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ANNUAL COUNCIL, Council - Monday, 20th May, 2024 7.00 pm

May 20, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The Rutland Council meeting focused on several key topics, including the election of the Chairman and Vice Chairman for the 2024-25 Municipal Year, updates to the Council's Constitution, and appointments to various committees and outside bodies.

  1. Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman:

    • Councillor Andrew Brown was re-elected as Chairman of the Council for the 2024-25 Municipal Year. Councillor Ross nominated him, highlighting his effective and independent chairing and commitment to public engagement. The vote was unanimous.
    • Councillor Samantha Harvey was re-elected as Vice Chairman. Councillor Powell nominated her, and the vote was also unanimous. Councillor Harvey expressed her gratitude and emphasized the importance of representation.
  2. Chairman's Announcements:

    • The Chairman and Vice Chairman attended several events, including the 50th anniversary of Victoria Hall, the High Sheriff's Declaration at Oakham Castle, the unveiling of a statue of Queen Elizabeth II, a Fire and Rescue Awards evening, and a visit from the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh to Oakham Castle.
  3. Updates to the Constitution:

    • Councillor Johnson introduced several updates to the Constitution, including changes to the scheme of delegation, the designation of the Constitution Commission to a working group, and updates to the planning and licensing committee procedures. The motion to approve these changes was carried.
  4. Political Balance and Allocation of Seats:

    • Due to changes in the political groups, the allocation of seats was updated. The Liberal Democrat and Green Group, Independent Group, Conservative Group, and Labour Group were allocated seats proportionally. The motion to approve the allocations was carried.
  5. Appointment of Committee Chairs:

    • The following chairs were appointed:
      • Audit and Risk Committee: Councillor Karen Payne
      • Conduct Committee: Councillor Oliver Hemsley
      • Employment and Appeals Committee: Councillor Samantha Harvey
      • Licensing Committee: Councillor Nick Beggie
      • Planning Committee: Councillor Nick Beggie
      • Strategic Overview and Scrutiny Committee: Councillor Ross
  6. Program of Meetings:

    • The program of meetings for the 2024-25 Municipal Year was approved. A notable change is that Council meetings will be held on Thursdays from September onwards to allow officers more time to address queries.
  7. Appointments to Outside Bodies:

    • The Council approved the appointment of elected members to various outside bodies. Councillor David Wilby was reappointed as the Armed Forces Champion. However, the role of the Children's Champion was not filled, with the leader emphasizing that all elected members should act as champions for children in care.
  8. Other Business:

    • No other urgent business was discussed. The next Council meeting is scheduled for Monday, July 15.


Mark Andrews
Angela Wakefield
Tom Delaney
Kate Haworth
Councillor Giles Clifton
Councillor Tracy Carr
Profile image for CouncillorRaymond Payne
Councillor Raymond Payne  Liberal Democrats •  Oakham South
Councillor Oliver Hemsley
Councillor Andrew Johnson
Councillor Christine Wise
Councillor Ramsay Ross
Councillor Gale Waller
Councillor Steve McRobb
Councillor Nick Begy
Councillor Matthew Farina
Councillor Mark Chatfield
Councillor Hannah Edwards
Councillor David Wilby
Councillor Abigail West
Profile image for CouncillorAndrew Brown
Councillor Andrew Brown  Chairman of the Council •  Independent •  Lyddington
Councillor Karen Payne
Profile image for CouncillorTim Smith
Councillor Tim Smith  Portfolio Holder for Children and Families •  Liberal Democrats •  Normanton
Councillor Paul Browne
Profile image for CouncillorLucy Stephenson
Councillor Lucy Stephenson  Leader of the Conservative Group •  Conservative •  Uppingham
Councillor Diane Ellison
Councillor Kevin Corby