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Planning Committee - Tuesday, 4th February, 2025 7.00 pm
February 4, 2025 View on council website Watch video of meetingSummary
This meeting was about considering planning applications for two sites: Lea Bridge Station Sites and Chingford Kennels. The Planning Committee also received a report on recent planning performance.
Lea Bridge Station Sites
This application, submitted by London Square Developments and Waltham Forest Council, sought permission to vary two conditions (2 - Approved Plans and Documents, and 4 – Floorspace) of a previously approved planning permission (212685) at Lea Bridge Station Sites.
The application requested permission for:
- An increase to the height of Tower 1, from 26 storeys to 29 storeys
- An increase to the height of Tower 2, from 23 storeys to 26 storeys
- An increase in the number of homes, from 345 to 387
- Changes to the mix of homes
- An increase in the number of wheelchair accessible homes
- Changes to the appearance of the buildings
- Changes to the internal layout of the homes
- An increase to the amount of cycle parking
- Changes to the bin stores to accommodate their increased capacity
- A reduction in the amount of commercial floorspace
- Changes to cores and risers in the buildings to reflect the latest building regulations
- Minor amendments to the entrances to the homes to accommodate the above changes
The report pack noted that the applicant proposed that all 387 homes be 'affordable', with 195 being at London Affordable Rent, 174 being at Social Rent and 18 being for Shared Ownership. It also noted that the application was accompanied by an Environmental Statement.
The report pack said that eight public representations were received in response to the consultation on the application, all objecting to the proposed development. The objections included concerns that the changes to the heights of the towers were unacceptable and would have an adverse impact on the character of the area, that the proposal was out of keeping with the Beck Square development, which is directly adjacent to the site, and that the proposed increase in the number of homes would place a strain on local infrastructure such as health services and transport.
The report pack said that the Greater London Authority (GLA) was consulted on the application. The GLA did not object, concluding:
Given the scale and nature of the proposals, conclude that the amendments do not give rise to any new strategic planning issues.
The GLA noted that Transport for London (TfL) would provide its own comments separately.
The report pack noted concerns raised by TfL about the distribution of blue badge parking spaces across the three sites that comprise the Lea Bridge Station development, saying that:
While the total number of spaces across the scheme is compliant, it is noted that there is a shortfall in Sites 1 and 3, with a surplus in Site 2. This means that disabled users would need to cross the road(s) from Site 2 to their block, before mentioning the distances, way in excess of 50m, and this is not supported.
TfL also had concerns about the applicant's calculation of commercial cycle parking provision, but these were addressed by the applicant during the application process.
The report pack included an assessment of the likely significant environmental effects of the proposed development, which had been independently reviewed by Quod on behalf of the council. The assessment concluded that the changes to the development since it was originally approved were acceptable, and that appropriate mitigation could be put in place to address any environmental effects, saying:
Overall, officers have given careful consideration to the submitted Environmental Statement and where impacts are forecast to arise from the proposed development, adequate mitigation measures have been introduced to make the proposed development acceptable in planning terms
The report pack included a number of planning conditions that officers recommended should be attached to any planning permission granted. These included conditions relating to the materials to be used on the building, a Construction Logistics Plan and a Parking Design and Management Plan.
The report pack also included a number of 'informatives' that officers recommended should be attached to any planning permission granted. Informatives provide non-binding advice to the applicant. These informatives included one relating to Thames Water mains, which said:
There are water mains crossing or close to your development. Thames Water do NOT permit the building over or construction within 3m of water mains. If you're planning significant works near our mains (within 3m) we’ll need to check that your development doesn’t reduce capacity, limit repair or maintenance activities during and after construction, or inhibit the services we provide in any other way. The applicant is advised to read our guide working near or diverting our pipes.
Planning Performance
The report pack included a report on the recent performance of the Planning Service, which noted that Waltham Forest Council received around 3,200 planning applications each year. It said that in the last financial year the Development Management Team had generated c£2.1m of income, of which £1.3m was from planning fees and £740k from pre-application fees and planning performance agreements. The report noted that the Planning Committee had previously requested information on planning performance, and that this report provided information on the timeliness of planning decisions, the outcome of planning appeals and the measures the council was taking to improve planning performance.
The report pack said that the performance of local planning authorities in determining planning applications is assessed on a quarterly basis by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG). The government assesses councils against the speed with which they determine applications and the quality of the decisions they make (determined by how many decisions are overturned on appeal). It said that the government’s target for the speed of determining major applications was now 60% (determined within 13 weeks or an agreed time extension). Waltham Forest’s performance for this target for the 24 month period October 2022 to September 2024 was 95.5% (21 decisions within 13 weeks or an agreed extension of time, out of 22 total decisions). The government’s target for the speed of determining minor applications is 70%. Waltham Forest’s performance for this target was 88.2% (2,255 decisions within 8 weeks or an agreed extension of time, out of 2,556 total decisions).
The report pack said that the government’s target for quality of decision making for major applications is 10%. Waltham Forest’s performance for this target in the 24 months to September 2023 was 3.8% (one appeal allowed out of 26 applications determined). The government’s target for quality of decision making for minor applications is 10%. Waltham Forest’s performance for this target was 0.7% (20 appeals allowed out of 2,672 applications determined).
The report pack said that during 2024, 102 planning appeals were decided, of which 80 (78%) were dismissed, a success rate higher than the national average of 70%. It also noted that the council had recently recruited two additional planning officers and provided career progression opportunities to existing staff. The report concluded that:
The Planning Service is performing well against current national performance criteria. The success rate at appeal is in line with the national average. The Council has successfully appointed new permanent staff, further reducing reliance on agency staff. The increase in planning fees and income from pre-application fees and development performance agreements is being used within the Team to improve capability and capacity which has delivered performance improvements.

- Agenda frontsheet 04th-Feb-2025 19.00 Planning Committee agenda
- A3 Plans 04th-Feb-2025 19.00 Planning Committee
- Minutes of Previous Meeting other
- Front page
- 4.1-242970 LBSS Committee Report
- 2061-EXA-00-ZZ-DR-L-0100 SITE PLAN
- 4.2-Planning Performance Report FINAL
- Update Report 04th-Feb-2025 19.00 Planning Committee other
- Decisions 04th-Feb-2025 19.00 Planning Committee other
- Update Report front page 1
- Public reports pack 04th-Feb-2025 19.00 Planning Committee reports pack
- Public reports pack 04th-Feb-2025 19.00 Planning Committee reports pack
- Printed minutes 04th-Feb-2025 19.00 Planning Committee minutes