Please stand for the Chair of the Ministry Council.
Please stand for the Chair of the Ministry Council.
Please stand for the Chair of the Ministry Council.
Right, good evening members and officers of the Council and members of the press and
public are welcome you to this annual meeting of the Council.
If the fire alarm is activated, please vacate the bill to invite the emergency exits.
I would advise that if filming takes place, anybody in attendance in the public area may
have their image captured or urge anybody filming proceedings to avoid filming members
of the public, particularly if there are children present.
Does anyone intend to film the meeting?
No, right, thank you, anyway, any film and all recording will not be permitted for any
item of business where exempt or confidential.
Information considered for the exclusion of the present public from the meeting.
Would everyone present, please ensure their mobile phones are turned to silent and that
they are not used to make or receive phone calls in the Chamber whilst this meeting
is in progress.
Agenda item 1, election of Chair.
Are there any nominations?
Councillor SCOBY.
Thank you, Chair.
Before I make a nomination, I just wanted to, I'm sure on behalf of everybody, thank
you for your year as Chair.
I know how much hard work you always put into chairing meetings, and I think you've dealt
with the last year with Good Human.
We had a couple of quite big debates on Gaza and no hate, and I think you chaired those
really, really well and made sure that everybody was spoken to, so thank you very much, Chair.
I would like to— Councillor interjecting.
I would like to propose Councillor OWEN-HU's, and if I may, Chair, if I can just say a
few words, because some Councillors may not know her as well as others.
I met Deborah for the first time when we were both selected for Northwood in February
last year, and her background, and for some of you who will probably see, as she chairs
a meeting, she spent 13 and a half years as the National Development Officer for the Association
of Speed clubs of London, and has qualification in debating and public speaking, so I think
we're going to have a very eloquent Chair.
Deborah is originally from Thanet, Newington, and I believe is only the fifth woman in 50
years to chair this Council, now that may be slightly wrong, because there was somebody
called Laurie Smith in 1980, and the receptionist and I before this meeting were trying to work
out whether Laurie Smith was a man or a woman, so you may be the sixth, but we think you're
the fifth, which again is a very good achievement.
I will say that I think Councillor OWEN-HU's is probably going to be one of the most prepared
chairs of Council there's ever been.
I've had a couple of conversations with Councillor OWEN-HU's, and she has gone back through
at least the last six years of Council meetings, full Council meetings, and watched the entire
thing to understand how the rules have been implemented.
I have some people that may have been in meetings over the last six years and been involved
in all sorts of things, she's watched them, and she knows, and the reason why I say at
least was that she was asking me about a Council meeting in 2018, and how a rule was applied,
and I tell you I'm used to debating and discussing rules of the Council with Councillor CRIT
and Dunne, and we counter over it, but our new Chair is certainly going to be added to
that list of people who know the rules and will enforce them.
I think Councillor OWEN-HU's is going to be an excellent Chair, I'm delighted to propose
her, and I also want to let members know that I think she's probably going to be the
first Chair of Council if she is obviously elected, who is going to be married, because
she is due to be married to her partner Derek is in the audience, and she's due to be married
in September, so that could be quite an occasion, I'm not sure chains are allowed at weddings,
but I'm sure we will all wish you success, so.
Councillor interjecting. I'm so proposed Chair.
Councillor interjecting. Is there a seconder?
Councillor interjecting. Any other nominations? Councillor Pugh.
Thank you, Chair. I can only apologise, Councillor OWEN-HU's, if you actually watched
the last six years of Council meetings, I think we're all responsible for that mess.
I would like to thank you, Chair, for what you've done over the last year. Thank you
very much. I can't say it as eloquently as Councillor SCOBY, the younger, as you normally
call him, but I think he said it all of what we all feel in this Chamber.
I would like to nominate Councillor Paul Moore to be Chair of Council. Councillor Moore
is a former Chair of Brawlers, St. Peterstown Council, has a lot of experience, Chairing
Councils and meetings, and I think he would make an excellent Chair.
Oh, thank you. As we go through... Seconder for that one, seconder.
Seconder. We're going to do an election show of hands,
so those in favour of Councillor OWEN-HU's?
That was a game. No, it's not a game, it's for Councillor Moore.
Those for Councillor Moore? Those in favour of Councillor Moore?
So that's the... Any abstentions?
I would have lost my place. I hereby declare Councillor OWEN-HU's has been elected to
the Office of Chair of Ethnic District Council for the Ensuring Year.
Well, I'm told I can do a little speech. First of all, I say to you that I feel like
a person who's been to the dentist and has been told there's no fill-in for the year.
Before I rejoin the political ball game of snakes and ladders, I must thank your members
for your patience, my I think officers for being diligent on my behalf.
So may I leave you with this thought? These are not my words, but the dean of Canterbury,
I reflect the way I feel. In your relationship with others, exercise imagination, understanding
and sympathy. Listen patiently and think whatever truth other people's opinion may
contain for you. Think it is possible that you may be mistaken.
In discussion, avoid hurtful and provocative language. Do not allow the strength of your
convictions to portray you into making statements or allegations that may be unfair or untrue.
Remember your responsibilities and do not shirk the effort and the time this may demand.
Do not be content to accept things as they are, but to keep alert and questioning mind.
Seek to discover the causes of social injustice and fear. Working for an older society which
will allow women, men, young and disabled to hold the flourish and foster their deserved
to serve. But please now be upstanding whilst the platform
party retires for three minutes in order to the chair to be invested with the chain and
badge of office. Thank you.
Please be seated.
I call upon the chief executive. I invite Councillor Owen Hughes as the chair of 2024-25
to make the declaration of acceptance of office.
I, Deborah, own Hughes, having been elected to the office of chair of Thanet District Council,
declare that I take that office upon myself and will duly and faithfully fulfil the duties
of it according to the best of my judgement and ability.
Thank you.
Sorry, technology. I'd like to give thanks to now past chair Councillor Edwards. Thank
you, John, for diligently passing on the previous examples of council business and a fairly
comprehensive account of who's who. This is a place where we discuss matters of Thanet and
all that it entails. I gather it hasn't always been as cordial as it is now, but the past
year, apart from mastering the lines seconded, I've seen collaboration and progress pecked
with good humour on most sides, which can only be beneficial for the people of Thanet.
I'm hopeful the next 12 months will be even more productive, more effective and extremely
constructive. Thank you.
I'm to tell you that my escort is my fiance, Derek Blackman, who is the best council officer
we never had. Thank you.
I've mentioned item 2, election of vice chair. Are there any nominations? Councillor Green.
Thank you. Before I make a nomination, I'd just like to take the opportunity to be the first
person to congratulate you on your promotion. I'm going to nominate my fellow ward Councillor,
Anne-Marie Nixi. In doing so, as a school teacher, I'm sure she will have no trouble keeping
order in this place. So, I nominate Councillor Anne Nixi. Anne-Marie Nixi.
Thank you. Do we have a seconder? Thank you, Councillor Scobbe.
Are there any other nominations? Councillor Pugh.
Thank you. Although it may be a foregone conclusion, so I'll congratulate Councillor Nixi now.
I would like to nominate Councillor Paul Moore for the position of vice chair.
I seem to remember this last year. I recommend you well, Paul.
Do we have a seconder, please? Thank you, Councillor? Any other nominations? Thank you.
Okay, all those in favour of Councillor Anne-Marie Nixi, please show your hands.
Thank you. And those in favour of Councillor Paul Moore, please show your hands.
Any extensions? Thank you.
I hereby declare that Councillor Anne-Marie Nixi has been elected to the office of vice chair
of fannet district council for the ensuing year.
Would you please be upstanding while the vice chair is invested with the badge of office?
Please be seated. I call upon the chief executive.
I invite Councillor Nixi as the vice chair for 2024-25 to make the declaration of acceptance of office.
Thank you. I am Marie Nixi, having been elected to the office of vice chair of fannet district council,
declare that I take that office upon myself and will duly and faithfully fulfil the duties of it,
according to the best of my judgement and ability. Thank you.
Councillor Nixi, would you like to say a few words and a device who will be your escort?
Thank you. First of all, I'd like to thank everybody in the chamber. This is an absolute honour.
As it is being in the council itself and everything we do, so I do appreciate that to take this role very seriously.
As for an escort, I hadn't even thought of one. I'll come back to you on that.
And I'd also like to say thank you again. I'm looking forward to working with your chair. Thank you.
I offer you a mike. Congratulations. And if you haven't got an escort, I have to tell you Paul moors around.
I'll get you in somewhere, Paul.
Okay. Agenda item three. Apologies for absence. Sorry.
Councillor Bambridge. Thank you.
We've received apologies from Councillor Farruki.
Thank you, Chair. Apologies from Councillor Dabro and Councillor Donaldson.
Thank you. And Councillor Dene, Councillor San. Thank you.
Agenda item four, minutes of previous meeting. I move that the minutes of the previous meeting of Council held on 28 March 2024 be approved.
With the Vice Chair, please second.
You see, it's a task, isn't it?
Do Councillors agree that I sign the minutes as a true record?
Thank you.
Agenda item five, declarations of interest. Are there any declarations of interest?
Thank you. Agenda item six, announcements.
As a celebration of Thanet District Council turning 50, there will be a drinks reception after the meeting, which all Councillors and officers are invited to.
I believe it's downstairs. Just downstairs underneath us, level two.
Agenda item seven, responsibility for functions, executive delegations, I call upon Council like Everett.
Thank you, Chair. Welcome to your new role.
The Cabinet for the following year, obviously consistent myself as Leader.
Councillor Whitehead will look after housing as the Deputy Leader.
Councillor Albonne will be responsible for cleansing and coastal services, Councillor Yates for corporate services, Councillor Keene for community, Councillor Christian Bright for parking and Councillor Duckworth for regeneration and property.
Thank you. Thank you. I call upon Councillor Pugh.
Thank you, Chair. Myself will be Shadow Leader, Councillor Cupp will be Shadow Deputy Leader, Councillor Bafford will shadow housing, Councillor Raskin will shadow corporate services.
Councillor Rogers will shadow cleansing and coastal services, Councillor Bambridge will shadow neighbourhoods and Councillor Dawson will shadow parking.
Thank you. Council is asked to receive the Cabinet portfolios, Cabinet portfolio holders, Shadow Cabinet portfolio holders, operational accountabilities and executive delegated functions.
Agenda item 8, composition of committees, political balance, appointments to committees, panels and boards, number and size of committees.
I move that the number of committees and the number of members to serve on those committees as shown in Table 2 of the report be adopted subject to the proportionality option agreed upon later in the agenda.
Would the Vice Chair please second? Seconded. Do members agree? Thank you. Political party proportionality.
I'm pleased to say that consensus amongst group leaders has been achieved and so therefore I move that Council approves the proportionality between groups for committees, panels and boards as shown in option 3 of the report.
Would the Vice Chair please second? Seconded. Thank you. Do members agree? Thank you. Nomination of members to serve on committees.
Would members please note that the nominations to committees as shown in the members' notes?
Elections of Chair and Vice Chair of committees, panels and boards for the 2024-25 municipal year. I call upon the leader to move a list of nominations to Chair and Vice Chair positions.
Thank you Chair. I move the nominations to Chair and Vice Chair as Committee as shown in the Council's notes.
Thank you. Can I have a seconder? Thank you. Do members agree? Thank you. Standards Committee and Constitutional Review Committee.
I move that Council agrees the extended appointment of Peter Tucker as an independent member until 2027.
In addition, I further move that Peter Tucker be appointed as Chair of the Standards Committee and Constitutional Review Committee.
That Peter Lorenzo be appointed as Vice Chair of the Standards Committee and the Constitutional Review Committee.
Would the Vice Chair please second? Seconded. Thank you. Do members agree? Thank you very much. Agenda item 9, representation of outside bodies. I call upon the leader.
In respect of the non-executive outside bodies, I move the list of appointments as included in the Council's notes.
Thank you. Is there a seconder? Thank you Councillor Arbonne. Do members agree? Thank you. That concludes the business of this annual meeting of Council. Thank you very much.
Thank you.
Welcome everyone. Good evening. Members and officers of the Council, members of the press and public, I welcome you to this extraordinary meeting of the Council.
I would advise, in fact I have to advise again, that if filming takes place in anyone in attendance in the public areas may have their image captured.
I urge anyone filming proceedings to avoid filming members of the public, particularly if there are children present.
Does anyone intend to film the meeting? Thank you. Any member or any filming or recording will not be permitted for any item of business where exempt or confidential information is considered following the exclusion of the press and public from the meeting.
Agenda item 1, apologies for absence. Do we have any apologies of absence? Go through it again please. Councillor Pia. Thank you.
Sorry Chair. Councillor Bambridge and now Councillor Rizaki. Thank you. Councillor Curry.
Still Councillor Dabro and Councillor Donaldson. Thank you. Anyone else? Councillor Dennis. Thank you.
Declarations of interest. Are there any declarations of interest?
Okay. Agenda item 3 changes to Councillors allowance scheme 2024-25. I call upon the Councillor Yates.
Thank you Chair. This item is being brought to this meeting asking Council to amend the Council's allowance scheme to include an additional cabinet portfolio holder post and an additional opposition spokesperson role to the special responsibility allowances scheme.
This is due to appointment of Councillor Christian Bright as cabinet member for parking.
If agreed by Council, these proposals will be forwarded to the East Kent Joint and Dependence Remuneration Panel.
Extra for advice because any changes this scheme need to be subject of consultation with the joint panel.
The remuneration panel can then make recommendations back to Council. So recommendations.
Number one, Council is being asked to adopt the proposed 2024-25 members allowances scheme as set out in Annex 1 to this report and to refer the scheme to the East Kent Joint Independent Remuneration Panel for them to consider.
Two, to note that any recommendations from an egg job altering the proposed scheme will be reported back to Council for consideration.
And three, that if no recommendations are received from the egg job to agree to delegate authority to approve the final scheme to the Section 151 officer. Thank you.
Thank you. Do I have a seconder? Councillor Alden. Thank you.
Do Councillors agree?
Thank you. Agenda item four, recommendations from Boundary and Electoral Arrangements Working Party.
I move that the recommendations set out as set out in the report be adopted with the Vice Chair please second.
Seconded. Thank you. Do Councillors agree?
Thank you. Agenda item five, amendment to the calendar of meetings 2024-2027.
I move that the recommendation as set out in the report be adopted with the Vice Chair please second.
Seconded. Okay, Councillor Everett. Thank you, Chair.
I'd like to move an amendment and move the Cabinet meeting which is due to take place on June 27, 2024 to Tuesday, June 25, with a six o'clock start.
And for those of you who puzzle just why we might start this six o'clock, there's an England group game in Europe 24 that night.
I thought a number of members and officers might prefer to see that would be in the Council Chamber.
Thank you. Do I have a seconder? Do I have a seconder?
Thank you, Councillor scoby. Do members agree?
Thank you. That concludes the business for this extraordinary meeting of Council. Thank you very much.
Thank you.