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Pensions Board - Wednesday 12 February 2025 6.30 pm

February 12, 2025 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The minutes of the last meeting were approved and the Board agreed to note the reports on pensions administration, risk, investment, and the draft annual report.

Pensions Administration

The Board received a report 1 on pensions administration covering the period from October to December 2024. The report 2 noted that the re-procurement of the Pensions Administration software contract, which was due to expire in March 2026, had been awarded to the same incumbent supplier, Heywood Pension Technologies. The Board were satisfied that the team had performed well, maintaining high levels of performance on administration tasks. The Board also noted that the scheme would be participating in the government’s Pensions Dashboard initiative 3, which is due to be introduced in April 2025.

Councillor Bryant was pleased that performance remained high, and that the rate at which people were leaving the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) had fallen. He was curious about the implications of the McLeod Judgement 4 on the liabilities of the scheme. Ms D'Souza responded that the impact had not been significant as the number of people affected by it was small.

Councillor Bray asked about the high opt-out rate from the scheme, which Ms D'Souza explained was not the case, as the 85% figure reflected the number of people in the scheme, not the opt-out rate. Councillor Bray suggested undertaking a survey to understand why people opt out of the LGPS. Ms D'Souza said that the team already tried to persuade people to stay in the scheme, and highlighted a forthcoming consultation on reasons why people opt out of their pensions. She noted that this was a cyclical re-enrolment year, and so the number of people opting out would likely increase as people opted out after being automatically enrolled.

Councillor Daly asked if there was a target for enrolment in the scheme, to which Ms D'Souza said there was not, but that more education about the scheme was the best way to increase participation. She highlighted a number of ongoing initiatives that the team was working on to publicise the scheme. She also mentioned that the “Fair Deal” scheme 5 was likely to be implemented in the LGPS, which would give outsourced workers the right to remain in the LGPS, rather than join a new scheme.

Councillor Bray asked about the Annual Allowance and Ms D'Souza explained that this is the amount of pension growth that an individual can accrue each year without triggering a tax charge. She noted that the team had written to people who were at risk of triggering the charge, or who were paying into Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVCs) which could push them over the threshold.

Risk Register

The Board received a quarterly update 6 on the Risk Register 7. The Board noted that the only change to the register was the completion of the procurement of the new pensions administration system.

Councillor Bryant asked about the cyber security risk in light of recent issues at Barclays. Ms D'Souza explained that the pensions system was bolted on to Lambeth Council’s systems and processes, and that the system suppliers had been awarded a number of cyber security accreditations. Councillor Bray drew attention to the risk from climate change, but acknowledged that there was little that the Board could do about the current US administration.

Investment Performance

The Board noted the Investment Performance Report 8 for Quarter 3 of 2024. The report 9 showed that the market value of the Fund had increased over the quarter, but that it had underperformed against the benchmark. This was attributed to poor performance in the Emerging Market Fund managed by the London Collective Investment Vehicle (LCIV) and the Property Portfolio managed by Invesco.

Councillor Bray expressed concern about the underperformance of Invesco and the LCIV. Mr Amuko noted that the Pensions Committee had considered the issue of underperformance at a recent meeting. They had taken the decision to terminate one of the underperforming funds, and were confident that the LCIV’s managers were confident of being able to turn around the poor performance of their funds.

Draft Annual Report

The Board noted the draft Annual Report 10 for 2023-24. The report 11 showed that the audit of the accounts was ongoing, with a deadline of 28 February 2025. Councillor Bryant asked about the progress of the audit and if any significant issues had arisen. Mr Amuko said that the auditors were experiencing some difficulties in understanding the systems used by the Fund, but that there was nothing of concern. He said that officers were working hard to meet the deadline and that the Pensions Committee would be meeting to sign off the final audited accounts. Councillor Bryant asked why there had been a backlog of audits, to which Mr Amuko explained that this was a hangover from the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent difficulties in verifying the valuations of assets.

  1. This is the meeting agenda item that deals with pensions administration. 

  2. This is the document that was provided to the board that contains the pensions administration performance report. 

  3. Pensions Dashboards are a government initiative to provide a central location for people to view all of their pensions in one place. 

  4. The McLeod Judgement found that transitional protection arrangements put in place for older scheme members in 2014 discriminated against younger members. The government has been required to put in place a remedy to resolve this discrimination. 

  5. Fair Deal is a policy that gives public sector employees who are compulsorily transferred to a new employer as a result of outsourcing, the right to stay in their existing pension scheme if certain conditions are met. 

  6. This is the meeting agenda item that deals with the Risk Register. 

  7. This is the document that was provided to the Board that contains the Risk Register. 

  8. This is the meeting agenda item that deals with Investment Performance. 

  9. This is the document that was provided to the Board that contains the Investment Performance Report. 

  10. This is the meeting agenda item that deals with the Draft Annual Report. 

  11. This is the document that was provided to the board that contains the Draft Annual Report.