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Health in Hackney Scrutiny Commission - Thursday 13 February 2025 7.00 pm

February 13, 2025 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript  Watch video of meeting
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The Commission heard from Dr Kirsten Brown, the incoming Clinical Director for City and Hackney about the Enhanced Primary Care Services and the risk that funding for some of them might not continue after April 2025. The meeting concluded with a discussion with Keep Our NHS Public representatives about the Integrated Care Board's budget overspend.

Enhanced Primary Care Services

Dr Brown explained that there are currently 13 enhanced GP services in City and Hackney and they are funded by NHS North East London (NHS NEL). The funding for these services is due to end in April 2025 and there are concerns about whether they will be renewed.
Dr Brown explained the importance of the services, saying:

And what we've seen with this additional resource is this has been invested directly into workforce. So it means that in City and Hackney, we have more GPs for our patients than not just in NEL, actually, but across London. And we're one of the highest, we have one of the highest numbers of GPs across London. We provide more appointments than elsewhere in NEL. And we are really delivering excellent outcomes for our patients as well.

Councillor Lynch noted that other London Boroughs do not have the same level of service, saying:

But I guess it's within other boroughs, it's just to emphasise to members that what we have in Hackney, we should try to hold on to, because you've got one provider, NHS provider doing all of that. Whereas in other boroughs, you'll have a different provider doing acute services and you're doing a different provider, a different provider doing community services.

Dr Brown replied:

I do agree that we are lucky in City and Hackney with our geography, but also that we do have the secondary care provider we do, and the fact that they also provide our community services. I think that means we've got really good partnership working, and we can do that through our neighbourhoods.

The Commission agreed to discuss the services again in the next few months once more information is available.

Adult Social Care Transformation Programme

The Commission received a presentation about the Adult Social Care Transformation Programme. The programme has four workstreams:

  1. Developing a Carer's Strategy
  2. Redesigning the Technology Enabled Living service
  3. Redesigning the Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) Adaptation service
  4. Reviewing the Care Charging policy and processes.

Carer's Strategy

The Carer's Strategy was published in November 2024. It sets out commitments to improve support for carers in the borough. Kat Buckley, Deputy Head of Transformation, explained that the strategy was developed in consultation with carers, saying:

We worked and engaged with over 160 carers in the borough and working with partner organisations, hearing about what's working well, what doesn't work well, where are their gaps, and themed everything that we learned through that into some key priority areas.

The strategy is now being implemented and an action plan will be published later in the year.

Technology Enabled Living

The Technology Enabled Living (TEL) service provides technology to help people live independently in their homes. Ms Buckley explained that the service is being redesigned to make better use of technology and to expand the range of equipment available.

I think in particular, one of the things that has been used and set up, I think on the slide, I refer to it as sort of data-informed assessments. But using this technology, and there are lots of different ones available, but Just Checking is one of the names of them. So you can put in equipment into somebody's home over a period of two weeks and it helps social workers analyze. So putting a group of sensors in somebody's homes, whether that's sensors on the fridge, in the bed, on the floor, to be able to understand and help social workers and the families look at what the right sort of long-term care package need is.

The service is currently being re-procured and the new contract will be awarded in June 2025.

DFG Adaptations

The Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) provides funding for adaptations to homes to help people live independently. The DFG Adaptation service is being redesigned to make the process more streamlined and efficient. Ms Buckley described the current delays, saying:

Home adaptations are taking on average 368 days.

Helen Woodland, Group Director for Adults, Health and Integration, explained that the service was being moved from the Housing service to Adult Social Care, which should help improve efficiency.

One of the really exciting things about this particular work stream is us bringing together colleagues who have been working in housing and bringing them into adult social care.

The new DFG Home Adaptation Service is due to launch in April 2025.

Care Charging

The Care Charging policy sets out how and when residents are charged for their care. The policy is being reviewed to make it clearer and more transparent. Ms Buckley explained that:

We want to make it really clear about how and when residents are charged for their care, but also make sure that those conversations are happening as early as possible, and increasing the confidence of social workers to have those conversations.

The revised policy will be taken to Cabinet in April or May 2025, followed by a public consultation.

Housing with Care

The Commission received a verbal update on the Housing with Care service, which provides housing and care for older people. Ms Woodland explained that:

It's 16 different schemes scattered throughout the borough. The schemes are a mix of size. They're also a mix of tenure. So some of the schemes have just general tenants in them alongside people with care needs. Some of the schemes are specifically for people with care needs. We also have a mix, depending on the scheme, of the type of care need that they support.

She noted that the service was last inspected by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) in 2018 and was rated 'Requires Improvement'. The service has since undergone a mock inspection, and a CQC inspection took place in November 2024. The report is not yet available.

Councillor Turbet-Delof expressed concern that some residents in the service with acute mental health needs might be better placed in a different level of care. Ms Woodland replied that there is no published threshold for the service and that they are working with registered providers to lower the eligibility age from 60 to 55. She added that:

What we'd like to do, and what we're doing at the moment, is working with the registered providers to bring that number down to 55. But also, we then want to develop, as I've said, our own schemes and supported living services which we can offer to working-age adults as well as older adults in the borough.

The Commission agreed to review the Housing with Care service again when the CQC report is published.

Healthy Weight JSNA

The Commission heard from Donna Doherty-Kelly, Principal Public Health Specialist about the Healthy Weight Joint Strategic Needs Assessment. Ms Doherty-Kelly explained:

The purpose of the JSNA report is to: set out the national and local policy context in relation to healthy weight; provide local data and insights on obesity and overweight, diet and physical activity behaviours; examine the latest evidence and best practice as well as the local response; and make recommendations for local action.

The key findings from the JSNA were that:

  • A large number of local residents are above a healthy weight and there are stark inequalities
  • Many residents struggle to eat a healthy affordable diet and to be active
  • There is no 'quick fix' to reduce obesity prevalence and related harms.

The JSNA has been used to inform a review of the whole system approach to tackling obesity in the borough. A number of recommendations were made, including:

  • Re-establishing the Healthy Weight Strategic Partnership
  • Improving data collection and analysis on the environmental determinants of obesity
  • Developing a comprehensive programme of work to tackle weight stigma.

The Commission discussed the recommendations and expressed concern about the lack of affordable gyms in the borough. Councillor Adams said:

We have gyms in the borough that's not affordable for people living in the borough. So that's an issue. So when you talk about physical activities, I don't know how people living in the borough can actually access that.

Councillor Adebayo raised the issue of the number of fast food outlets located near schools, saying:

But my concern is the availability of the fast food restaurant on our high street, sometimes these fast food restaurants are very close, too close to the school.

Ms Doherty-Kelly replied that the Council had a policy in place to object to any new applications for fast food takeaways near schools. She added that:

But I know in terms of national planning policy frameworks, they are really strengthening that restriction of new hot food takeaways around schools. And they've also included other places that young people go within that policy now as well.

The Commission agreed to review the Healthy Weight JSNA again in a year's time and asked for a timeline on the development of KPIs for the different recommendations.

Keep Our NHS Public

The Commission concluded with a discussion with representatives from Keep Our NHS Public. Carol, a representative of the organisation, explained that the group wanted:

... this committee to be looking at what is the actual impact on the ground of the cuts. So not so much, you know, it's, um, this line from the budget, so much has been taken out, but what that means in terms of reductions in the number of staff or reductions in access to services.

The Chair, Councillor Hayhurst replied that:

... if we know about service change, we do look into it.

He explained that the Commission had raised concerns about the possible ending of Enhanced Primary Care Services with Dr Brown and would continue to monitor the situation. He also committed to asking for further details about the NHS NEL budget overspend at the next meeting of the North East London Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (NEL JHOSC).

The meeting closed with the Chair thanking everyone for their contributions.


Councillor Ben Hayhurst
Councillor Kam Adams
Councillor Grace Adebayo
Councillor Frank Baffour
Councillor Sharon Patrick
Profile image for Councillor Ian Rathbone
Councillor Ian Rathbone  Labour •  Lea Bridge
Councillor Anna Lynch
Councillor Ben Lucas
Helen Woodland
Carol Ackroyd
Kat Buckley
Sally Beaven
Dr Kirsten Brown
Donna Doherty-Kelly
Dr Sandra Husbands
Jayne Taylor