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Planning Board - Thursday, 20th February, 2025 6.30 pm

February 20, 2025 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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At this meeting the Planning Board voted to grant planning permission for two applications: the demolition and redevelopment of a former tool hire premises at 141-143 Woolwich Road in East Greenwich to provide student accommodation and commercial units, and the demolition and redevelopment of the rear of a mixed-use building at 148-156 Plumstead High Street in Plumstead to provide 13 residential units.

141-143 Woolwich Road

The applicant, Mr Adil Adil from AVF Developments, requested permission to demolish the existing building on the site and erect three buildings ranging in height from five to seven storeys to provide 190 student rooms and three commercial units.

The scheme would deliver 35% affordable student accommodation, let at a rate set by the Mayor of London that is designed to ensure that students can afford to live in the accommodation.

A number of residents spoke at the meeting to object to the scheme. John Liu, a resident of Dandridge Close, expressed concern that the six-storey buildings would block out the daylight to his house, impacting his and his family's quality of life and the value of his property.

Sheila Keeble of the East Greenwich Residents Association (EGRA), also spoke in objection to the scheme. EGRA argued that purpose built student accommodation is anti-social housing that is cheap to build and commands high rents but does not provide family accommodation and contributes nothing to the community in which it is sited.

It contributes nothing to a community. It's a transitory population. You've got no voters. Not much interest in local matters. And, of course, significantly, no council tax. And a very low level of [S106]([1], I have to say, as well.

The University of Greenwich had written a letter in support of the scheme, stating that they support the principle of student accommodation on the site and are in favour of the detailed designs. The applicant confirmed that they had met with the university in January to discuss terms and were confident they would be able to clear the site for construction by Q3 of 2025.

The board discussed a number of concerns about the scheme, including the impact the development would have on traffic and waste collection in the area, parking provision, and the relatively low proportion of affordable accommodation. They also discussed the Council's obligation under the London Plan[2] to ensure that there is sufficient student accommodation to meet demand from the borough's Higher Education providers, and the contribution that student accommodation makes towards overall housing numbers as set out in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).

Ultimately the board voted to grant planning permission for the development.

148-156 Plumstead High Street

The applicant, Mr Harpinder Bara from GAA Design, requested permission to demolish the rear of a mixed-use building on the site and replace it with a four-storey extension to provide 13 residential units.

The proposed development would be car-free with the exception of two disabled parking spaces.

The site is located in the Plumstead High Street District Centre. The board heard that two previous applications for the site, for 9 and 16 residential units respectively, were refused, with the latter being dismissed at appeal. They were informed by Louise Thayre, the Senior Principal Planning Officer, that the Inspector's decision to dismiss the appeal on the 16-unit scheme was due to concerns about the impact the development would have on the privacy of residents at 29 Tewson Road. The Inspector also found that the close proximity of the proposed building to a service yard would impact on the living conditions of future occupants due to vehicle fumes.

The appeal of the refusal of the 2019 application was dismissed in part because the inspector considered the proposal would harm the living conditions of neighbouring residents at 29 Tucson Road through unacceptable loss of privacy to their garden and an un neighbourly sense of enclosure.

In response to these concerns the applicant had reduced the massing of the development and added privacy screens. In addition, under the current scheme there are no single aspect units situated above the service yard, as there were in the previous application.

The board heard that the applicant had conducted a financial viability assessment and concluded that the scheme would not be viable if it had to provide affordable housing. The Council's own independent viability assessor confirmed this. In lieu of on-site provision the applicant had offered a payment of £233,000 towards the provision of affordable housing elsewhere in the borough.

Concerns were raised by the board about the lack of consultation with the Council's Housing Department during the viability assessment process. The board also discussed the parking arrangements and the impact on traffic in the area, as well as the provision of play space.

The board voted unanimously to grant planning permission for the scheme.

[1]: Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 allows a local planning authority to enter into a legally-binding agreement with a landowner as part of granting planning permission. [2]: The London Plan sets out the overall strategy for development in London and the policies that will be used to decide whether to grant planning permission for new development.