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Climate Action, Environment and Highways Policy and Scrutiny Committee - Monday 3rd February, 2025 7.00 pm, NEW

February 3, 2025 View on council website  Watch video of meeting
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The Climate Action, Environment and Highways Policy and Scrutiny Committee will be receiving reports on the future of the Pimlico District Heating Undertaking (PDHU), and reviewing their work programme for 2024/25.

Pimlico District Heating Undertaking

The Climate Action, Environment and Highways Policy and Scrutiny Committee will receive a report on the future of the Pimlico District Heating Undertaking (PDHU).

The report, prepared for the meeting, explains that the PDHU is reaching the end of its designed lifespan, and a decision is needed on its replacement.

The PDHU network is currently powered by three 8 MW (megawatt) power natural gas boilers which emit approximately 11,000 tonnes of CO 2er annum. This currently accounts for nearly 33% of WCC’s 2023-24 carbon footprint.

PDHU Final Report CAEH PS 03.01.25

The report sets out a number of options that will be appraised by the council, ranging from replacing the existing gas boilers, connecting the network to the proposed South Westminster Area Network (SWAN), and installing a range of different electric heating systems in individual properties.

Work Programme

The Climate Action, Environment and Highways Policy and Scrutiny Committee will also be asked to review the Committee's work programme for forthcoming meetings.

In particular, the Committee is being asked to consider whether it wishes to scrutinise the Council's emerging plans for achieving Net Zero by 2030.