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Planning Sub-Committee (2) - Tuesday 4th February, 2025 6.30 pm
February 4, 2025 View on council website Watch video of meetingSummary
This meeting will see the Planning Sub-Committee (2) consider planning applications for five sites in Westminster. The committee will also consider an application for consent to fell a London plane tree that is subject to a Tree Preservation Order.
206 - 216 Marylebone Road London NW1 6JQ
Councillors will discuss an application (ITEM 01- 206 - 216 Marylebone Road London NW1 6JQ) by Marylebone Properties Limited to demolish an existing building and construct a new nine-storey building. The applicant proposes to retain part of the facade of the existing building, which is currently used as offices. The new building would be used for offices, with a small unit at ground level that could be used as a shop or restaurant. The report pack notes that Councillor Robert Rigby1 met with the developers in January 2024 to discuss the proposals.
The report pack notes that planning permission was previously granted for the refurbishment of the existing building in 2020. However the applicant now states that
there are a number of issues with both the existing building and extant 2020 planning permission, which make them inadequate in the current office market, including: substandard floor-to-ceiling heights, inefficient column layouts inadequate natural light and poor workplace and amenity standards.
The report pack notes that the development will remove some existing car parking spaces, and provide new cycle parking in the basement and on Marylebone Road. It also notes that the applicant has been asked to provide a financial contribution of £85,970.90 towards local employment and training schemes. The Dorset Square Society raised concerns about the extent of the demolition proposed, and asked for a commitment from the applicant to
work with the developer and other stakeholders to get the bus stands relocated away from this prime urban location [on Great Central Street].
The Marylebone Association objected to the application on the grounds that it is possible to retain more of the existing structure. They highlight that
the report claims that post-consent discoveries necessitate the proposed demolition, but ceiling heights and other structural issues should have been understood before the initial scheme was submitted.
A report by the Greater London Authority (GLA) notes that
Whilst the proposal is supported in principle, the application does not yet comply with the London Plan.
Barrett Street Public Convenience Outside 21 Barrett Street London W1U 1AX
Councillors will consider an application (ITEM 02 - BARRETT STREET PUBLIC CONVENIENCE OUTSIDE 21 BARRETT STREET LONDON W1U 1AX) to convert a disused public convenience into a drinking establishment. The applicant, SCP Estate Limited, has requested permission to change the use of the toilet and install a replacement canopy and two air conditioning units. The report pack notes that the toilets have been closed since 2021, and were previously damaged by flooding in 2020. The applicant has provided a marketing report that they say shows there is no demand for the site to be used for community purposes.
The report pack notes that the site is within the Stratford Place Conservation Area. In 2023, Westminster City Council's Communities, City Management & Air Quality Policy and Scrutiny Committee made a number of observations about the public toilets in Westminster, noting that
The facilities are nearing end of life, which limits user access and their experience (and potentially gives a poor visitor impression). This also leads to high maintenance and compliance costs.
77 Brewer Street London W1F 9ZN
Councillors will consider an application (ITEM 03 - 77 Brewer Street London W1F 9ZN) to change the use of a large basement unit. The applicant, TriggerOpco 4 Limited, has requested permission to use the site as either a restaurant, or a competitive socialising venue with an extended food offer. The applicant states that they would like to install facilities for virtual clay pigeon shooting, using decommissioned shotguns.
The Soho Society objected to the application, on the grounds that it would
increase foot traffic and noise levels in the area, potentially disrupting the local residential community.
The report pack notes that Westminster City Council has already issued a Premises Licence for the site. The applicant has stated that if the new use is approved,
substantial food and non-alcoholic beverages, including drinking water, is made available in all parts of the premises where alcohol is sold or supplied for consumption on the premises.
39 - 44 Grosvenor Square London W1K 2HP
Councillors will consider an application (ITEM 04 - 39 - 44 Grosvenor Square London W1K 2HP) to change the use of a two-level underground car park. The applicant, 1784 UK Holdings 5 Limited, has requested permission to convert part of the car park into a self-storage facility.
The report pack notes that the car park, located beneath The Biltmore Mayfair Hotel, has been vacant since December 2020. A number of objections to the application were received, including one from the Residents Society of Mayfair & St. James's. The objections stated that the change of use would lead to increased congestion and could harm the amenity of residents living in Adam’s Row. In particular, the residents were concerned that the proposed height restriction on the new facility could lead to large vehicles parking in Adam's Row. The report pack notes that the applicant proposes to address these concerns by requiring customers to book storage units in advance, and informing them of the height restrictions at the time of booking.
The Mayfair Neighbourhood Forum supported the application, but requested that the hours of operation be restricted to between 07:00 and 23:00 and that all loading and unloading take place off-street.
141 Sussex Gardens London W2 2RX
Councillors will discuss an application (ITEM 05 - 141 Sussex Gardens London W2 2RX) by Mr Todd to add two extensions to Hotel Columbus, a grade II listed building. The applicant has requested permission to construct a ground floor extension across the rear of the property, and a first floor extension at the rear of a closet wing on the first floor. The applicant states that the extensions will create three new hotel rooms. The report pack notes that a previous application for extensions at the site was refused by Westminster Council in 2013, and partially dismissed on appeal. The previous application proposed to raise the height of the party walls at the rear of the site. The current application does not include this proposal.
The report pack notes that a number of objections were received to the current application, including one from Councillor Ruth Bush2. The objections expressed concerns about the impact of the development on the setting of the listed building and the amenity of the properties at the rear of the hotel in Radnor Mews. The report pack notes that the applicant proposes to reduce the impact on residents by installing obscure glazed windows in the rear elevation of the first floor extension.
Tree Preservation Order: 30 Sutherland Avenue London W9 2HQ
Councillors will consider an application for consent to fell a London plane tree. The applicant, Warwick Estates Property Management, states that the tree, which is protected by a Tree Preservation Order, should be felled.
- Schedule of Applications Planning Applications Sub Committee No.2 - 4 February 2025
- ITEM 01- 206 - 216 Marylebone Road London NW1 6JQ other
- ITEM 03 - 77 Brewer Street London W1F 9ZN other
- ITEM 04 - 39 - 44 Grosvenor Square London W1K 2HP other
- ITEM 05 - 141 Sussex Gardens London W2 2RX other
- Agenda frontsheet 04th-Feb-2025 18.30 Planning Sub-Committee 2 agenda
- Public reports pack 04th-Feb-2025 18.30 Planning Sub-Committee 2 reports pack