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Planning Committee - Wednesday 19th February, 2025 7.00 pm, NEW

February 19, 2025 View on council website  Watch video of meeting  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The committee considered 8 applications, approving 6 and refusing 1. Item 11 on the agenda, Whiteways, Hillview Gardens, was deferred to the next meeting.

94 Kingsley Way

The committee considered an application to fell a protected oak tree at 94 Kingsley Way. The tree is subject to the protection of a Tree Preservation Order and is implicated in causing subsidence to a nearby house, Abingdon House, on Emmott Close. The applicant argued that the tree was causing damage to the property and that felling the tree would avoid costly underpinning works, in the region of £150,000. The council's tree officer argued against felling the tree, on the basis of its contribution to the character of the Hampstead Garden Suburb Conservation Area, its contribution to air quality, and its value to wildlife. The committee refused the application.

Fir Island, The Ridgeway

This application concerned a change of use and alterations to Fir Island, The Ridgeway, Mill Hill from a dwelling into a children's day nursery. The proposal includes a single storey extension to the locally listed building. There were objections to the proposal from residents and businesses along Burtonhole Lane, based on the intensification of use on the site and the likely impact on traffic in the area. Residents argued that the local road network was already congested due to the volume of school traffic along The Ridgeway. Businesses including Finchley Nurseries, Burtonhole Farm, and the Camdenians Sports Ground were all concerned about the impact of nursery traffic on their businesses. The committee heard arguments that the change of use would harm the Green Belt1, but the council's planning officer determined that the development would be acceptable on previously developed land2 in the Green Belt that does not meet the Green Belt purposes. They also heard arguments that the development would cause highway safety issues, but the council's highways officer determined that the development would not unacceptably impact highway safety. The applicant, Boys & Girls Nursery agreed to provide an 80-place nursery, rather than the 100-place nursery that was previously refused at appeal. They argued that this was necessary to viably operate the site, restore the locally listed building, and cater to demand in the area. The committee approved the application.

O/s 138-142 High Road, East Finchley

The committee considered two related applications for the installation of an electric vehicle charging point and associated digital advertising outside 138-142 High Road, East Finchley. The committee heard arguments that the installation would obstruct access to Tony's Continental, a local grocery shop, and the Finchley Youth Theatre, especially for disabled users. The applicant, Jolt, argued that the site was suitable for the installation, and that the provision of electric vehicle charging infrastructure in town centres was an important part of Barnet Council's climate strategy3. The committee approved both applications.

O/s 1095-1097 Finchley Road, Golders Green

The committee also considered two related applications for the installation of an electric vehicle charging point and associated digital advertising at 1095-1097 Finchley Road, Golders Green. The committee heard arguments that the installation would damage the character of the area, and that the advertising would be a distraction for drivers. Moishers, a local kosher shop, argued that the charging point would impact on their business due to the loss of parking and difficulties for delivery drivers. The applicant, Jolt, argued that the site was suitable for the installation, and that the dual functionality of the charging point with digital advertising would reduce street clutter. The committee approved both applications.

23 Ravenshurst Avenue, Hendon

This application concerned an extension to a single-storey office building at 23 Ravenshurst Avenue, Hendon to provide additional office accommodation and counselling rooms for JCounselling. The committee heard objections to the proposal on the grounds of the intensification of the use, potential harm to the amenities of residents of Somerset Road and Egerton Gardens, and increased pressure on parking in the area. The council's planning and highways officers argued that the development was acceptable, subject to the completion of a legal agreement4 to restrict parking permits and manage opening hours. They argued that this would mitigate the potential impacts of the development on parking and highway safety. The committee heard from the applicant that the extended opening hours were required to enable access to the counselling service for clients who are only available outside of typical office hours. The committee resolved to approve the application.

  1. The Green Belt is a planning designation that is intended to prevent urban sprawl. Developments are strictly controlled in the Green Belt, and can only be approved in very specific circumstances.  

  2. In the context of planning, Previously Developed Land (PDL) is land that has been built on before, and excludes parks and gardens.  

  3. Barnet Council has pledged to become a net-zero carbon borough by 2042. 

  4. A legal agreement or Section 106 agreement, is a legally binding document between a developer and a local planning authority. They are used to mitigate the impacts of a development, and are often used to secure the provision of affordable housing or infrastructure improvements.