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Local Development Committee - Monday 24th February 2025 6.30 p.m.

February 24, 2025 View on council website
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The meeting considered three planning applications for sites in Royal Albert, Plaistow South and Canning Town South. It also included for confirmation the minutes of the previous meeting, which took place on the 25th November 2024.

57 Hallsville Road

A planning application to demolish the existing two storey building at 57 Hallsville Road was included in the report pack, as was a request to erect a new six storey building, providing ground floor commercial space (Use Class E) and 18 new homes. The new building would include nine one-bedroom, four two-bedroom and five three-bedroom homes, along with cycle parking and waste storage. The applicant proposed to enter into a Section 106 agreement with the council to provide two of the 18 homes at social rent. The report pack explained that this application had previously been the subject of a viability assessment, which suggested that the development would only be viable if it included 11% affordable housing and a commuted sum of £2,279 was provided.

142 New City Road

A planning application to convert the existing mixed use building at 142 New City Road into four flats was included in the report pack. The application proposed converting the existing basement and ground floor commercial unit into two self-contained flats, and subdividing the existing first floor flat into two self-contained flats. The proposal included the erection of rear extensions, the excavation of the basement, and a number of other internal and external alterations. The report pack contains a recommendation that the planning application should be refused, on the grounds that it would result in poor quality accommodation, particularly for the occupants of the basement flat, because the lightwell proposed to light the basement flat would result in insufficient daylight. The report also recommended that the application be refused because the creation of a large public void space in the front garden of the property would appear discordant and out of character with the street scene. The report pack notes that several residents objected to the application, particularly because the development would result in the loss of the commercial premises, which is in use as a shop and post office.

Grey Shed London City Airport

A planning application to change the use of the building known as 'Grey Shed' at London City Airport from a Sui Generis fuel facility to storage and distribution (Use Class B8) was included in the report pack. It noted that the building was originally in use as a warehouse (Use Class B8), and has effectively been used for storage since its use as a fuel facility ceased in 2013. It recommended that the application should be approved.

Minutes of Previous Meeting

The report pack included for confirmation the minutes of the previous meeting of the Local Development Committee, which was held on 25th November 2024. They recorded that two planning applications were discussed at the previous meeting: the ghusl facility at the Hudson Bay mosque, and the conversion of the building at 31-35 Stock Street into a community facility. The minutes note that Adam Willis and Marie Bak Mortensen addressed the meeting on the application concerning 31-35 Stock Street.