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Licensing Committee - Tuesday 11 February 2025 7.00 pm, NEW
February 11, 2025 View on council websiteSummary
This meeting of Hackney Council's Licensing Committee was scheduled to consider whether or not to introduce Cumulative Impact Assessments (CIAs) in Shoreditch and Dalston. The Committee was also scheduled to be updated on the activities associated with the Late Night Levy1 during the last quarter of the 2024/25 Financial Year.
Cumulative Impact Assessments
The Committee was scheduled to consider a report on the findings of recent research into the impact of the concentration of licensed premises in Hackney, and whether this concentration might negatively affect the four licensing objectives2. The Licensing Committee previously designated Shoreditch and Dalston as Special Policy Areas3, but these lapsed in 2018 when the process for introducing Cumulative Impact Assessments became law.
The report included for discussion a proposal to introduce CIAs in two areas of Hackney: the former Shoreditch Special Policy Area, extended to include an area to its south west; and the former Dalston Special Policy Area. It described how the areas had been the topic of a six-month review by Six Till Six Ltd in conjunction with Make Associates. They examined crime data, data from the London Ambulance Service (LAS), noise reports, and information about licensed premises in the borough. They also interviewed stakeholders and members of the public, and made direct observations of the areas in question.
The report's findings suggest that the evidence suggested that the Shoreditch area in particular still suffers from cumulative impact
, specifically:
Shoreditch remains Hackney’s most significant hotspot for recorded crime, London Ambulance Service (LAS) callouts, as well as for the issuing of fixed penalty notices (FPNs) and for logged CCTV incidents.
In contrast, they found that in Dalston, crime was approximately half the level seen in Shoreditch
. However, the researchers highlighted that Dalston did experience some issues with anti-social behaviour, which they felt were connected to alcohol consumption.
The report stated that a consultation had been held on the proposed CIAs. The report pack also included for discussion a summary of the consultation responses. Most respondents agreed with the proposal to introduce a CIA in Shoreditch, but there were also concerns raised about the potential negative impact of the CIA on businesses in the area, and that the introduction of a CIA might displace problems into neighbouring areas.
There was also a proposal included in the report pack that the CIA for Shoreditch not apply to small restaurants (with no more than 50 covers) that operate no later than 11pm on weekdays and midnight at weekends. This proposal was not popular with respondents to the consultation. Concerns were raised about loopholes and challenges in enforcing this exemption. Some respondents highlighted how easily small restaurants might convert into late-night bars.
There was also a majority of respondents to the consultation that agreed with the proposed CIA in Dalston. However, there were concerns expressed about the effect of the CIA on local businesses. There was also a proposal included for discussion that the CIA for Dalston not apply to small restaurants (with no more than 50 covers) that operate no later than 11pm on weekdays and midnight at weekends. This proposal was more popular than its Shoreditch equivalent, but it was still only supported by a slim majority of respondents to the consultation.
Late Night Levy
The Committee was scheduled to be updated on the Late Night Levy, which is charged to some businesses that are open between midnight and 6am in Hackney. It is used to pay for additional policing in the borough.
The report included for discussion stated that receipts from the Levy for the fourth quarter (August to October 2024) of the seventh year of its operation were £81,933, making a year to date total of £456,044. It also described how 147 nightlife and security staff had received training during this period. There was a slight increase in noise issues this period, however the report stated that most of these cases were resolved quickly with many venues working with us and the noise team
The report stated that the Late Night Levy Board met in October and discussed patrols, the Dalston Pubwatch4 group and record numbers of venue closures in Shoreditch.
The Late Night Levy is a charge that is placed on some businesses that are open between midnight and 6am in Hackney. It is used to pay for extra policing in the borough. ↩
These are set out in Section 4 of the Licensing Act 2003 as (a) the prevention of crime and disorder; (b) public safety; (c) the prevention of public nuisance; and (d) the protection of children from harm. ↩
A Special Policy Area is a designation used by Councils under the Licensing Act 2003 to focus resources and take a precautionary approach to licensing in specific areas where concentrations of licensed premises might be having a negative effect. ↩
A Pubwatch scheme is a partnership between licensees, the police, and local authorities that aims to reduce crime and disorder in specific areas, typically those that contain concentrations of pubs, bars and nightclubs. ↩

- Public reports pack Tuesday 11-Feb-2025 19.00 Licensing Committee reports pack
- Agenda frontsheet Tuesday 11-Feb-2025 19.00 Licensing Committee agenda
- Minutes 12112024 Licensing Committee other
- Cumulative Impact Assessment Report 1
- Appendix 1 - Hackney CI Research Report
- Appendix 2 - Cumulative Impact Assessment Consultation Report 1
- Appendix 3 - Proposed Shoreditch CIA Area
- Appendix 4 - Dalston CIA Map for consultation
- Late Night Levy - Year 7 Q4 update
- Appendix 1 - Late Night Levy - Year 7 Q4
- Decisions Tuesday 11-Feb-2025 19.00 Licensing Committee other
- Cumulative Impact Assessment Report 1
- Appendix 1 - Cumulative Impact Research Report
- Appendix 2 - Cumulative Impact Assessment Consultation Report 1
- Appendix 3 - Proposed Shoreditch CIA Area
- Appendix 4 - Dalston CIA Map for consultation