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Resources and Performance Select Committee - Wednesday, 15 May 2024 10.00 am

May 15, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting Watch video of meeting
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The Resources and Performance Select Committee meeting focused on two main topics, corporate health and safety, and an update on the work being undertaken by the Digital Business and Insights (DB&I) task group. The Committee accepted both reports and made four recommendations on health and safety. There was no decision on the DB&I report, as this is still in progress, but the Committee endorsed the group’s timetable for finalising its work and agreed to review the final report at a dedicated online meeting.

Corporate Health and Safety

The Committee reviewed Surrey Council's health and safety performance, receiving an update on an internal audit of health and safety governance arrangements carried out in October 2023 and an Improvement Notice served to the council by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) on 11 April 2023.

The Improvement Notice followed an HSE inspection of Oakwood School, a community school, as part of a programme of inspections on the management of asbestos in schools. The Notice identified nine areas where the Council's arrangements for managing asbestos in schools where it is the employer were lacking.

In September 2023, the HSE acknowledged that the Council had addressed all of the points raised in the Improvement Notice apart from the auditing and monitoring of 23 schools not in the Council's asbestos re-inspection scheme, a paid-for scheme whereby schools can purchase asbestos inspections and remedial works from the Council.

The Committee noted that the Council's Health and Safety and Land and Property teams are currently undertaking a joint programme of auditing and monitoring of all schools where the Council is the employer. It also heard that the HSE was satisfied with the Council’s timeframe for undertaking this work, accepting that a two-year programme of monitoring inspections, with annual inspections of the 23 schools identified as a priority, was adequate.

There was extensive discussion about the 23 schools not in the Council's re-inspection scheme. These schools procure their asbestos management services privately. In response to a question from Councillor Steven McCormick, the meeting heard from Natalie Bramhall, the Cabinet Member for Property, Waste and Infrastructure, that there had not been a process in place for monitoring these schools at the time of the HSE inspection. The Committee was told that the Council is now seeking to improve the take-up of its scheme by schools and that the Council’s Facilities Management (FM) contractor, Macro, will be promoting this scheme to schools from 1 July 2024.

Councillor Tim Hall suggested that the Council should promote its asbestos management services to schools more effectively, while the Chairman, Councillor Bob Hughes, asked whether schools should be recommended to have a Governor specifically responsible for safeguarding.

The Committee also heard that there are no schools where the Council is the employer in which its health and safety performance is of concern.

Children's Homes

The Committee received an update on the performance of Children's homes in Surrey. The Committee heard that the Council is the employer at 12 Children’s homes, 3 of which opened in 2024. They were told that, with the exception of the newly opened homes, all of the homes have been inspected by the Council's health and safety team. Where gaps were identified, the home managers were provided with an action plan to address them. The meeting heard that the CFLL directorate's health and safety team have good relationships with the home managers and that there is effective two-way communication on health and safety issues.

The Committee was told that 119 health and safety incidents had been reported in Children's homes between June 2023 and March 2024. This included 14 incidents of abuse, threat, or violence, 18 near-misses, and 87 injuries.

The Chairman asked if the Council had any indication of how this performance compared with that of other councils. In response, Lesley Graham, the Head of Health and Safety, said that this is very hard to determine, as other councils have a different make-up of homes.

KPIs and Reporting

The Committee considered the effectiveness of the Council's health and safety Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and reporting processes. They were told that these KPIs have been expanded and now provide a more detailed level of reporting than previously, with trend data included. They heard that the new KPIs are helping to identify areas for improvement.

The Committee was told that the KPIs are now being reported quarterly to the Council's Central Joint Health, Safety and Wellbeing Committee (CJHSWC), which is chaired by a member of the Corporate Leadership Team (CLT) on a rotating basis. The Committee discussed whether this rotating chair impacts the continuity and accountability of the committee. It was explained that the rotation ensures that each member of the CLT is responsible for and involved in promoting and improving health, safety and wellbeing across the whole council.

Councillor Hazel Watson asked for clarification on the role of Executive Directors on the CJHSWC, as this was not clear in the Committee's Terms of Reference. The Head of Health and Safety explained that the Executive Directors are all members of the CLT and therefore take turns in chairing the CJHSWC.

The Committee heard that an update on health and safety has been provided to the informal cabinet and will also be included in future quarterly performance monitoring reports to the Resources and Performance Select Committee. It also heard that a briefing on health and safety for Councillors took place on 25 March 2024 and that refresher training for Executive Directors will be delivered when the new Chief Executive starts.


The Committee made four recommendations on health and safety:

  1. That the Cabinet endorses the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Strategy and Action Plan for 2024 to 2026, in addition to the Central Joint Health, Safety and Wellbeing Committee, to comply with a recommendation of the Local Government Association.
  2. That Executive Directors are updated and informed on the Central Joint Health, Safety and Wellbeing Committee by its rotating chair to promote awareness of key risks.
  3. That the new suite of Corporate Health and Safety KPIs agreed with the Corporate Leadership Team on 19 September 2023 are presented to Cabinet Members quarterly and included in the quarterly Resources and Performance Select Committee performance monitoring reports.
  4. That, by May 2025, the Members' Induction booklet should refer to health and safety, clarifying how and to whom Members should refer any health and safety issue that comes to their attention.

DB&I Task Group Update

The Committee received an update on the work of the DB&I task group, which was set up in October 2023 to carry out a ‘lessons learned’ analysis of the Council's project to replace its SAP Enterprise Resource Planning system with a system procured from Unit 4.

The Committee heard from the group's Chairman, Councillor Steven McCormick, that the task group has undertaken a number of interviews with key witnesses and is currently developing its conclusions and recommendations. The task group's report is due to be finalised by the end of May 2024 and will then be considered by the Resources and Performance Select Committee at a dedicated online meeting on 10 June 2024.

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held on 18 July 2024.