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Surrey Local Firefighters' Pension Board - Thursday, 6 February 2025 10.30 am

February 6, 2025 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Board noted the content of all of the reports presented at the meeting. The Board also agreed that at their next meeting they would be provided with details of the County Council's response to the Home Office's consultation on member contributions, and that they would receive a presentation on the County Council's finances.

The McCloud Remedy

The Board received a report from the Scheme Manager, Danni Lamaignere, on the McCloud Remedy1 and other matters.

Councillor Parry-Jones highlighted the importance of providing clear information to scheme members. He suggested that the eight members who had received letters but believed them to be scams should be contacted directly. Ms Lamaignere and Sharon Potter from XPS Pensions Group agreed to do so. The Scheme Manager was asked to take all steps to ensure the remaining members who had not yet replied to the letters were contacted. Paul Bowyer, an Employer Representative on the Board, offered to pass information about the letters to retired firefighters he knows through the Somy Fire and Rescue Service Welfare Board and groups such as the Angling Society.

Councillor Harrison asked about the progress on issuing Annual Benefit Statements2 and Remediable Service Statements3 to members, given that the original deadlines had been missed. Ms Lamaignere confirmed that the delays were due to difficulties in getting the necessary payroll data from the Council. The Board asked Ms Lamaignere to request details from XPS about how cases that had retired before October 2023 would be handled. Ms Lamaignere was also asked to provide details to the Board about the number of members affected by errors in Unit 4, the Council's payroll system.

Guaranteed Minimum Pension (GMP) Rectification

Councillor Harrison asked about the Guaranteed Minimum Pension (GMP) Rectification project, which seeks to correct errors in the way GMPs are calculated. He requested an update at the next meeting.

Pension Savings Statements

The meeting was informed that the deadline for issuing Pension Savings Statements4 to members affected by the McCloud Remedy had also been missed, and that The Pensions Regulator had been informed. The Local Government Association (LGA) had informed HMRC that it would be difficult for members to accurately assess their tax position until the remedy had been fully implemented. HMRC had acknowledged the situation.

Member Contribution Structure Review

The Board received an update on the Home Office's consultation on member contributions.

Councillor Harrison expressed concern that the Board were not receiving sufficient information about how the County Council was planning to respond to the consultation. Ms Lamaignere agreed to include the Council's response in the papers for the next meeting.

The Pensions Regulator's General Code of Practice

The meeting considered a report by the Scheme Manager on Surrey Fire and Rescue Service's compliance with the new General Code of Practice issued by The Pensions Regulator. The new code, which came into force in March 2024, consolidates ten of the regulator's previous codes. The meeting was informed that there were no areas of non-compliance, but that there were eight areas of the code which required further investigation, as follows:

  • Knowledge and understanding
  • Conflicts of interest: Local Pension Boards
  • Systems of governance
  • Administration: Contributions
  • Benefit Information statements
  • Financial Transactions
  • Reporting to The Pensions Regulator
  • Dispute resolution procedure

The Scheme Manager was asked to report back on progress at each future meeting.

XPS Report

The Board received a report from XPS Pensions Group on the administration of the scheme.

Councillor Harrison expressed concern about an error in the report which showed data from another Fire Authority. He requested that XPS ensure the information in future reports is correct.

Risk Register

The meeting considered the Pension Team's Risk Register.

Councillor Parry-Jones welcomed the reduction in the risk level associated with team skills and resourcing, following the appointment of a third member of the Pensions Team in January 2025. The meeting noted that two new risks had been added to the register. One related to the budget associated with pensions projects, and the other related to the issuing of Pension Savings Statements.

  1. The McCloud remedy arose from a legal case about changes to the judges' and firefighters' pension schemes. These changes were found to be discriminatory on the grounds of age, and workers affected by them had to be given the option of remaining in the old schemes. 

  2. Annual Benefit Statements are the annual statements of a person's pension pot. They show the contributions that have been made and the expected value of the pension at retirement. 

  3. Remediable Service Statements are statements of a person's pension that compare the benefits they would have received under previous versions of the pension scheme, to allow them to decide which scheme they would like to be in. 

  4. Pension Savings Statements are statements that are issued to people who exceed their annual pension contribution allowance, telling them how much tax they need to pay.