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Licensing Sub-Committee - Tuesday 4 February 2025 10.00 am

February 4, 2025 View on council website
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This meeting was about whether to change the licence for Morley's Fried Chicken in Rotherhithe. The meeting was to discuss an application made under the Licensing Act 2003.

Morley's Fried Chicken, 166 Lower Road, London, SE16 2UN

This application was submitted by Mr Kanapathipillai Sekarran to vary the premises licence for Morley's Fried Chicken to:

  • Change the opening hours of the premises to:
    • Monday to Saturday from 11:00 to 03:00
    • Sunday 11:00 to 02:00
  • Extend the permitted hours for the provision of late night refreshment to:
    • Monday to Saturday 23:00 to 03:00
    • Sunday 23:00 to 02:00

An objection to the application was received from Councillor Kath Whittam, who is the ward councillor for Rotherhithe ward. Councillor Whittam objected on the grounds that:

This will be a cause of nuisance being the middle of the night and it has residential flats above at both sides and opposite. I think this is not justified in this area and I think they should keep the hours they have already. This will be in contravention of the licencing objective prevention of public nuisance and should be rejected. 1

A representation was also received from the Metropolitan Police. The Metropolitan Police requested that a series of conditions be added to the licence in order for them to withdraw their objection. The applicant agreed to these conditions, and so the Met Police representation was withdrawn.

These conditions related to:

  • The installation, maintenance and operation of a CCTV system,
  • The keeping of an incident log,
  • The use of delivery companies,
  • Signage and the monitoring of noise,
  • The provision of late night refreshment as takeaway only between 00:30 and closing time,
  • The display of 'Ask for Angela' posters.

The meeting was also to consider the council's statement of licensing policy, and the fact that the applicant is seeking a licence with later closing times than that policy recommends.

  1. A representation was received from Councillor Whittam objecting to the application. 


Councillor Renata Hamvas
Profile image for Councillor Sunny Lambe
Councillor Sunny Lambe  Deputy Mayor of Southwark •  Labour •  South Bermondsey
Councillor Charlie Smith
Debra Allday
Toyin Calfos
Wesley McArthur
Charlotte Precious
Andrew Weir