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Corporate Parenting Committee - Wednesday 26 February 2025 2.00 pm
February 26, 2025 View on council websiteSummary
The Corporate Parenting Committee noted the adoption performance annual report 2023-2024, noted the verbal update from SpeakerBox, noted the Virtual Headteacher update on absenteeism, and agreed the approach and work plan as set out in the report.
Mental health of care leavers
The committee received a presentation from Dr. Jenny Taylor, the Virtual Mental Health Lead for Looked After Children & Careleavers, on mental health provision in Southwark for care leavers aged 16-17 and 18+. The presentation described the services the council currently provides in this area and some proposals to improve the services offered.
Dr. Taylor's report identified a number of issues faced by care leavers that impact their mental health and their ability to access the support they need.
Likely to have experienced significantly more complex life events than most young people, with less support than most young people, leading to higher numbers being likely to need mental health support.
The report noted that 55% of Southwark care leavers live outside the borough, which makes it harder for them to access support. It also pointed out that 28% of care leavers are unaccompanied asylum seekers, for whom country and language changes add further complexity. The report noted an upward trend in the number of young people accessing the services offered but acknowledged more needs to be done to engage young people in the services and improve access to them. The report highlighted that a particular focus should be placed on young men and Black young people.
The presentation finished with a request to hear from the young people present about what was working well and what could be done better.
Adoption Performance Annual Report 2023-2024
The committee noted the Adoption Performance Annual Report for 2023-2024, which was presented alongside the ADO South Annual Report 2024. ADO South is a regional adoption agency covering the local authority areas of Brighton & Hove, East Sussex, Surrey, West Sussex and, as of April 2023, Southwark.
SpeakerBox Verbal Update
SpeakerBox provided a verbal update on their work, with a particular focus this month on the experiences of care leavers in the jobs market and their experiences with the mental health support on offer.
Virtual Headteacher – Absenteeism update
The committee noted the Virtual Headteacher's update on absenteeism in Southwark schools.
Corporate Parenting Committee – Work Plan 2024-25
The committee approved the work plan for 2024-2025. The plan will be reviewed and updated at each meeting.