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Housing and Inclusive Economy Scrutiny Committee - Thursday, 13th February, 2025 7.00 pm

February 13, 2025 View on council website
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This meeting included for discussion a number of updates about how the council is performing in delivering its commitments on housing and adult learning. The meeting included for discussion progress on the Housing Transformation Programme and the delivery of the Housing Strategy 2024-2029. It also included for discussion the council’s performance on a number of key housing performance indicators, progress on the Local Plan Part 2 and an update on the progress of the Adult Learning Service during the 2023-2024 academic year.

Housing Transformation Programme update

The report on the Housing Transformation Programme update provided for discussion information about how the programme is being delivered, what has been achieved so far and what is scheduled to be delivered next.

The report pack says that the Housing Transformation Programme, which was initiated in January 2023, seeks to “respond to several drivers, including external demand pressures, a new social housing regulatory regime, and a desire to improve services and resident satisfaction.” The report pack says that the programme now “comprises six inter-connected workstreams”, and includes an appendix1 setting out details of the six workstreams.

Housing strategy 2024-2029 Delivery: Year one update

This report included for discussion an update on the delivery of the Housing Strategy 2024-2029. The report pack says that the strategy, which was adopted in April 2024, was developed with input from almost 100 residents. The report pack summarises progress and challenges in delivering the strategy so far, as well as plans for the next six months across each of the strategy’s four strategic outcomes.

The report pack includes as an appendix a copy of the Housing Strategy 2024-2029. The strategy has an overarching vision of “Improved and fairer access to high-quality and genuinely affordable homes which provide a foundation for every resident to live a happy and healthy life.” This vision is supported by four long-term strategic outcomes. These are:

  • “Homelessness and rough sleeping are prevented so that they become rare, brief and non-recurrent”
  • “Residents can access homes that meet their needs as their circumstances change”
  • “Every home in the borough is healthy, safe and affordable to heat”
  • “Development enhances neighbourhoods and supports stronger, fairer and safer communities”.

The report pack includes as an appendix the Housing Strategy Delivery Plan. This plan contains details of the council’s delivery priorities (the intermediate outcomes) under each of the four long-term strategic outcomes. It then details the specific actions the council plans to take in order to deliver the delivery priorities.

The delivery plan includes for discussion an action to [t]est London Affordable Rent in our financial appraisal options. In doing so, the plan refers to a specific development: Lea Bridge Station sites: continued negotiation with the GLA regarding grant to resolve viability challenges. The council is, according to the report pack, seeking to secure funding from the Greater London Authority to support the development at Lea Bridge Station.

Housing performance

The report pack included for discussion an update on the performance of a number of the council's housing services, including homelessness, temporary accommodation, repairs, voids, rent collection and building safety. The report pack provides a summary of the service's performance on key metrics in these areas. It also includes as an appendix a full Housing Performance Report.

The report pack describes the London Walthamstow Complex as offering “over 200 units of accommodation.” It also describes the appointment of Morgan Sindall Property Services as the council’s contractor for repairs and maintenance.

The Scrutiny Report

This report provided for discussion the committee’s Forward Plan and Action Tracker. The report pack includes as an appendix a draft version of the Forward Plan, as well as an Action Log summarising actions agreed at previous meetings, including the meeting on 11 December 2024.

The report pack notes that “there is one meeting left for this municipal year.” It invites members to discuss “any suggestions for items for the 2025-26 cycle”.

The Local Plan development scheme and housing delivery pipeline

This report included for discussion the impact of changes to national planning policy on the delivery of homes in Waltham Forest. It described the proposed contents of a new Local Development Scheme (LDS) and an update on the progress of the Local Plan Part 2.

The report pack explains that a revised National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) was published by the government in December 2024, requiring all councils to produce an updated LDS. It also describes the recent submission of Local Plan Part 2 to the Planning Inspectorate for examination. The report pack explains that the government's intention to introduce National Development Management Policies in 2025 has led to a decision to review Local Plan Part 1 in 2026.

The report pack contains a quote about the updated NPPF.

Paragraph 34 of the NPPF (2024) requires policies in local plans to be reviewed to assess whether they need updating at least once every five years. Following review, they should be updated as necessary.

Adult Learning Service: Progress in the 2023/24 academic year

This report provided for discussion an update on the progress of the Adult Learning Service (ALS) over the last academic year.

The report pack sets out proposals for a new target operating model for the ALS, which would include greater collaboration with the Department for Work and Pensions, Waltham Forest College and the Voluntary and Community Sector.

  1. This appendix is not included in the documents made public about the meeting. 


Councillor Justin Halabi
Councillor John Moss
Councillor Keith Rayner
David Beach
Martin Buddery
John Coker
Joe Garrod
Meera Kumar
Shahid Mallam
Jahangir Mannan
Jane Martin
James McHugh
Stewart Murray
Fraser Scott
Frankie Simons
Louise Sutherland
Rebecca Davey
Justin Carr
Lindsay Megson
David Padfield
Sarah Parsons
Ian Rae
Laura Butterworth
Mark Crane
Lorna Lee
Hannah Dalgleish
Debbie Porter
