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Licensing Sub Committee - Tuesday, 4th February, 2025 6.30 p.m.
February 4, 2025 View on council website Watch video of meetingSummary
The Licensing Sub-Committee met to consider two applications. The first, an application by Subway for a licence variation for their 379 Mile End Road branch, was granted. The second, an application for a new premises licence by Cable Street Mini Market was also granted.
379 Mile End Road
The Sub-Committee considered an application by Subway for a variation to their existing premises licence for their branch at 379 Mile End Road to allow them to sell late night refreshment until 1am, seven days a week.
The applicant, a Mr. Ahmed who operates three other Subways on the same road, argued that his business could operate responsibly and that he would ensure that the shop frontage was kept clean and litter free. He stated that he did not anticipate noise from customers or delivery drivers as his shop would primarily operate as a takeaway, with deliveries limited to 12:30am and Just Eat and Uber Eats drivers using a nearby car park whilst waiting for orders.
And, to be honest with you, most of 99... So, when I first looked at this application, I actually thought it's the one opposite the Milan that's closed. Opposite the Milan station has been closed now.
In response to concerns from Councillors about noise and litter, Mr Ahmed stated that he had a good relationship with his neighbours and that 99% of his customers came from the local community, although he conceded that the shop opposite the Mile End station on the same road had closed down.
He further argued that the later opening hours would generate more revenue, but that he was willing to agree to a 1am closing time as a compromise, in line with other premises in the area, and that he would respect any conditions placed upon the licence.
No representations were received from the public or other responsible authorities.
After considering the application and the applicant's representations, the Sub-Committee resolved to grant the licence variation.
Cable Street Mini Market
The Sub-Committee considered an application from Cable Street Mini Market for a new premises licence for the sale of alcohol from 8am to 11pm, seven days a week.
There had previously been a licence in place at the premises but this had lapsed, although it was unclear from the meeting precisely when it had lapsed.
The Sub-Committee heard that a number of representations had been received from local residents raising concerns about the potential for crime and disorder in the area, particularly from street drinkers.
So, yeah, like, Councillor Rebecca Sultana, we've heard, like, a lot of people have sent...
In response, the applicant's legal representative confirmed that his client was willing to agree to conditions requiring staff to be trained in the sale of alcohol and the operation of CCTV. They further confirmed that an electronic till prompt system would be in place to remind staff to check ID for age-restricted sales.
The Sub-Committee then considered the details of the conditions offered, and asked for further details about the applicant's experience in running a shop and operating a CCTV system.
After considering the application and the applicant's representations, the Sub-Committee resolved to grant the licence subject to the conditions agreed at the hearing.

- Public reports pack 04th-Feb-2025 18.30 Licensing Sub Committee other
- Agenda frontsheet 04th-Feb-2025 18.30 Licensing Sub Committee other
- Public reports pack 04th-Feb-2025 18.30 Licensing Sub Committee other
- Declarations of Interest Note other
- Premises License Procedure 2017-18
- Guidance for Licensing Sub
- Draft Minutes - Lic Sub Committee - 07 Jan 25 other
- Subway cover report - 04 Feb 25 other
- Subway Appendices Only - 04 Feb 25 other
- Cable St Mini Market cover report - 04 Feb 25 other
- Subway Appendices Only - 04 Feb 25 other
- Cable St Mini Market Appendices Only - 04 Feb 25 other
- Cable St Mini Market Appendices Only - 04 Feb 25 other
- Decisions 04th-Feb-2025 18.30 Licensing Sub Committee other