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Licensing (2003 Act) Sub-Committee - Wednesday 5th March 2025 10.00 a.m.

March 5, 2025 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The Licensing Sub-Committee decided to revoke the licence of Priya Restaurant, 209 High Street North, East Ham. This followed an application for review from the Home Office Immigration Enforcement team, who had found people working illegally at the restaurant. No representations were received from the licence holder in response to the review application.

Priya Restaurant Licence Review

The Home Office applied for the review after a visit to the restaurant on 18 April 2025 found people working there who did not have the right to work in the UK. The Home Office representative explained that

The ability to use illegal workers is a key driver of illegal migration. It encourages people to break the immigration law and provides a practical means for immigrants to remain unlawfully in the United Kingdom. It encourages people to take risks in trying to enter the UK illegally by putting their lives in the hands of unscrupulous people smugglers and leaves them vulnerable to exploitative employers.

They also argued that employing illegal workers

undermines the licensing objectives, especially the prevention of crime and disorder.

The Sub-Committee asked a number of questions about the running of the restaurant, and were concerned to learn that although the licence holder at the time of the visit, Balasingham Sutharshan, had taken over the licence in 2011, no designated premises supervisor (DPS) had been registered since the previous DPS, Bhaskar Rajamohan, left in 2011. The Licensing Act 2003 requires a licence holder to notify the Council of any changes to the DPS within 28 days. The restaurant was entitled to continue trading without a DPS as the original application was made before the introduction of the requirement for a DPS in 2005.