Planning Committee - Thursday, 23rd May, 2024 9.30 am
May 23, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting or read trancriptTranscript
[ Silence ]
Good afternoon, everyone, and welcome to this afternoon's second half of Winchester City Council's Planning Committee meeting, taking place, gentlemen, thank you, taking place in the Walton Suite at the Winchester Guildhall. It's Thursday, the 23rd of May, 2024, and the time is 2 p.m. My name is Councillor Jane Rutter, and I am the chair of the Planning Committee. To my right is Councillor Williams, who is my vice-chair, and around the table we have the other elected members. And we are supported together by a number of officers, Lorna Hutchings from the planning team, Daniel Lucas, our legal advisor, our case officers who sit over there on my left, and that will change with each item, and Matthew Watson from Democratic Services, who supports the committee and operates the essential recording equipment. This meeting is being live streamed and recorded to the Council's YouTube channel, where it will be in perpetuity. Subtitles are available and advice on how to turn these on is set out on our website. Please can I remind everyone to ensure your mobile phones and any other electronic devices are on silent or preferably turned off entirely. In the unlikely event that it is necessary to evacuate the building, the fire alarm will sound. Please follow all the instructions given to you by our team. I hope you've looked at the handout provided on your chairs and the information slides displayed as you walked in for further guidance about this meeting. To ensure the smooth running of the meeting, I ask that nobody calls out from the back of the room during the proceedings. In accordance with the public speaking protocols of the meeting, those who have registered to speak will be able to address the meeting for their allotted time. If there is any disruption of the proceedings and the committee is not respected, it may be necessary to temporarily adjourn the meeting. Finally, can I welcome members of the public to the meeting? Those of you who have registered to speak, I will call you forward when it is your turn to make your contribution. Members of the committee may ask you questions for clarification, so please remain at the microphone until after members questions. The microphone is turned on by pressing the button on the base of the unit and a timer will appear on the screen to remind you of your remaining time. Right. We turn to this afternoon's agenda and that's item number 13 on your agendas. And this is the application at 15 Princess clothes, Bishop's Waltham in Southampton, Southampton. Well, that's the postal address. It's in Winchester district. And our officer presenting is Cameron Taylor. Over to you, Cameron. Thank you very much, Cher. So yes, the presentation is for the erection of a three bed house within the garden of a 15 Princess clothes in Bishop's Waltham. Here we have the location plan, the site itself within the arc within the red outline I'll just highlight the dwelling fronts Princess Princess clothes and the junction between Princess clothes and Elizabeth way to the southeast with the road where the mouse currently is, Victoria Road leading on to Winchester Road itself. Next location plan again, how I superimposed the site plan on to give better context for the proposed dwelling within the context of the area from a plan view. Followed by the proposed and existing site plan, the left hand plan being that of proposed development and the right one being existing within this plan. I'll just highlight with number 15 Princess clothes, the parking being retained would be the garage, along with the driveway in front of the garage, which can accommodate two allocated spaces. What's to the proposed dwelling itself? There is currently existing an existing access and hard standing located in the southeast corner, which is where the mouse currently is, which is supposed to be the parking for the new dwelling. Here we have an aerial photograph with the site marked by the yellow triangle in the centre, give context to the residential nature of the area, followed by another aerial photograph, however this is wider to again just give further context to the residential nature of the area in which the dwelling is situated. Here we have the front elevation, which is the southwest, the left hand one being number 15 Princess clothes itself, with the right hand being the proposed dwelling. Here we have a street view which shows towards the southwest elevation to show the current dwelling in situ itself, with the proposed dwelling coming off the right hand side of the dwelling as shown where the mouse is located. Next we have another street view which is just a bit further back to just give a better understanding of the existing dwelling itself, along with the driveway and garage which serves that site. Next we have the rear elevation, which is the northeast, followed by a photo towards the northeast elevation, where I note the clothes board fence with the access along, which is where the current hard standing is, with number 15 being situated behind this vegetation and number 6, Princess clothes, being situated where the mouse currently is. Again another photo just further back to give further context to the area, with number 15 again being situated behind dense trees, with this being the AFC hut as well, which fronts Victoria Road on the right hand side of the photo, again, the clothes board fence being where the access to the proposed dwelling is situated. Here we have a photo, which is from Victoria Road, looked towards the rear of the site, again the AFC hut in the right hand side of the photo, where we can just see the back of number 15 itself, with proposed dwelling coming off that elevation. Next we have this northwest elevation, I just note that the right hand side of that where the mouse currently is, that is the front of the proposed dwelling, which will front Princess clothes. And again, this is the southeast elevation, I note that it says existing, however this is proposed, that was just an error in the presentation, however the left hand elevation is that which front Princess clothes. And here we have another photo from within Elizabeth Way looking towards the side, again, this is number 15, with this clothes board fencing being where the existing access and hard standing. Next we have the ground floor plans, followed by the first floor which show two bedrooms at the first floor level. And second floor plans being for the third bedroom. Next we just have a lot of photos, another street view situated essentially within Elizabeth Way, looking towards, looking upwards towards Elizabeth Way, the right hand road being that of Princess clothes, the left hand road being Elizabeth Way continuing, again, the site with the access is situated here with that clothes board fence. And that concludes the office presentation with his recommendation being for approval. Thank you. Thank you very much, Cameron. So we now move to public speaking, and we have first our objector Gordon Campbell. Good afternoon, Mr Campbell, if you'd like to come forward. As I said before, you just press the button at the bottom of the base, and when you're ready, you've got three minutes and there's no rush. So take your time. Thank you. We don't have a photo available, so I can't look into that right at this moment. I need to know when you sent that in. Well actually, it sent it quite a few months ago. I did send it, resend it earlier this week, but I didn't get any reply. You can just describe exactly what you're concerned about, that we find, just don't forget to switch on the microphone. So thank you for the opportunity for us to represent the objections of 15 households in Princes Close and Elizabeth Way. So regarding highways impact and highways impact and parking, parking is a premium in Princes Close. It's not unreasonable to expect that with the existing four and the new three bedroom house, there could be up to seven cars taken into account, adult children of future occupants. The Close cannot sustain this. The plans show a parking area for two cars leading directly into the junction of Princes Close and Elizabeth Way. The line of sight from this parking area is obstructed by unrestricted parking on the pavement north of the exit. Only two guest spaces are available in the existing small lane by opposite the development. Our fear is this will be used for permanent parking by the new occupants. Design and impact on the character and appearance of the street scene. Situated on an open corner and the first building seen when entering Princes Close. The proposed semi-detached dwelling will be imposing. It will further stand out as there are no other semi-detached properties in the Close. The approach to Princes Close and Elizabeth Way has an open green aspect of surrounding properties providing grass shrubbery and trees. Taking a wider view, this is part of the character and appeal of Bishops Waltham. Such areas provide natural breaks between residential roads and closes and avoid what otherwise might be continuous urban sprawl. We're not against new housing in Bishops Waltham, of which there's been much in the area and housing is needed, but is surely better incorporated into a wider plan. Impact on residential amenity and host property. The proposed dwelling will have considerable impact on the host and neighbouring properties, particularly the existing property, which will lose around two thirds of its garden. The remaining small rear garden to the north of the host property will be overshadowed by the proposed building. Please consider the impact of future occupants, not just the current owner, who's highly likely to settle and move on. The applicant has planned permission to extend the existing house into the rear garden. If built, this would lead to further overdevelopment of the site. A procedural point, later in the process, when technical details are applied for, it will be difficult to achieve biodiversity net gain when the new building takes up so much of the remaining garden. To conclude, surely new development should at least have neutral impact on the locality and ideally enhance it. We believe this development detracts from the surrounding environment. We urge the committee to consider our objections and deny permission. Thank you. Thank you very much. Members, do we have any questions of clarification for Mr Campbell? No. All right. Thank you very much indeed. You may return to your seat. Thank you. And the next contributor is the ward councillor, councilor Richie Latham. Welcome, Councillor Latham. This is your first planning committee, isn't it? It is indeed, yes. You have up to five minutes when you're ready. Thank you. Thank you. I would like to object to this planning application, at 15 princes, close bishops, awesome on the grounds of the overdevelopment of the plot, unacceptable adverse effects on neighbouring land or property and associated issues relating to parking property. I believe that the application for a bedroom house with normal windows in the roof line attached to an existing four bedroom house to be an overdevelopment of this site and in breach of DM 16 of LLP two, as well as CP 13 of LP one. In that these amended plans do not seem to recognise the constraints of the site, nor respond positively to the local context in terms of their design scale and layout. Looking at the plans, the scale of the proposed final building is not in keeping with the detached houses. It is surrounded by imprints. Indeed, even though these are large, detached houses themselves, the proposed structure will dwarf them still. The scale of the proposed building, including the planned door window at the rear of the property, are further in contravention of DM 17. In my opinion of LLP two in that they have an unacceptable adverse impact on the adjoining land or property, namely the host property by being overlooking overshadowing and indeed overbearing. The location of the planning application is on the entry point to Princess Close at the junction with Elizabeth Way on a bend. Both of the roads are narrow at these points. And apart from parking on existing houses, driveways, there are only the two overflow parking spaces that were mentioned previously. Elizabeth Way is one of the busiest roads in the housing area of British Waltham. It leads to the Priory Park Recreation Ground, home to many sporting facilities, football, bowls, skating and other recreational pastimes. At busy times, the overflow parking from Priory Park already backs up all the way down Elizabeth Way and into the adjoining residential streets. Apart from the parking places at the proposed new house, there would be no room for any overflow parking caused by the new proposed house. And what is more, it removes overflow parking that is available at present, the unrestricted parking on the side of Elizabeth Way. I believe the parking situation is in contravention of DM 18 of LLP two as access to the parking is on a bend and would not provide a safe manner of entry and exit from the property and would impact on the safety of other road users. Such as pedestrians and cyclists. The planning application, I feel, is also in contravention of three of the principles of the Bishops Waltham design statement, which was adopted by Windsor City Council in 2016, namely 0.5.1 buildings should not dominate their immediate surroundings. 0.10.3 Dormer windows should not dominate the character of building and 0.12 houses should respect the character of the locality. Whilst I'm in favour of infilling to provide suitable housing, the Bishops Waltham does most certainly require, especially for its younger people, I believe that this particular planning application represents an over development of that site and on balance yields more harm than benefit to the area. Thank you. Thank you very much. Excellent presentation. OK, members, do we have any questions or clarification for the ward councillor? No, I think you were very clear. Thank you very much, Councillor. And finally, we have the supporter, Craig Tickner. Good afternoon, Mr Tickner. You switch on the microphone with the button on the base of the unit and when you're ready, you have three minutes. Thank you. Firstly, we had planning to remove some overgrown conifers and got planning permission to erect two metre fence with gates to our parking hard stand. However, on the removal of the conifers, we felt there was an opportunity to fit a small detached house on the plot. We submitted a detached three bedroom proposal for outline planning in November. We felt we considered the Bishops Waltham local plan on all points where relevant. And this proposal went without objection from the parish council. The committee voted five for with one abstention as the councillor newly on the 19th of December. However, we were notified by Mr Taylor and his manager that a semi detached house was the way forward, subject to size and appearance. We submitted another drawing with plans for semi detached property. However, on the 10th of January, Mr Taylor would discuss the plans with his manager, who said he felt a semi detached was the way forward. However, they advised us on balance the front on balance the front by the formation of a cable end to match 15 princess close, which, as you can see, we took their advice. On the 7th of March, Mr Taylor requested that we had an arbitrary report and plan completed once we received that he was minded to give approval. However, on the 2nd of April, we received an email saying we were going to committee due to the objections received. With regard to the objections of the residents of the close and the 10 houses of the 10 houses in the close, four of the houses have had major developments to their properties, changing the look and appearance from both the front, the back and the side. One has a two storey side extension. Two houses have added loft rooms with normal windows and velox windows. And one house has a converted garage to a room. So there has already been some significant change to the close. And by taking account of the views of the planning officer and his manager, who I assume is the head of planning, we have incorporated the changes to best reflect the other changes made by the other houses in the close and surrounding area. With regards to the park and additional cars on Elizabeth Road, in July 23, the parish council received planning permission to increase parking for additional 26 car parking spaces at Priory Park to reduce the parking at Elizabeth Road. For the parking, we're using existing parking hardstand that previous two owners used without issues for more than five years with a much reduced visibility due to the conifers. Now the conifers have been removed, there will be a lot more visibility up Elizabeth Way and into printer close, which will enhance both road safety and pedestrian safety. Also, by removing the two metre fence and replacing it that we have permission for with a grass verge and low level planting, it not only increases the line of sight coming into Princess Way and out of Princess Way and up Elizabeth Way, it will also enhance the biodiversity of the area because of low level planting of Lavenda. I'm afraid that's the end of your three minutes. I have just a small point, is that OK? Sorry, I tried to read fast, but I was a bit careful. No, I understand. Maybe it'll come out in Member's question. Thank you. OK, so Members, do we have questions of clarification for our contributor? Can I just ask about the planting that you have planned for this site? Because I think that's pretty crucial, actually. Yeah, you see, the fence and the conifers will all disappear. So is that hedge a conifer hedge? Yeah, it's been removed already. Yeah, I was going to say the hedge is gone. But yeah, so all that fencing will be gone completely and be direct on a hard stand. So the fence incorporated in the garden will be at the back of the hard stand and to the side for the house. So all along that side where you look up to the Gable End of number six to this side will all be clear with a grass bank. And obviously there was previously lavender planted all around the border. And we intend to replace that with low level lavender all the way through that soft verge. So that would then give a very good sideline into Princess close, which would like make it a lot safer than it currently is. However, there's been no major accidents within, you know, within the time that, you know, previous residents and before. So, you know, people are very cautious coming out of these boats anyway because of these children. And I have two young children myself. So, you know, people are cautious along this road, as you say, it's used by local residents. So, OK, thank you very much. You answered my question. Any other questions of clarification members? No. Thank you very much. If you could switch off the microphone and return to your seat, that would be lovely. Thank you. So, Cameron, do you have anything to add to your presentation following that? I've nothing further out. Thank you, Cher. Lovely. We'll take questions on the whole report, members. And I've got a question on the conditions. So there's going to be some nutrient mitigation, which is good. Is there going to be, and there's going to be a biodiversity mitigation and enhancement plan. OK. Do we have any idea what's going to be included in that? So, outside of what you said, no, we don't have any idea of any specifics would be included into that one there. No. So you will take the proposals of the householder and consider those and say good enough then. Yeah, that's great. We consider what they put forward within that condition and see if that's adequate or not. If not, go back and sort of suggest more if necessary. More about swift boxes and hedgehogs and all the rest. OK, lovely. Councillor Cunningham. Thank you, Cher. I noticed that the vehicular access and egress is on the corner on the junction of Elizabeth Way and Princess Close. As this is a new house and a new build. Does it not, Cameron, does it not indicate therefore that it's got to have a turning view. Turning so that vehicles can go in and out in the forward gear? So this application was considered with the Hampshire County Council highways guidance. And within that, because just the nature of the development, it then follows to the standard advice for this application, which in this instance doesn't require a vehicle because of existing access onto an unclassified road for a single dwelling. So it doesn't need to be able to leave and enter in forward gear. So what they've got here is suitable by Hampshire County Council highway standing advice. And what about the fact that it needs a dropped curb? Has permission been asked requested for that? This is already an existing access in use by the property as of yet. So they're just utilising an existing access and existing hard standing for the proposed dwelling. Thank you. Councillor White. So it's regarding the parking, obviously the allocated spaces that you mentioned in the report comply with the residential parking standards. But it was mentioned about overflow parking and lack of visitor parking. And I drove down that close yesterday and noticed it's quite small and winding. If you get a couple of visitors, it could make it quite difficult. Is that taken into account in your? Yes, so parking is taken into account. However, in this instance, we consider it's a new dwelling. It's for three bedrooms. So we then go buy our parking standards, which they say in this instance only requires two allocated spaces, which they think they can provide that to say if it was for another type of development for more houses, we then might have to consult with Hampshire County Council highways. So in this instance, we just have to follow their standing advice, which this application follows with regards to the highways and their safety. Councillor Leaning. Thank you. With regard to Hampshire's guidance on this, have you taken into account that if I'm right, you're not allowed to have a driveway on a junction which this is? Because we've turned down from my memory other applications where this would have happened. That could potentially be for a new access in of itself. However, this is already existing access, which are just utilizing for the use. So from our view, it's you to be acceptable because I'd say it's an existing access. It's not it's not creating new access onto the junction itself. Yeah, I'm going back to fairly recently. We had one in Hursley where we turned it down and that was part of the judgment that it was coming out. Although it's existing what they were using existing, it was coming out onto a junction and was therefore classified as a hazard. That's a bit that concerns me because that one, I believe I was classed as a pedestrian dropped curb and not a vehicular access, which might have led to the reasoning behind why that one might have been overturned in that instance. I was also considering the one that we had in Harrowdown on Budger Farm where the access was within a certain distance of the actual junction. So that was the reason for that question. I think that the merits of the application are probably different. That might well have been an adopted highway. It might well have been a new access. And so there are different situations without knowing specifically that case and having paired them. It's hard to give a precise answer. Well, that was an existing driveway that was being widened and that came into that particular area. So there are differences, I think, and there would be an expectation that you would need increased visibility space in that case. But the point is taken often when there are junctions close, you wouldn't want that. But in this area in the sort of low residential cul-de-sac with traffic speeds so slow, it's not a concern, as Cameron said, is assessed against the highway standards, meaning that there aren't any highway safety and hazard issues with this. Thank you. I think we've cleared that one up. Councillor Aaron. I think Councillor White has mostly asked my question, but I just want to be absolutely clear about the parking up for the two houses. Am I right in saying that both of the houses on the site will have two parking spaces each? So, yes, I'd say I've got a plan open up here. So let's say the proposed dwelling has enough space for two allocated spaces, which is what's required under the parking and for a three bedroom house. The number 15 itself, I'd say, has three allocated spaces with the garage itself, along with the driveway, which can accommodate two allocated spaces. So it would meet parking standards for four and above bedrooms. Thank you. Can I just ask about that garage? It's I noticed it had two bins in front of it. It doesn't look as if it's regularly used as a garage for a vehicle. Is it possible to put a modern vehicle inside it? I haven't measured the garage itself specifically, however, it has been used as a garage, it potentially could be used as a garage, but I'd say we can't assume that they might use it so much but we can't assume if it's used as a storage service. However, in this instance, we consider it to be an allocated space because they say it's still shown to be a garage as opposed to a conversion to other additional living accommodation. And the parking standards require two or three spaces for that house. So I believe for number 15, it will be three allocated spaces. Councillor Williams? I'm afraid my question is also along the line of parking. It's more of a clarification over the existing access to number 15 that will be used for the new property. Currently, from visiting the site, you can only fit one car in there. Is that on the plans due to expansion? And then my second question again relates to the parking is in that if this is being used currently for parking access to number 15, surely then when number 15 and the new property gains this parking area, number 15 will have lost parking that they're currently using, if that made sense. So with regards to the parking, I've measured it on the plans and it is shown to meet the requirements for two allocated spaces within the standard sizes. So, side by side, with number 15, whilst they'll be losing two spaces, they still have on their existing driveway enough space to accommodate what would be required through the use of the driveway and the garage. What they say, what is required by the parking standards? Any other questions from members on any other part of the report? Councillor Langford Smith. Thank you, Chair. My question is about the amount of outdoor space. With the garden being taken up with the new building, it looks like there's very little outdoor amenity space for a family home. Is there a minimum space requirement? So, yeah, there is no minimum space requirement for outdoor amenity space for a food dwelling. Any more questions? No? So we move to debate. Well, I'll kick it off. I went to visit this site a couple of days ago. And it is very tight, I think, for an extra house. But I do think it's possible. And I think probably the semi-detached approach is is is the best approach. The gardens will be small, but then a lot of people prefer small gardens these days. They've both got plenty of outside space for patios and drying clothes and whatever. It's on a corner, but there is an existing access and parking area. It looks very untidy at the moment because the hedge has been taken down and the sort of temporary fencing up. And from the description of the proposer, I think that the sight lines will be improved by this proposal and that once it's all tidied up and finished, I think it will be actually an improvement on what was there before. I think probably, you know, overgrown conifers was probably the very last thing you needed on that corner. So I think bearing in mind all the considerations and inevitably these closes and access towards play areas and so on are going to have at times a lot of pressure on parking. That's true in all our estates, in every community around the district, I think. Our minimal parking standards are what that says minimal. But I think moving forward, we're all hoping that people will be using active travel much more. It's a sustainable site. It's within walking distance of the town centre and so on. So I'm content that it's an acceptable addition to the close. Any other contributions to debate? Councillor Leaning. Yes, I've given this a lot of careful consideration. I am worried about the driveway not conforming to what Hampshire Highway's standards, as I understand them, as the house had already got a driveway the other side. And I'm not sure this ever had planning and approval to have it dropped aside there. So I'm not convinced on that. I'm also looking at the way that the building's been put in, whilst that 7D tax is probably the only solution. I still feel it's massive overdevelopment of that particular site. So I'm afraid I cannot approve this. If there's no more debates, we will move to the decision. So members, this application is recommended for approval with all its conditions and so on. Can I see all those in favour of approval, please? And those against? Any abstentions? So that is approved. Thank you very much. We'll have a slight pause whilst we change our planning offices. And then we will move to item number 14. Thank you. [ Silence ] [ Silence ] [ Silence ] [ Silence ] [ Silence ] [ Silence ] [ Silence ] [ Silence ] [ Silence ] [ Silence ] [ Silence ] [ Silence ] [ Silence ] [ Silence ] [ Silence ] [ Silence ] [ Silence ] [ Silence ] [ Silence ] [ Silence ] [ Silence ] [ Silence ] [ Silence ] [ Silence ] [ Silence ] [ Silence ] [ Silence ] [ Silence ] [ Silence ] [ Silence ] [ Silence ] [ Silence ] [ Silence ] [ Silence ] [ Silence ] [ Silence ] [ Silence ] [ Silence ] [ Silence ] [ Silence ] [ Silence ] [ Silence ] [ Silence ] [ Silence ] [ Silence ] [ Silence ] We're here for the first item this afternoon. Please move out of the room. Thank you very much. Members, if you could settle down and sit down. Thank you very much. And for the minutes, Councillor Langford-Smith has now left the room because she has declared a pre-determination on this item, so we're down to eight members. So this item is number 14 on your agenda at Broadview Cottage, Kidmore Lane in Dennead. The officer presenting is Liz Young. Over to you, Liz. Thank you. - Thank you, Chair. So this application relates to the proposed change of use of an existing outbuilding to a self-contained dwelling. The plans also include proposals to carry out alterations to the building and to form additional parking to the front of the site. So this first slide shows the location plan for the site, which is identified by the red line. The application building sits immediately east of the main house, which is just here. So the main house, Broadview Cottage, is just to the west. The application site lies just outside the built-up area of Dennead, which lies immediately to the south. It occupies a fairly prominent corner plot on the junction between Kidmore Lane to the east and Cemetery Lane to the south. So this next slide shows the aerial view of the site, which is marked by the yellow star. The red line just shows the route of the public right of way, which runs along the south of the site, along Cemetery Lane. The west boundaries are joined by open fields. A neighbouring residential property adjoins the north boundary. Most of the site boundaries are enclosed by trees and hedgerows, which include a protected veteran oak tree in the southeast corner of the site. This next slide shows the proposed site layout plan. So you can see the proposed parking layout here. The grey shading, you can just see here and here, just shows the proposed canopy, roof canopy extensions and also the porch to the side. This next slide shows the existing floor plan, so on the left it's the ground floor and then the first floor is on the right. The building at the moment is, as I say, a domestic outbuilding, it's got a floor area of about 150 square metres, currently in use for garaging, games room storage and a study. This next slide shows the floor plan as proposed, again with the ground floor to the left and the first floor to the right. So the one existing internal garage would remain and the rest would be converted to a three bedroom house. The purple shading you can see on the first floor plan just shows the footprint of the proposed canopy extensions and the porch to the side. This next slide is the existing and proposed elevations. So alongside the canopy extensions and the porch you can see here the dormer windows which are to be added to the front of the building along with some minor changes to windows and doors at ground floor level. This next slide shows the tree constraints plan which is included in the application, so this shows the relationship between the protected veteran oak tree which is marked by the number one in the corner of the site here and the proposed development. The dotted line indicates the root protection area. Just for clarity, veteran oak trees are not part of the landscape. Veteran trees are defined by natural England as irreplaceable. Alongside their landscape value they're also recognised for their ecological and cultural interest and the Forestry Commission and Natural England have produced specific guidance about their conservation. Just moving on to the photos this just shows the view from Cemetery Lane to the south looking through the access towards the application building which you can see here on the right and the main house. This is the view from Cydmore Lane to the east, again looking towards the application building which is in the foreground and the main house off to the left. This is a view from within the site looking towards the application building and a boundary with Cydmore Lane off to the right. The view just towards the side elevation of the application building is intended that this space here would remain in use for parking. It's another view from within the site towards the application building and the main house. This view is from the rear garden just to the rear of the application building. This is just a longer range view so taken from the rear of the main house looking back towards the application building. That brings us to the end of the slides. The recommendation is that planning permission should be refused. The main concern is that the proposal would introduce a new dwelling outside the settlement boundary of Denmead without sufficient justification. Alongside this there's concerns about impacts on the protected tree and also the character of the area. And that concludes, thank you. Thank you very much Liz. We now turn to the public speaking. Our first representative is from the parish council, Kevin Andreoli. Welcome again Mr Andreoli. You know the routine and when you start speaking you have three minutes, thank you. Good afternoon members. A Denmead parish council has imposed support of the officers recommendation. We raise the strong objection on the following grounds that the application is contrary to policy MTRA4 of the Winchester District Local Plan Part 1 as it would result in an additional residential unit in a countryside location with no justification for agricultural horticultural or forestry development. The application is contrary to policy CP20 of the Winchester District Local Plan Part 1 as it would fail to enhance the local distinctiveness, tranquility and setting. And there is concern for the health and wellbeing of the oak tree on the corner of the property adjacent to the crossroads which is very close to the proposed vehicle turning area. And we are pleased that the tree officer agrees with us. This is a significant tree within the street scene. Additionally there is concern that it is proposed to remove hedgerow to widen the driveway to make room for two driveways effectively. And I would like to point out to the members that one of the letters of support states the parish council's objection is unreasonable in light of the carpenter's field development which is outside the settlement boundary. This is incorrect. Those of us who broke the Denmead neighbourhood plan modified the settlement boundary to include the sites allocated by the plan. So we commend to you the officer's recommendation to refuse this application. Thank you. Thank you. Members do we have any questions of clarification for the parish councilor? No? Thank you very much indeed. And our final contribution is from Mr. Philip Harrison, the supporter. If you'd like to come forward Mr. Harrison? Good afternoon. You switch on the microphone by pressing the button at the base on the unit that's it, excellent. And from when you start speaking you will have three minutes. Okay good afternoon my name is Philip Harrison. My wife and I live in Broadview Cottage and we're the applicants. There are three reasons for refusal. So first is the proposal is outside the settlement boundary. Although that's not disputed it's only outside by around six meters. The site is seen in the context of the new development across the junction of Kipmore Lane and Especially Lane which was permitted as a result of the provisions of the Denmead manual plan. Also MPPF encourages sustainable development. The site is highly sustainable being only 350 meters from the Denmead shopping centre. Yeah it's being treated as if it was. Mr Harrison, I beg your pardon, can we just stop the put for a second? We're finding it difficult to hear what you're saying. All right if you speak a little more clearly and just a little closer to the microphone. Okay is that person? Yes thank you. Right sorry do you want me to start that bit again or? Okay in the context of the Denmead neighbourhood plan the community reported that not enough use has been made of reasonable infill can provide new housing. I would suggest this is reasonable infill. There is far less damage to the environment and the character of the area by utilizing existing building rather than building on open green spaces. The second refusal reasons highlights detrimental views from the highway regarding increased level of domestic activity, parking and undermining the edge of the settlement character of the area. Given that the building already exists the change of use from residential annex to dwelling will create no material impact. The building has been part of the Kipmore Lane street scene for nearly 10 years now. It's now part of the accepted land segment of Denmead Village both rural and urban. It is doubtful that people passing the site would notice any change in the building. The site is relatively well screened by hedges and the proposed changes to the building are minor alterations to make the building look less like a garage and to provide a softer front for gate. There is no increase in footprint of the building. Every single house along Kipmore Lane is car recognized in front of the dwellings and the proposed parking for Broadview Cottage and the annex sits behind an eight foot hedgerow so it would not be visually prominent. The third reason for refusal cites insufficient information for protection of the tree which may lead to risk or loss of or deterioration. I provided detailed agricultural information on how the very small area grass would be excavated and how the roots would be protected on very small percentages of route protection area impacted by these proposals. A large percentage of root areas of the tree extends under the Sintry Lane and Kipmore Lane junction. Recent resurfacing of the road and digging a trench within the RPA does not appear to have impacted the tree and no roots were uncovered by this activity. This suggests the roots are well established and deep and the tree is not at risk from the minor changes proposed. Finally there are only two objections each from the immediate neighbours. There has been significant support from other neighbours and in the wider Demmead community such as the application has been brought to the committee. I would respectfully ask you to consider the points I've just raised together with the support from neighbours, the local Demmead residents and also the community's desire to use reasonable infill and I would respectfully ask you to grant this application. Thank you very much and thank you for stopping and being a bit clearer. Thank you. Members do we have questions of clarification for the applicant? No? All right many thanks you may return to your seat. Thank you. Liz do you have anything you want to add to your presentation following the contributions from the public? Thank you, no, no thank you. Members we'll take questions on the whole report. Do we have any questions for our officer? Councilor Williams. Thank you chair. I just wanted to go into further detail in regards to concerns about not just the increased vehicle of movement across the tree route area but also the building itself. Whether there's just a bit further detail we can say on what harm this would do to I think it was an irreplaceable tree. Sorry the the harm to the tree are we talking about? Yeah sorry the harm to the tree from the extension of the building and the access. Okay yeah so it's a combined impact of there's obviously, well they've amended the plans to remove the supporting pillars that were proposed to support the canopy but alongside the concern about the posts there were concerns about the additional driveway construction within the route protection area. But added to that as I say it's a it's a veteran oak tree so because of that there's additional guidance produced by Natural England which talks about the role of buffer zones which are partially informed by route protection but aside from that the advice basically makes it clear that no development should be allowed within the buffer zones because those buffer zones are not solely required to protect routes they're also there to facilitate sort of dispersal of habitats and species and provide connectivity with surrounding habitat so it's not purely an issue of route protection it's this more stringent level of protection for veteran trees basically. Any other questions members? No? So we move to debate and I'll kick things off. Sorry councilor Aaron you don't mind. I looked at this and whilst I'm very sympathetic to the views of the applicant I do think that we need to draw a red line here and stick to it and whilst this is not very far from the red line which denotes the development area of the village and the countryside it's not a fuzzy red line it's a distinct red line and even going one metre over it is unacceptable. We have terrible trouble retaining the boundaries of our communities and if we don't stick to that red line the chances of having nibbling away at the countryside from all our communities and villages is enormous and the number of houses with an annex across the district which if we gave this permission you know would leap up and say oh we could become two dwellings instead of one would be enormous and unsustainable. Also I'm concerned about what's this annex which is a very large annex like a barn that the use of that to the main house must be enormous and would we be faced with an application for another enormous annex to replace this one in a short amount of time. Because you know the the the garage parking and the study area and all that storage above is all going to disappear. So all this taking all those things into account and my serious concerns for this completely irreplaceable priceless tree means that I'm very happy to support the officer recommendation to refuse this application. Councillor Aaron your turn for debate thank you. Thank you yes I agree with all that you've said and about the boundary and the tree I think it's just in a way unalterable from my point of view and the other point I would make is that in terms of preserving the rural area the first thing I noticed when I saw the annex was that it looks as though it is a barn and now barns in countryside is fine you know I mean they have to be there and but their appearance is in somehow in keeping with the rural atmosphere whereas another house is not and for me that's a strong point on that sort of third rural development side of things. Thank you thank you any more debates Councillor Leaming. Yes I think that this is quite a difficult one in some aspects but I think the officer produced a really good report and I should be supporting her recommendation. Thank you. 44 Thank you. Dr Oliver, oh Councillor Leaming thank you. Just to say I personally think it's too much upon the rural character of this area that you may be the cause of the area. You would be introducing a new dwelling which is against policy our good old policy MTRA 4 and I think it would just set a precedent later on you know for similar developments so I am for refusal thank you. Thank you so if there's no more contributions to debates the decision so this application is recommended for refusal so can I see all those members in favour of refusing this application? So that recommendation falls I'm afraid, thank you very much everybody that's the end of today's planning committee and I'll see you all in three weeks time. I believe we are we're not going to be subject to some sort of purser because of the general. [BLANK_AUDIO]
The meeting was delayed due to traffic issues affecting one of the councillors. No significant discussions or decisions were made during the meeting.
Traffic Issues
The meeting was delayed because one of the councillors was stuck in traffic. The chair decided to wait for a few minutes to allow her to arrive so she could participate in the first item. The chair mentioned the appalling traffic this morning.
Item Number 10
The chair noted that nobody was present for item number 10, so it was skipped.
Meeting Adjournment
The meeting concluded with a mention that the nurse parlour was available for use. The Winchester City Council Planning Committee meeting on May 23, 2024, primarily discussed two planning applications. The first was for the erection of a three-bedroom house at 15 Princes Close, Bishop's Waltham, and the second was for the change of use of an outbuilding to a self-contained dwelling at Broadview Cottage, Kidmore Lane, Denmead.
15 Princes Close, Bishop's Waltham
The committee reviewed an application to build a three-bedroom house within the garden of 15 Princes Close. The proposal included retaining the existing garage and driveway for parking.
Public Objections
- Gordon Campbell represented 15 households in Princes Close and Elizabeth Way, raising concerns about parking and traffic safety. He argued that the close could not sustain the potential increase in cars and that the proposed parking area had obstructed sightlines. He also mentioned the design's impact on the street scene and the loss of green space.
- Councillor Richie Latham objected on grounds of overdevelopment, adverse effects on neighboring properties, and parking issues. He cited policies DM16 and DM17 of LLP2 and CP13 of LP1, arguing that the proposal did not respect the local context and would negatively impact the area.
- Craig Tickner, the applicant, argued that the proposal followed planning advice and would improve road safety by removing overgrown conifers and replacing them with low-level planting. He also mentioned that additional parking had been approved nearby, which would alleviate parking concerns.
Committee Discussion
- Members discussed the adequacy of parking, the impact on traffic safety, and the potential overdevelopment of the site. Some members were concerned about the driveway's proximity to the junction and the overall scale of the proposed building.
The committee voted to approve the application, with the majority in favor and some members against, citing overdevelopment and parking concerns.
Broadview Cottage, Kidmore Lane, Denmead
The second application was for changing the use of an existing outbuilding to a self-contained dwelling. The proposal included minor alterations to the building and additional parking.
Public Objections
- Kevin Andreoli from Denmead Parish Council supported the officer's recommendation to refuse the application. He cited policy MTRA4 of the Winchester District Local Plan Part 1, arguing that the proposal would introduce a new residential unit in a countryside location without sufficient justification. He also raised concerns about the impact on a protected veteran oak tree and the removal of hedgerow for driveway widening.
- Philip Harrison, the applicant, argued that the site was highly sustainable and that the proposal would have minimal visual impact. He provided detailed arboricultural information to address concerns about the oak tree and mentioned significant support from neighbors and the wider Denmead community.
Committee Discussion
- Members discussed the importance of adhering to the settlement boundary and the potential precedent set by approving such applications. They also considered the impact on the veteran oak tree and the rural character of the area.
The committee voted to refuse the application, with the majority supporting the officer's recommendation. Members emphasized the need to maintain the settlement boundary and protect the rural character and irreplaceable trees.
Overall, the committee's decisions reflected a balance between development needs and preserving the character and safety of the local area.
- Angela Clear
- Anne Small
- Brian Laming
- Jane Rutter
- Jonathan Williams
- Patrick Cunningham
- Paula Langford-Smith
- Rachel Aron
- Suzanne White
- Vivian Achwal
- John Bartlett
- Lorna Hutchings
- Tichborne Arms Play Area
- SDNP2301689FUL - Humphreys Twyford
- SDNP2301689FUL - Humphreys
- 24.00076.FUL Winchester Racquets and Fitness - FINAL
- 24.00076.FUL Winchester Racquets and Fitness Preso
- Appeals Summary Report Q4 - Jan - Mar 2024
- 15 Princes Close Committee Report
- 15 Princes Close Presentation
- 23 02685 FUL Broad View Cottage REF
- 23 02685 FUL Broadview Cottage Presentation
- Agenda frontsheet 23rd-May-2024 09.30 Planning Committee agenda
- Public reports pack 23rd-May-2024 09.30 Planning Committee reports pack
- Minutes Public Pack 17042024 Planning Committee
- Morningdale House report
- Morningdale House powerpoint
- SDNP2302780FUL Tichborne Arms
- Update Sheet 23rd-May-2024 09.30 Planning Committee
- 23 May 2024 UPDATE SHEET