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Aled Richards, Corporate Director of Environment & Sustainable Transport, agreed to the implementation of the Section F East highways measures between Woodgrange Park station and Station Road in Newham. The measures will include new tree planting, sustainable urban drainage (SuDS), stepped separated cycle tracks, pedestrian and cycle safety improvements and changes to parking, waiting and loading restrictions. The stated aims of the scheme are to improve bus and general traffic journey times, and improve road safety. Mr Richards also agreed to advertise the Traffic Management Orders for the scheme, and to ‘make’ those orders, subject to no material objections.
The Romford Road Active Travel Scheme, Section F
The Officer Key Decision meeting on 11th February 2025 considered a report about the Romford Road Active Travel Scheme, Section F. This section of the scheme, running from Katherine Road to Station Road, seeks to provide improvements for walking, cycling and buses between Woodgrange Park Station and Station Road. The report sought delegated approval to implement the scheme, having already consulted with residents, businesses, and Transport for London (TfL).
The scheme is part of a package of sustainable transport improvements proposed for the whole of the Romford Road corridor, which runs from Stratford in the west to the borough boundary with Redbridge at the A406 in the east. The scheme was initially proposed as part of the council's successful bid for £19,959,000 from the government's Levelling Up Fund (LUF). £8.7m of this funding was specifically allocated to the Romford Road Active Travel Scheme.
The council published an engagement report outlining the feedback they had received from residents and businesses in the area. 619 people responded to a survey hosted on the council's Co-Create platform.
The key design changes that were selected for having the highest level of importance are:
Repairing uneven pavement surfaces (86.8% of respondents) Introducing new measures to prevent illegal pavement parking (73.3% of respondents) Introducing new trees and low-level planting to improve local air quality and reduce flooding (73.2% of respondents) Improving the overall street environment e.g. new street lighting, paving and street art (71.7% of respondents) Creating a continuous footway across all side streets to improve road safety and give pedestrians priority (68.3% of respondents) Providing separated cycle tracks along the entire length of Romford Road (68.3% of respondents)
The council also carried out an Equality Impact Assessment on the scheme. The assessment concluded that the proposals are likely to have a highly positive impact on the protected characteristics of age, disability, pregnancy and maternity, sex, socio-economic disadvantage, and health and wellbeing.
The scheme will be implemented by the council's term contractor, Kenson Highways. The works cost is estimated at approximately £560,000, with additional design, engagement and TfL fees of around £200,000. The council has stated that the cost will be met from the LUF allocation for the 2024-25 financial year, at no risk to the council.
The report was approved by Aled Richards, Corporate Director of Environment & Sustainable Transport.
NB Key decisions made by officers cannot be implemented until the 6th working day following the date of publication of the decision to allow members to consider whether or not to call in the decision.
The report was published on 14 February 2025, making 21 February 2025 the deadline for a call-in1. If no call-in is received, the decision will be implemented from 24 February 2025.
A call-in is a process by which a group of Councillors on a council's Overview and Scrutiny committee can demand that a decision made by an officer is reviewed by the committee. ↩
Decisions to be made in this meeting
- Public reports pack 11th-Feb-2025 Officer Key Decision reports pack
- APPENDIX B_RRAT_Section F_Engagement Report
- Agenda frontsheet 11th-Feb-2025 Officer Key Decision agenda
- Public reports pack 11th-Feb-2025 Officer Key Decision reports pack
- OKD report LUF Romford Road Active Travel
- APPENDIX A_RRAT_Section F - Proposal 1
- APPENDIX B_RRAT_Section F_Engagement Report
- Decisions 11th-Feb-2025 Officer Key Decision other
- Printed minutes 11th-Feb-2025 Officer Key Decision minutes