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Planning Committee (Major Applications) A - Tuesday 11 February 2025 6.30 pm
February 11, 2025 View on council websiteSummary
This meeting was scheduled to discuss confirmation of two Article 4 Directions 1 that have been made by Southwark Council, as well as the planning application for a development at 22-24 Southwark Bridge Road.
It is important to note that this article only describes what was scheduled to be discussed at this meeting. It does not describe what was actually discussed or any decisions that were made.
Confirmation of the Article 4 Direction to withdraw Permitted Development Rights for operations within part of the Dulwich Wood Conservation Area, within and adjacent to Ancient Woodland
The report pack includes a report about the confirmation of the Article 4(1) direction for the Dulwich Wood Conservation Area. The Article 4 Direction seeks to remove certain permitted development rights from houses and other properties that are in or next to Great North Wood, including Sydenham Hill Woods and Dulwich Wood, because development on those sites could impact the woodlands. In particular, the Article 4 direction relates to land within 15m of the woodland, which Natural England identifies as an ancient woodland buffer zone. The report pack notes that,
The categorisation of land as an ancient woodland does not itself provide any statutory protection. However, some features in ancient woods are protected and sites can also be designated for their wildlife value.
The following properties are listed as being subject to the Article 4 Direction:
- The Dulwich Estate
- London Wildlife Trust
- Dulwich and Sydenham Golf Club, Grange Lane London SE21 7LH
- Grange Lane Allotments: Grange Lane, London SE21 7LH
- Gunsite Allotments: Grange Lane, London SE21 7LH
- South London Scout Centre, Grange Lane, London SE21 7LH
- 1 Crescent Wood Road London SE26 6RT
- 3 Crescent Wood Road London SE26 6RT
- 3a Crescent Wood Road London SE26 6RT
- 25 to 42 Great Brownings London SE21 7HP
- 109 & 111 College Road London SE21 7HN
- 21 to 35 Woodhall Drive London SE21 7HJ
The report pack notes that the council consulted on the direction by letter, site notice and advertisement in the Southwark News, and that it received six responses:
- Four neutral responses:
- The Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities requested further information about the Direction.
- Lewisham Council noted that the Article 4 Direction would have no impact in Lewisham.
- Gunsite Allotments asked for clarification on the land included in the Article 4 Direction.
- A neighbour asked for clarification on the extent of the consultation.
- One response in support:
- The Sydenham Hill Neighbourhood Forum noted that the Article 4 Direction supports the nurturing of woodland.
- One objection:
- A neighbour considered the Article 4 direction to be unnecessary because, in their opinion, the Dulwich Estate Scheme of Management provided sufficient protection of the woodland.
Confirmation of the Article 4 Direction for the withdrawal of Part 16 permitted development rights (Communications Development) at the junction of Croxted Road and Norwood Road, London SE24 9DA
The report pack includes a report on the confirmation of the Article 4 direction for 294 Croxted Road and 85-87 Norwood Road, London SE24 9DA. This direction removes permitted development rights for the installation of communications equipment, such as cabinets and masts, because existing equipment is already obscuring Umana Yana, a Caribbean restaurant and takeaway at 294 Croxted Road. The report pack notes that,
The proliferation of communication equipment has had a detrimental impact on the streetscene at this location and the ability of this business to announce and advertise itself in the way that the majority of commercial premises on a shopping parade do.
The report states that the council has contacted the communications companies to ask them to remove or consolidate their equipment, but they did not respond.
The report pack notes that the council consulted on the direction by site notice and advertisement in the Southwark News, and that no responses were received.
The meeting was also scheduled to consider a planning application for the development at 22-24 Southwark Bridge Road. The proposal was for the demolition of the existing building and redevelopment to erect a building of between 7 and 9 storeys to provide office space (Use Class E) with a gym (Use Class E(g)(iv)) on part of the ground floor.
The report pack notes that the council consulted on the application via a letter to neighbours and a site notice, and that they received nine responses, all objections.
The key issues raised in the objections are as follows:
- Overshadowing and loss of daylight.
- Overdevelopment of the site.
- Impact on the character and appearance of the area, including on the adjacent Bear Gardens Conservation Area.
- Impact on the setting of nearby listed buildings, including Shakespeare's Globe.
- Loss of privacy.
- Noise and disturbance during construction.
- Impact on air quality.
- Impact on traffic and parking.
The report pack recommends that planning permission be granted subject to a Section 106 agreement and a referral to the Mayor of London.
An Article 4 Direction is a statement made by a local planning authority that removes certain 'permitted development rights' from land. Permitted development rights allow certain types of minor development to be carried out without planning permission. When an Article 4 Direction is made, these rights are withdrawn and planning permission must be sought. ↩

- Supplemental Agenda No.1 Tuesday 11-Feb-2025 18.30 Planning Committee Major Applications A agenda
- Agenda frontsheet Tuesday 11-Feb-2025 18.30 Planning Committee Major Applications A agenda
- Public reports pack Tuesday 11-Feb-2025 18.30 Planning Committee Major Applications A reports pack
- Public reports pack Tuesday 11-Feb-2025 18.30 Planning Committee Major Applications A reports pack
- Supplemental Agenda No.2 Tuesday 11-Feb-2025 18.30 Planning Committee Major Applications A agenda