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Licensing Sub Committee C - Wednesday 12 February 2025 7.00 pm
February 12, 2025 View on council websiteSummary
This meeting was scheduled to include a discussion of an application for a new premises licence for The Prince Edward pub on 97 Wick Road. The committee was also scheduled to consider a temporary event notice as a standing item on the agenda.
Application for a Premises Licence: The Prince Edward, 97 Wick Road, London E9 5AB
Johal Properties London Limited applied for a new premises licence for The Prince Edward.
The applicant was seeking authorisation for:
- Films
- Live Music
- Recorded Music
- Performance of Dance
- Anything of a Similar Description
- Late Night Refreshment
- Supply of Alcohol (On and Off Sales)
The application proposed that all licensable activities could continue until 03:00 seven days a week.
Representations from Responsible Authorities
The Environmental Health Service made a representation objecting to the application on the grounds of the prevention of public nuisance.
The Police withdrew their representation after the applicant provided reassurances.
Representations from Other Persons
Two representations were received from local residents objecting to the application on the grounds of the prevention of public nuisance.
Officer Observations
Officers recommended that if the Licensing Sub Committee was minded to approve the application, that a number of mandatory and additional conditions should be attached to the licence.
The mandatory conditions included standard wording used by the Council for the supply of alcohol.
Additional conditions included a request for:
- Off sales of alcohol to only be allowed in the form of partially consumed bottles that had been resealed.
- A comprehensive CCTV system to be installed.
- Challenge 25 to be in operation at the venue.
- A log of incidents to be kept.
- Staff to be trained on the Licensing Act 2003.
- A noise limiter to be installed.
- No under 18s to be allowed on the premises after 22:00.
- The premises to operate as a restaurant after 23:00.
The report noted that:
Conditions 10 to 33 are derived from the applicant’s operating schedule.
Temporary Event Notices - Standing Item
No detail was provided in the agenda pack about the Temporary Event Notice application that was scheduled to be discussed. The report pack contains the agenda and reports pack for a meeting. It does not contain the minutes of the meeting, so it is not possible to know whether any decisions were made.

- Hearing Procedure Type A - Premises Licence Variation
- New Premises Report - 97 Wick Road
- Agenda frontsheet Wednesday 12-Feb-2025 19.00 Licensing Sub Committee C agenda
- Public reports pack Wednesday 12-Feb-2025 19.00 Licensing Sub Committee C reports pack
- Supplementary Agenda item 7 Temporary Event Notice Ballie Ballerson 97-113 Curtain Road London other
- Hearing Procedure for Temporary Event Notice 2.doc 1 1
- TEN Report - 97-113 Curtain Road other
- Supplementary paper Item 6 Proposed conditions Wednesday 12-Feb-2025 19.00 Licensing Sub Committe
- Proposed Conditions060305 1 other