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The meeting included for discussion updates on the Council's budgets, spending and borrowing, as well as reports on services for people with learning disabilities and the Council's response to complaints made against it.
Treasury Management Strategy 2025-26
The report pack included for discussion a report by Daniel Omisore, the Director of Finance, about the draft Treasury Management Strategy (TMS) for 2025-26.
The report sets out how the Council will fund capital projects and manage its borrowing.
There are no significant changes proposed to the current treasury strategy.
The report pack also included a Treasury Management Strategy Statement that says the Council manages investments of £490.3m, £297.1m of which relate to Council funds and £193.2m plus a further €82.7m of Euro Investments are managed on behalf of the North London Waste Authority.
Revenue Estimates and Council Tax Setting for 2025/26
The meeting included a report by the Cabinet Member for Finance and Cost of Living about how the Council plans to balance its budget in 2025/26. It also provides an update on the main areas of financial risk, including the budget pressures across social care and homelessness services.
The report recommends to Council a 4.99% increase to Council Tax, which equates to a Band D council tax bill of £1,615.98 (excluding residents in Garden Squares) in 2025/26.
The report pack also included a summary of departmental budgets for 2025/26.
Annual Complaints Report 2023/2024
This report by the Borough Solicitor provides an overview of complaints about the Council's services across all directorates.
This is the London Borough of Camden’s annual complaints report for the period 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024. It is a single report that includes information on complaints across all directorates and seeks to give a corporate overview while signposting the reader to the detailed results for individual services.
Learning Disabilities Community Support Commissioning Strategy
The report pack included for discussion a report by the Cabinet Member for Health, Wellbeing and Adult Social Care about plans to re-commission the Learning Disability Community Support (LDCS) service.
The report proposes commissioning two specialist providers to deliver an initial term of four-and-a-half years service from 1st October 2025, with a three-year extension option.
An estimated 125 people with complex health and social care needs are in scope of the new contract for an estimated contract value of £16,347,078.
Award of Grant Funding to the Community Smoking Cessation Service
A report by the Cabinet Member for Health, Wellbeing and Adult Social Care was included for discussion about funding to increase the capacity of the community stop smoking service.
The report proposed that Cabinet approve the arrangements for the provision of additional stop smoking support by way of a grant agreement between Camden Council and Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust (CNWL), the Council's current provider for stop smoking services, for an initial period of one year from April 2025.
In-Sourcing of Domestic Gas Servicing, Repair and Installation
The report pack included a report by the Cabinet Member for Better Homes about the creation of an in-house team to manage gas boilers in the Council's housing stock.
The current outsourced contract comes to a natural end 31 March 2026 and the intention is that the in-sourced service will start April 2026.
Decisions to be made in this meeting

- Agenda frontsheet 26th-Feb-2025 19.00 Cabinet agenda
- Public reports pack 26th-Feb-2025 19.00 Cabinet reports pack
- Minutes 15012025 Cabinet other
- 9 Treasury Management Strategy 2025-26
- 9a Treasury Management Strategy 2025-26 - Appendix 1
- 2025 2026 Revenue Estimates and Council Tax Setting
- Appendix A - The Legal Framework for Setting the Council Tax
- Appendix B - Statutory Determination of Council Tax 2025-26
- Appendix C - Directorate and Departmental Budgets and Levies
- Appendix D - Fees and Charges
- Appendix E - Camden Climate Budget
- Appendix F - Equality Impact Assessment Form
- London Borough of Camden Annual Complaints Report 20232024
- 12 Learning Disabiliies Community Support Commissioning Strategy other
- 12a Appendix 1 - EQIA_LD Community Support other
- 12b Appendix 2 - Commissioning Options Table LD Community Support other
- 13 Award of Grant for Added Capacity to the Community Smoking Cessation other
- 13a Appendix 1 Camden LB LSSSASG 2024-25 other
- 13b Appendix 2 Camden LB LSSSASG 2025-26 other
- 13c Appendix 3 - EQIA LSSSASG other
- 14 In Source Strategy for Domestic Gas Boiler Service Repair and Installation Services other
- 14a Insource Domestic Gas Boilers - Appendix 1 - Equality Impact Assessment Form 130225 other
- Decisions 26th-Feb-2025 19.00 Cabinet other