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Development Committee - Thursday, 6th February, 2025 6.30 p.m.

February 6, 2025 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Development Committee voted unanimously to grant planning permission to Leon Investments Ltd. for the redevelopment of 1-10 Bishops Square. The decision was made following a presentation by the applicant's agent and officers from the Council.

Redevelopment of 1-10 Bishop's Square

The Committee considered an application for the part demolition and vertical extension of the existing office building at 1-10 Bishops Square. The scheme proposes a two-storey vertical extension, increasing the building height to 6-14 storeys with an additional rooftop level for plant. The redevelopment would provide enhanced office space, flexible commercial uses, a community hub, affordable workspace, cycle parking and public realm improvements.

Councillor Bustin was concerned that the cycle hub was not conveniently located for cyclists wanting to visit Old Spitalfields Market, however officers explained that the old Spitfields market attracts a lot of people for the pop-up food and so forth. And then there's a large visitor, a lot of visitors come to the area more generally, tourists and local people. They also noted that the existing cycle parking provision around the site is limited.

Councillor Rahman questioned the management arrangements for the proposed community hub, and in particular what rights the Council would have to influence its use. Officers confirmed that the Council will be given the first right of refusal for management [of the hub]. In response to a question from Councillor Bustin, the legal officer confirmed that the Council would secure a long leasehold on the space, and that this would be for 999 years, saying all being well, which is [the arrangement on a similar development at] West Ferry Print Works.

Councillor Bustin was also concerned about the benefits of the scheme, saying I did roll my eyes at the idea that a cut through of Porter's Row was a significant public benefit. However, she supported the officer's recommendation to grant permission, saying I can't see any other reason to refuse. Councillor Choudhury also supported the application, saying It's a good development, and in terms of image and environmental impact, it will be Class A, I think, for the completion.

The Head of Development Management, Paul Buckenham, summed up the officer's view of the scheme, saying I think we're pleased to commend the scheme, because I think it is well-designed...It's a really tricky site in terms of heritage, and I think the team and the architects have worked really closely with officers to shape the scheme in a way that doesn't have those severe detrimental impacts. There is some harm, but we think that's outweighed by the public benefits.

The committee voted unanimously to grant planning permission.


Profile image for Councillor Iqbal Hossain
Councillor Iqbal Hossain  Chair of Development Committee •  Aspire •  Lansbury
Profile image for Councillor Amin Rahman
Councillor Amin Rahman  Aspire •  Bethnal Green West
Profile image for
 (Cabinet Member for Health, Wellbeing and Social Care) •  Aspire •  Poplar
Profile image for Councillor Bellal Uddin
Councillor Bellal Uddin  Scrutiny Lead for Adults and Health Services •  Aspire •  Blackwall & Cubitt Town
Profile image for Councillor Faroque Ahmed
Councillor Faroque Ahmed  Labour Party •  Whitechapel
Profile image for Councillor Mufeedah Bustin
Councillor Mufeedah Bustin  Chair of Audit •  Labour Party •  Island Gardens
Profile image for Councillor Mohammad Chowdhury
Councillor Mohammad Chowdhury  Labour Party •  Mile End