um um the enforcement uh especially the enforcement of the operators uh uh local authorities um and again also we are consulting with them recently receiving a eft questionnaire but we had the opportunity to share um our view which are uh aligned with anyway with this okay right thank you very much now moving on to council shine we can come to council madeline and signing content that's the last question brilliant thank you chair we i i i sound like everyone else and i don't usually do but i really welcome this and i really really do on behalf of the residents of west ham because these particular bites that i mentioned in the report they blight through the streets it's like they multiply overnight um so i just had a couple of questions because we have to ask questions while being statements um so in for 410 it mentions that um you know people who don't park in the right places will be have different warnings and financial sanctions etc how are we going to enforce that or not enforce it but how are we going to ensure that that happens so that people park in the right places and also um in 411 it mentions that residents will be able to report um incorrectly parked bikes either directly with the operator or why i love clean streets i was just wondering if a particular category was going to be added onto that or if it would be classed as fly tipping or something i wasn't i wasn't sure and my last question is how are you going to decide where are they going to go because in my world in our world in west ham i can think of some great places where they could be pop but it's brilliant well done thank you okay thank you very much do you want to move to the show that was there that was free uh with regards to the first one which is uh around enforcement uh we um we want to work with the operators via a memoranda of understanding uh so we make sure that we're going to have some this intensive or incentives packing uh the the bikes in the dedicated base um so at the moment there is already uh some um incentives that the uh a current operator the line one uh is doing which is some uh giving some free rights if you were back where they're supposed to be so we can definitely work with them on how we can make sure that but yeah we have we do have some legal power uh under the highways act as a noted in the previous nine in the reports where uh we can use our enforcement to uh enforce space if they're obstructing which way um with regard second question was about um um um yeah we are communicating with the team uh so we would like to ask them uh it was possible to add um a tool uh where you can um report the issue straight away that will be linked to their operator and to after and the third question was around square the base by the base so the philo area is going to be where where the bikes are already so where the operator is operating uh which is the western side of newham and we will look at expanding that after probably a minimum of six months of experimental order um um but we welcome you know any suggestions the future how and where uh we can enter the space thank you okay fine so um as a disabled person who doesn't drive i'm very grateful that there's going to be obstacles removed from the pavement i was going to question is we have a lot of electric bikes electric scooters and adult bikes using pavements in general not just for parking but actually for riding on is it possible as part of that work to um encourage the riders of the higher vehicles to remind um users to follow the highway code and not ride on pavements seriously thank you thank you super so i can't see any more questions i'm going to suggest that we move straight to the recommendations which uh set out in the page number six eight six cabinet is recommended to agree to delegate to the corporate directors and then you can see the rest a to d and then change in two is that a green cabinet thank you chair uh in the interest of time i'm going to be brief um thanks to um for the leadership team and uh the service directors uh aesthetic process and the budget challenge we have been continually looking at all possible ways to save money increase efficiency and reduce costs and this proposal report here is is part of that consistent approach that we adopted across the board in order to maximize efficiencies economy and money security is essential to protect to safeguard our assets and enable delivery of some of our wider services also it is to procure all type of security services through an open tender lot support and this is trying to achieve uh the objective that i just stated earlier currently about in 23 24 we were engaged with around 18 suppliers who would cross the council price of 4.7 million pounds and individual services are responsible for commissioning and paying for those services services uh creating a to do that in compliance with council financial regulation withstanding orders we are proud of our london living wage policy and it's agreed that policy will be part of the the procurement process to make sure we continue with that the proposal here is that we um tender for three years plus uh two years with the government extension subject to satisfactory performance i have been assured that as part of the reviewing process we will look at every possibility to reduce the um the needs and requirements by assessing whether we can do it in house from the central ways or possibly introducing technology uh just just to save money that process will be taken as part of process and the need for uh uh the security will vary on a year-by-year basis because clearly depending for the use of the assets and one of the things that we've learned is to make sure that we use our assets you know for alternative purposes wherever possible so there are things that are short of that are being provided and it's really this is something that we have to be delivered and we need to reduce the cost and the proposal is that we uh authorize officers to go out to procure the service based on what's in the report thank you jess all right fine thank you very much i've got one question from councillor neil wilson yeah i um i hesitate to ask this really but on page 700 under financial implications the penultimate paragraph of eight one refers to services are responsible for commissioning and paying for their own security services and must do so complying with financial regulations now i think i'm reassured with your statement and the report that the requirement would change year on year as use and ownership of buildings changes and i dispose of some buildings but this does imply that there's only an annual review and it's still at the service level uh do we mean service directorates or the council or because i would have thought that it might be an opportune moment to us not having this sort of cross-accounting procedure and that if it's corporately driven then it's corporately driven uh in the context of moving to new arrangements which we hope will be more um that that's that is the precise project that we want to centralize it bring it together you know in chief calling scale and wealthy money and have better control and and good knowledge in that same time though steadily it's trust the departments with eight different providers possibly delivering different level of service with different promises though this is all intended for improvements and moving in the right direction to save money and rationalize and centralize so so that um paragraph is is is is not correct that's it right that's the situation just so you can insert something in there because i think it just is confusing if this is a public document okay so what would be a proposed form of words to sentencing question we could add proposals in the report uh we'll seek to uh move to a corporate arrangement yeah yeah absolutely yeah okay fine so we'll add that we're sorry which section do we have that to okay that's the existing situation but not under the new proposal so it's section eight 8.1 plan would change right okay financial education it's okay fine so we can capture that mostly to check with them yeah fine we're going straight to the recommendations for the recent and um in the report cabinet's recommended to agree 2.1 2.2 is that agree very yeah all right finally we have thought lb and health and adult social care that was at the start about five hours that agenda item 17 and we wrote that once today and then just wanted to formally note and i'm going to need to get agreements and we formally note the exempt appendices agenda item seven restoration and regeneration of the cops as a state program update pages 719 to 928 is that agreed finally finally finally before colleague dash as you all know it is the lgbt um heritage month and the um positive east are undertaking a really amazing um cultural artistic initiative and it's in relation to uh their advocacy around hiv and care for those with hiv um which they've been doing over the past several years and they as part of their campaign people um positive east you equals you quit they're encouraging everyone to take a selfie on their phones on their phones and then upload it as you scan the booklet and it will be part of a art installation that will be touring across the country and the way in which the famous artists will arrange the faces so that you can see the presentation of the use of you so um later this week for those members of cabinet and the executive that will be at the cabinet accountability forum meeting on thursday i'm going to see if you can do a group one and if that works and then do individual ones okay anyhow so for all those um marking the heritage of our lgbt community um just know that you've got an ally in newham council yes
The Cabinet approved the Executive Response to the recent Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Commission Report, Meeting Newham's Future Needs
. It also approved the People Powered Places Programme for 2025-27, allocating £200,000 of Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy funding to each of the eight community neighbourhoods, totalling £1.6 million. The Cabinet agreed to renew the Borough wide Public Space Protection Orders for Alcohol and Dog Control, subject to two amendments: limiting the number of dogs walked by one person to four and requiring dogs to be kept on a lead on the public highway.
Restoration and regeneration of the Carpenters Estate
The Cabinet received an update on the Carpenters Estate Regeneration Programme and approved a number of recommendations including:
- Approving the updated Vacant Possession Strategy
- Approving the expansion of phase 2 of the project (Lund Quarter) from 385 to 505 new homes
- Approving an increase in the budget for the James Riley Point development from £78.1m to £98.3m
- Approving the revised scope and commencement of the James Riley Point Enabling Works
- Approving the exclusion of the Dennison parcel from the detailed planning application for Phase 3 of the development (Station Quarter)
The Cabinet also approved the Council's entry into a Section 106 Agreement for the Carpenters Estate. The agreement includes financial contributions of £15.89m and a number of social obligations, such as the provision of new community facilities.
During the discussion, Councillor Charlene McLean praised the regeneration programme for taking residents along on the journey, particularly those who have lived on the estate since it was built. She raised questions about cost increases, particularly relating to the James Riley Point development. Darren Mackin explained that these increases were largely due to inflation and the fact that the refurbishment approach is quite novel. Councillor Blossom Young also raised a question about the viability of the programme, particularly noting the uncertainty in the wider London housing market. Mackin explained that the viability model has been updated to reflect the latest market conditions and that the programme remains viable.
Overall Financial Position 2024/25
The Cabinet received a report on the Council’s overall financial position, which forecast a Quarter Three overspend on the General Fund of £45.5m. The main drivers of this overspend were temporary accommodation costs and rising demand for statutory services, including Adult Social Care and Children and Young People’s Services. The Cabinet was assured that a number of measures are being taken to address the overspend. These include a range of spending controls, a focus on delivering agreed savings, and close monitoring of the Housing Revenue Account, Dedicated Schools Grant, and Capital forecasts.
Councillor Zulfiqar Ali noted that the new Labour government had acknowledged the financial difficulties facing local authorities and had taken a number of steps to address the challenges. Ali also highlighted that Newham had applied for Exceptional Financial Support (EFS) from the government. The Cabinet approved a number of recommendations, including noting the management actions to reduce the overspend and the approach being taken to deliver the Dedicated Schools Grant, Housing Revenue Account, and Capital Programme.
Quarter 2 24/25 Building a Fairer Newham Performance Report
The Cabinet received a report on the Council’s Quarter Two 24/25 Building a Fairer Newham performance. The report introduced a new integrated approach to performance and transformation reporting, providing a comprehensive overview of progress, risks, and opportunities across the Council’s strategic priorities.
Councillor Sarah Jane Ruiz praised the new format of the report, saying it was much easier to read and understand. Councillor Neil Wilson also welcomed the new report, highlighting the importance of robust data collection and accurate reporting. Councillor Miraj Patel welcomed the increase in household waste sent for reuse, recycling or composting, although he acknowledged that more work needed to be done on fly tipping. Councillor Shana McLean highlighted the work that was ongoing to improve resident experience. Councillor Madeleine Sarley Pontin praised the increase in educational achievements for Newham pupils but raised concerns about the number of exclusions. Councillor John Whitworth highlighted a number of environmental initiatives that were progressing well, including the expansion of Healthy School Streets and the procurement of electric vehicle charging points.
The Cabinet approved a number of recommendations, including noting the progress made in delivering the Newham Transformation and Improvement Plan and the fact that the report would be further developed to include progress updates on directorate transformation plans.
Special Educational Needs and Disability Capital Investment
The Cabinet approved a number of recommendations relating to SEND provision, including:
- Approving the allocation of up to £7 million to JFK Special School to increase capacity for a further 20 students with profound and multiple learning difficulties (PMLD).
- Approving the allocation of up to £225k to Ranelagh Primary School to increase its autism resource provision (ARP) from 14 to 21 places.
- Approving the allocation of up to £175k to Gallions Primary School to increase its autism RP from 14 to 21 places.
- Providing funding of up to £1.5 million to be split between 14 smaller projects which will support more inclusive learning environments.
The Cabinet also noted that approvals would be sought separately for capital investment in Newham College of Further Education to create additional provision for learners with Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) and PMLD needs.
Holiday Activity and Food (HAF) Programme Grant 2025-2028
The Cabinet approved the acceptance of the anticipated grant of circa £2 million from the Department for Education for the delivery of the HAF programme. The programme provides free places at holiday clubs to provide a meal, physical and enriching activities for primary and secondary age children and young people. The Cabinet also delegated authority to the Corporate Director for Children and Young People to accept grant funding from the DfE for school holidays in 2026-2028.
Procurement of Electric Vehicle Charge Points (Partnership 8)
The Cabinet approved a number of recommendations for the procurement of Electric Vehicle Charge Points, including:
- Entering into a partnership agreement with the London Borough of Redbridge (LBR) and the London Borough of Waltham Forest (LBWF) to engage a charge point operator (CPO) to install a minimum of 1,375 EV chargers across the three boroughs. Of these, a minimum of 875 chargers will be installed across Newham.
- Commencing the procurement process to appoint a CPO to install, maintain and manage the EV chargers over a 15-year contract period. The estimated contract value is £19,312,500 in upfront capital costs.
- The evaluation of tender submissions based on 60% quality (including 10% social value) and 40% price.
- The delegation of authority to the Corporate Director of Environment and Sustainable Transport to negotiate and agree subsequent details of the scheme with LBR and LBWF.
Councillor Zulfiqar Ali questioned how Newham’s needs would be put foremost in the partnership, noting that Waltham Forest would be leading the procurement process. Charles Macundi, from the Highways and Traffic Team, explained that an agreement would be put in place to make sure that Newham benefited from the partnership arrangement. Ali also asked about how Newham would fund its 78% share of the resulting costs. Macundi explained that there was an appetite in the industry to fund everything and that Newham was confident that players would be interested in bidding for the work.
Regulation of Micro-mobility Services in Newham
The Cabinet approved the implementation of formal parking bays for micro-mobility services in the borough. The bays will initially be implemented in a pilot area, matching the existing operational area of micromobility providers, with potential to extend borough wide. The Cabinet also noted that Transport for London (TfL) and London Councils were working to progress a pan-London procurement exercise for the provision of micro-mobility services.
Councillor John Whitworth raised the importance of encouraging people to cycle, noting the dis-benefits of dockless cycles littering the pavements and the potential for this to discourage people from cycling. Charles Macundi, from the Highways and Traffic Team, explained that Newham had consulted with Waltham Forest on the matter and that the implementation of formal parking bays had been successful in Waltham Forest. Councillor Neil Wilson highlighted the impact of footway obstruction on people with disabilities, asking if Newham was part of the discussions around the pan-London contract. Macundi confirmed that Newham was involved in the discussions and explained the role of the new English Devolution Bill. Councillor Shana McLean welcomed the proposals and asked about how Newham would enforce the parking bays and how residents would be able to report incorrectly parked cycles. Macundi explained that the intention was to work collaboratively with operators and that a reporting tool would be added to the Love Clean Streets application.
Corporate Security Services Contract
The Cabinet approved the commencement of a procurement process for corporate security services via an open tender exercise, for a period of 3 years with the option to extend for another 2 years. The Cabinet also delegated authority to the Corporate Director of Resources, in consultation with the Cabinet Lead Member for Finance and Resources to award the contract and manage any subsequent extensions.
Councillor Neil Wilson questioned whether there was an opportunity to move to a more corporate arrangement and centralise security, noting that each service was currently responsible for commissioning and paying for their own security. Councillor Zulfiqar Ali confirmed that this was the Council’s intention and that a note would be added to the report to reflect this.
Investing in Our Homes - Procuring Decent Homes Works for Tenants
The Cabinet approved plans for the procurement of decent homes works for tenants, including:
- Delegating authority to the Corporate Director of Inclusive Economy, Housing & Culture to commence and approve the procurement process for up to four contracts for the Decent Homes Standard works, up to a total cost of £18m.
Councillor Ann Easter, a Councillor for Royal Albert Ward, welcomed the report and expressed her hope that the work would be completed by March 2028. She questioned how confident the Council was that the timescale would be met. Councillor Blossom Young explained that, while there was reasonable assurance that the works would be completed in a timely manner, a lot of work needed to be done to quality assure the work and keep it on track. The Cabinet was also assured that the Council was in the process of building its capacity to deliver capital investment at the scale required. Easter also questioned how the Council would ensure the works were carried out to a quality that was expected. Young explained that the Council would work closely with contractors, conducting regular meetings and spot inspections, to assure the quality of the work.

- Agenda frontsheet 04th-Feb-2025 10.00 Cabinet other
- Declaration of Interest Guidance other
- Minutes of Previous Meeting other
- Newham Transformation and Improvement Integrated Performance Update FINAL
- Appendix 1 - BaFN CDP Performance Report Q2 2425 other
- Appendix 2 - LGA Peer Review Action Plan Progress
- Appendix 3 - Transforming Newham for the Future Highlights
- Q3 2024-25 Budget Monitoring Report
- Annex 1 MTFS Savings Tracker 2024-25 Period 8
- Annex 2 - Supplementary reports DSB HRA Nov Period 8 other
- Annex 3 Reserves 2024-25 Nov Period 8 other
- Annex 4 - Capital Monitoring Report P8 other
- Carpenters February 2025 Cabinet Report V12 270125 003 other
- Appendix G - Outline Masterplan Draft S106 Agreement other
- Appendix H - Outline s106 Redline Plan other
- Appendix I Qualitative Options Appraisal
- Appendix J - Outline Determination JRP Planning Risk
- Appendix k - Delivery programme
- Cabinet Report_Feb 2025_Investing in our Homes - Procuring Decent Homes Works for Tenants_FINAL other
- HAF Programme 2025 cabinet report final
- SEND capital investment Cabinet Feb 2025 - final 8 Jan other
- Cabinet report_People Powered Places_4 February 2025_FINAL other
- Appendix 1 - People Powered Places 202325 Interim Evaluation FINAL
- Appendix 2 - Theory of Change 2025-27_FINAL
- Copy of Appendix 3 - List of successful projects
- Appendix 4 - EQIA_People Powered Places
- 2023-25 PPP Interim Evaluation Summary FINAL 005
- 2023-25 PPP Interim Evaluation Summary FINAL 007
- Cabinet Paper - PSPO final
- PSPO Alcohol
- PSPO Dogs
- Alcohol Control Zone Intelligence V2
- Dog Control Order Analysis V2
- Consultation Responses Alcohol Dog Control Survey
- Final Issue of Cabinet Report - Procurement of Electric Vehicle Charge Points Partnerhsip 8 for Ca
- Regulating Micromobility Services in Newham
- 250127 Security cabinet report NEW final version updated following CAF other
- Cabinet Report Scrutiny response 002 other
- Appendix 1 Response report
- Public reports pack 04th-Feb-2025 10.00 Cabinet reports pack
- Decisions 04th-Feb-2025 10.00 Cabinet other