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Annual, Council - Thursday, 9th May, 2024 7.00 pm

May 9, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
AI Generated


The council meeting primarily focused on administrative and organizational matters, including the election of council chairs and vice chairs, appointments to committees, and adjustments to the council's allowances and meeting schedules. The session was procedural, with decisions made on leadership roles and operational frameworks for the upcoming year.

  1. Election of Chair and Vice Chair: Councillor OWEN-HU's was elected as Chair and Councillor Anne-Marie Nixi as Vice Chair. The nominations were supported by detailed commendations of their qualifications and past contributions. The election of these roles ensures leadership continuity and sets the tone for council operations. There were no opposing arguments, and the decision solidifies the administrative structure.

  2. Appointments to Committees: The council agreed on the composition and size of various committees, maintaining a balance of political representation. This decision is crucial for ensuring that different political perspectives are fairly represented in council operations, which impacts the decision-making process and the inclusivity of council governance.

  3. Changes to Councillors' Allowance Scheme: An additional cabinet portfolio holder post and an opposition spokesperson role were added to the special responsibility allowances scheme. This decision reflects the council's recognition of the need for adequate compensation for additional responsibilities, aiming to attract and retain qualified individuals in these roles.

  4. Amendment to the Calendar of Meetings: The council agreed to reschedule a Cabinet meeting to avoid a clash with an England group game in a major football tournament. This decision, while minor, highlights the council's consideration for community interests and the personal lives of its members, promoting a balance between official responsibilities and significant public events.

The meeting was marked by a cooperative and procedural atmosphere, with decisions made unanimously and without contention, indicating a strong consensus on organizational matters for the year ahead.


Profile image for CouncillorLeo Britcher
Councillor Leo Britcher  The Labour Party •  Salmestone Ward
Councillor Alan Currie
Councillor Reece Pugh
Profile image for CouncillorCorinna Huxley
Councillor Corinna Huxley  The Labour Party •  Eastcliff Ward
Councillor Emma Dawson
Councillor Heather Keen
Profile image for CouncillorRoopa Farooki
Councillor Roopa Farooki  The Labour Party •  Viking Ward
Councillor Jack Packman
Councillor Joanne Bright
Councillor John Nichols
Councillor Jim Driver
Councillor Sam Bambridge
Councillor John Dennis
Councillor Tricia Austin
Councillor Ruth Duckworth
Councillor John Worrow
Councillor Phil Fellows
Councillor Jill Bayford
Councillor Harry Scobie
Councillor John Edwards
Councillor Pat Moore
Councillor Rebecca Wing
Councillor Matthew Scott
Profile image for CouncillorAlan Munns
Councillor Alan Munns  Independent •  Kingsgate Ward
Councillor John Davis
Councillor Steve Albon
Councillor Marc Rattigan
Profile image for CouncillorKatie Pope
Councillor Katie Pope  The Labour Party •  Salmestone Ward
Councillor Elysa d'Abbro
Councillor Barry Manners
Councillor Rob Yates
Councillor Cedric Towning
Councillor Raushan Ara
Councillor Brenda Rogers
Councillor Rick Everitt
Councillor David Green
Councillor Martin Boyd
Councillor Marlen Barlow
Councillor William Scobie
Councillor Linda Wright
Councillor Pat Makinson
Councillor Mike Garner
Councillor Abi Smith
Councillor George Kup
Councillor Paul Moore
Councillor Tony Ovenden