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Planning Sub-Committee (1) - Tuesday 18th February, 2025 6.30 pm
February 18, 2025 View on council website Watch video of meetingSummary
This meeting will include the discussion of five planning applications across Westminster. Councillors will be asked to make decisions on applications for self-storage, residential and commercial developments, as well as proposals to make alterations to a listed building and the public highway.
1. Use of underground car park as self-storage
The Sub-Committee has been recommended to grant conditional planning permission for an application for the change of use of two basement levels of the underground car park at 39 - 44 Grosvenor Square to self-storage (Use Class B8). The applicant is 1784 UK Holdings 5 Limited. The two levels were previously operated by NCP as a public car park and have been vacant since 2020. There are no physical alterations proposed to the car park structure.
The report sets out that six objections have been received on a number of grounds, including the impact on traffic congestion along Adam's Row. To mitigate potential traffic impacts, the report notes that there will be a height restriction of 1.98m for vehicles entering the car park, with a barrier in place to prevent larger vehicles entering. Operational Management Plan detailing measures that reduce the likelihood of larger vehicles attending the site will be secured by condition to be approved prior to the commencement of the use.
The report also outlines the responses from The Mayfair Neighbourhood Forum and The Residents Society of Mayfair & St James, who have objected to the proposal on several grounds, including that parking spaces should be used for hotels instead of self-storage.
The report refers to policies contained in Westminster's City Plan, adopted in April 2021, which will be used to inform the decision. In particular it refers to Policy 27 (Parking) which states that:
Proposals for the redevelopment of existing car parks for alternative uses will be supported.
2. Demolition and redevelopment of mews house
The report pack recommends that the Sub-Committee grants conditional planning permission for the demolition and redevelopment of 16 Beaumont Mews. The applicant, Mr Miles Berry, proposes to excavate a single-storey basement at the property and replace the existing two-storey mews building with a larger one, with the addition of a mansard roof.
The report details objections raised by The Marylebone Association on the grounds of the impact of demolition on the Harley Street Conservation Area. It also notes that four objections have been received from local residents raising concerns about the impact of the proposal on their amenity. The report sets out that the proposed development would result in a three-bedroom residential unit with a gross internal area of 115sqm.
As such, there no objection to its demolition and replacement with a building of an appropriate scale and detailed design.
The report also details the applicant's rationale for demolishing and rebuilding the property rather than refurbishing the existing building. To mitigate the impact of demolition on the environment, the applicant has committed to reusing between 50-60% of the existing building materials. A pre-demolition audit is recommended as a pre-commencement condition.
The report refers to policies contained in Westminster's City Plan, adopted in April 2021, which will be used to inform the decision. In particular, the report refers to Policy 8 (Housing delivery), Policy 38 (Design principles), and Policy 36 (Sustainable design and construction).
The report also refers to a previous application (RN: 22/01787/FULL) for the site, which was refused on 30 September 2022, and the subsequent appeal, which was dismissed on 3 March 2023.
3. Refurbishment and extension of mixed-use building
Councillors will be asked to decide on an application for the part refurbishment and part extension of 181 - 185 Wardour Street, a mixed-use building on the corner of Noel Street and Wardour Street. The applicant, Wrightsville Holdings Limited C/O Agent, is proposing to extend the existing mansard roof, extend the third and fourth floors, and make alterations to the ground floor and basement. The proposals will provide additional floorspace for the existing office and residential uses, with the creation of two roof terraces for the residential unit. The application proposes to retain the existing Use Class E (commercial, business and service) of the building.
The report details objections raised by The Soho Society on the grounds of potential noise disturbance from the roof terraces. It also notes five objections received from local residents and businesses regarding the impact of the development on their amenity. In particular, it notes that concerns have been raised about the impact of a proposed infill extension to the rear of the site, which will result in the loss of a lightwell.
Officers acknowledge that the amount of light available to the neighbouring commercial property may be reduced but given that they are commercial properties they are not afforded the same level of protection as residential properties and therefore it would be considered unreasonable to withhold permission on this basis.
The report outlines the response from a neighbouring commercial property that operates a recording studio and is concerned about noise disturbance from the development. It sets out that:
...the Applicant has agreed to sign up to the Council's 'Code of Construction Practice' (COCP). As part of this process, Environmental Health Officers will liaise with both the applicant and neighbouring sound studio.
The report refers to policies contained in Westminster's City Plan, adopted in April 2021, which will be used to inform the decision. In particular the report refers to Policy 1 (Westminster’s spatial strategy), Policy 2 (West End Retail and Leisure Special Policy Area), Policy 8 (Housing delivery), Policy 13 (Supporting Economic Growth), Policy 14 (Land use in the town centre hierarchy), Policy 15 (Visitor Economy), Policy 16 (Food, drink and entertainment), Policy 17 (Community infrastructure and facilities), Policy 20 (Soho Special Policy Area) and Policy 38 (Design Principles).
The report also refers to policies contained in the Soho Neighbourhood Plan, adopted in October 2021, which will be used to inform the decision. In particular, it refers to Policy 3 (Mixed-use developments), Policy 6 (New office developments), and Policy 7 (Active frontages).
4. Public realm improvements to listed building
The report pack recommends the Sub-Committee refuses planning permission and listed building consent for two alternative schemes (Scheme A - RN: 24/03515/FULL and 24/08322/LBC, and Scheme B - RN: 24/03516/FULL and 24/08323/LBC) to make alterations to the Jermyn Street frontage of Morris House, a Grade II listed building. The applicant, Criterion Buildings Limited, is proposing to install planters, seating, lighting, and paving in the colonnade along Jermyn Street.
Scheme A proposes to retain the colonnade as a pedestrian thoroughfare, whilst Scheme B proposes to enclose the colonnade by installing glazed doors and incorporate the newly enclosed space into the adjacent restaurant, theatre, and hotel.
The report sets out that numerous objections have been received, including objections from The Criterion Theatre, the Theatres Trust, and Westminster's Highways Manager. The objections relate to the impact of the development on pedestrian and cyclist access and safety, and on the servicing arrangements for the Criterion Theatre. In particular, the report states that:
...the alterations to colonnade and realignment of the kerb line/reduction of area available to service from on Jermyn Street would have a direct impact on the theatre’s ability to service.
The report also notes that concerns have been raised by the Metropolitan Police, My Local Bobby, and The Heart of London Business Alliance about crime and antisocial behaviour in the colonnade.
My Local Bobby’s recent data indicates that there have been 46 instances related to rough sleeping and 32 reports of drug-related activities directly associated with this area.
The report includes an appendix listing incidents of antisocial behaviour reported by the applicant's security team over a four-year period. It also includes photographs of a colonnade on nearby Great Windmill Street which has been redesigned to discourage antisocial behaviour.
The report states that:
Whilst the benefits of both Scheme A and Scheme B in terms of their likely reduction of antisocial behaviour in the vicinity of the site are noted, it is considered that a more sensitive package of measures should be explored which reduces unnecessary street clutter, retains access for pedestrians and essential servicing for surrounding businesses and respect the special interest of surrounding listed buildings and the Regent Street Conservation.
5. Temporary change of use to gallery and event space
The Sub-Committee is being asked to grant conditional planning permission for the change of use of the basement and ground floor of 23 - 25 Eastcastle Street to a gallery, performance and event space (Sui Generis) for a temporary period of ten years. The applicant, Sisters Grimm Ltd, is a production company that intends to use the space to stage ticketed live music and dance performances and host a free public art gallery.
The report states that no objections have been received from residents or businesses in the vicinity. It details the applicant's proposed hours of operation and provides a breakdown of employee and performer numbers. It also details the proposed layout of the space.
Downstairs there will be ticketed shows with live singing and dance performances that celebrate diverse cultures.
The report refers to policies contained in Westminster's City Plan, adopted in April 2021, which will be used to inform the decision. In particular the report refers to Policy 1 (Westminster’s spatial strategy), Policy 2 (West End Retail and Leisure Special Policy Area), Policy 14 (Town centres, high streets and the CAZ), Policy 15 (Visitor Economy), Policy 16 (Food, drink and entertainment), Policy 17 (Community infrastructure and facilities) and Policy 27 (Parking).
The report also refers to policies contained in the Fitzrovia West Neighbourhood Plan, adopted in October 2021, which will be used to inform the decision. In particular, it refers to policies relating to the provision of active frontages and environmental performance.

- Agenda frontsheet 18th-Feb-2025 18.30 Planning Sub-Committee 1 agenda
- Public reports pack 18th-Feb-2025 18.30 Planning Sub-Committee 1 reports pack
- Printed minutes 07012025 1830 Planning Sub-Committee 1 other
- Schedule of Applications - 18 February 2025
- ITEM 3 - 181 - 185 WARDOUR STREET LONDON W1F 8ZA other