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Licensing Sub-Committee (2) - Wednesday 5th February, 2025 10.00 am

February 5, 2025 View on council website  Watch video of meeting
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The Licensing Sub-Committee (2) met to discuss two applications: a new premises licence for 81 Edgware Road and a variation to the licence for Theatre Restaurant at 6 Catherine Street.

81 Edgware Road

The applicant requested a new premises licence to operate a restaurant at 81 Edgware Road.

The application sought permission for:

  • Late night refreshment indoors and outdoors, Monday to Sunday from 09:00 to 03:00 the following day.
  • Recorded music indoors and outdoors, Monday to Sunday, from 09:00 to 03:00 the following day.

Westminster's Environmental Health team raised concerns about the application, stating that it may have the likely effect of causing an increase in Public Nuisance and may affect Public Safety within the area. They recommended that if the committee were to grant the licence, it should be limited to the core hours of 09:00 to 23:30 Sunday to Thursday and 09:00 to 00:00 Friday and Saturday, and should be subject to a number of conditions. These included the use of a noise limiter, restrictions on outdoor activities and the implementation of measures to manage waste and deliveries.

The Hyde Park Estate Association (HPEA) also submitted an objection to the application. The HPEA felt that the proposed hours were excessive and expressed concerns about the potential for noise and disturbance from the premises. They pointed out that planning documentation suggested earlier closing times for the premises and requested a number of conditions be added to the licence. These included limiting late-night refreshment to indoor areas only, removing outdoor furniture by 23:00 and prohibiting takeaway or delivery services after 23:00. The HPEA also questioned the necessity of a licence for recorded music, suggesting that background music might suffice.

Theatre Restaurant, 6 Catherine Street

The application for the variation to the premises licence for the Theatre Restaurant at 6 Catherine Street was made by Trevilo Trading Limited. The variation proposed:

  • Amending an existing condition to allow for a small area within the restaurant to no longer require customers to have a 'substantial table meal', and to allow those customers to consume drinks while standing.
  • The addition of a new condition to restrict the number of standing customers in this area at any one time to six.

The Metropolitan Police Service initially submitted a representation objecting to the variation on the grounds that it may undermine the licensing objective of preventing crime and disorder. They expressed concerns about potential for increased intoxication and vulnerability of customers to robbery. However, following an agreement on conditions, the Metropolitan Police withdrew their representation.

An objection was received from a local resident, who raised concerns about noise nuisance from the restaurant, particularly in relation to the handling of waste. They felt that amending the licence to allow more standing customers consuming alcohol would exacerbate these issues.