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Licensing Sub-Committee - Thursday 6 February 2025 10.00 am
February 6, 2025 View on council websiteSummary
The meeting was scheduled to include the consideration of a report about an application for the review of a premises licence for A & D News, and an application for a new premises licence for Kent Restaurant and Lounge. The review application for A & D News is supported by the Metropolitan Police Service, and the application for a new licence for Kent Restaurant and Lounge is opposed by the Metropolitan Police Service, Southwark Council's Environmental Protection team and Southwark Council's Licensing team.
A & D News
The Licensing Sub-Committee was scheduled to consider a report about an application by Southwark Council's Trading Standards team for the review of the premises licence held by Nitikshaben Patel for A & D News at 107 Great Suffolk Street.
The application for review is submitted on the grounds of the prevention of crime and disorder and the protection of children from harm. The report pack includes evidence provided by the Trading Standards team that suggests that illicit tobacco and illegal vapes were found to be being sold at the premises on 25 July 2024. The application includes a request that the licence be reviewed. It suggests that this might include adding conditions to the licence, suspending the licence, or revoking the licence.
The Metropolitan Police Service submitted a representation in support of the review application. The representation states that between 20 October 2022 and 25 July 2024 the premises licence holder failed to comply with the conditions of their licence, that there was no designated premises supervisor, and that four separate theft offences and one assault occasioning actual bodily harm were reported at the premises.
Kent Restaurant and Lounge
The Licensing Sub-Committee was scheduled to consider a report about an application for a new premises licence for Kent Restaurant and Lounge on the First Floor of 516 Old Kent Road. The application was made by Kent Restaurant and Lounge Ltd, whose sole director is Mr Eric Doe.
The application requested permission for the sale of alcohol for consumption on and off the premises from 11:00 to 01:30 Sunday to Wednesday, 11:00 to 03:00 Thursday to Saturday and 12:00 to 01:30 on Sunday. It also requested permission for the provision of late night refreshment from 23:00 to 02:00 Sunday to Wednesday and 23:00 to 03:30 Thursday to Saturday, and permission for the provision of plays, films, live music, recorded music and dance from 07:00 to between 01:00 and 03:30 every day.
The application was supported by an operating schedule that describes the steps that the applicant proposed to take to mitigate the impact of their operation on the surrounding area.
Representations objecting to the application were submitted by the Metropolitan Police Service, Southwark Council's Environmental Protection team and Southwark Council's Licensing team. The representations all noted that Mr Doe was well known to the responsible authorities, and that he had a history of failing to comply with licence conditions. In particular they note that a previous licence, held by Mr Doe for the ground floor of the same building, was revoked in May 2020 after two summary reviews.
Mr Doe is well known to the responsible authorities and to Southwark’s licensing sub-committee. He has a long history of non-compliance and has shown a disregard of the licensing objectives.
The Metropolitan Police objected to the application on the grounds of the prevention of crime and disorder. They suggested that they had no confidence that the applicant would operate the business in accordance with the four licensing objectives. The Environmental Protection Team objected to the application on the grounds that the requested hours were excessive, and likely to lead to noise nuisance for nearby residents.
The premises is located in the Old Kent Road area, which has residential properties nearby. It is the opinion of the EPT that residents are likely to be adversely affected by noise from amplified music, patrons inside the venue, and patrons leaving during early morning hours.
The representation from Southwark Council's Licensing team objected to the application on the grounds of all four licensing objectives. The representation also notes that the applicant had submitted 38 Temporary Event Notices in respect of the venue in the two years prior to the application, and that 28 of them had been objected to by either the police or the Environmental Protection team, on the grounds of public nuisance. The representation recommends that the application be rejected in its entirety.
We recommend that the application be rejected in its entirety as Mr Doe should have no involvement in the operation of this business.