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Extraordinary - , Audit Committee - Monday, 24th February, 2025 6.30 p.m.

February 24, 2025 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Audit Committee approved the council's statement of accounts for 2023-24 and the Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Capital Strategy. The committee also approved the external auditors' recommendations on the council's accounts and the pension fund accounts.

External Audit of the Council Accounts

The committee received the external audit report for 2023-24 from EY.

EY issued a disclaimer of opinion1 on the accounts.

"We have been unable to obtain sufficient audit evidence to provide a basis for an audit opinion on these financial statements. Therefore, we do not express an opinion on whether the financial statements:

  • give a true and fair view of the financial position of the council as at 31 March 2024 and of its expenditure and income for the year then ended"

LBTH Audit Results Report 2023-24, page 4

This was due to a number of issues, including a delay in appointing EY as auditors and difficulties in obtaining the necessary information from the council. The auditors also identified a number of control weaknesses, including in relation to the council's valuation of its assets and income recognition. The committee questioned the auditors and officers on these issues and sought assurances that they would be addressed.

The auditors explained that the disclaimer of opinion was largely due to the findings of the Best Value Inspection (BVI)2 report, which identified significant weaknesses in the council's governance arrangements. undertaking our value-for-money work, we absolutely have taken into account the findings of the governance criteria, which is what we're focused on for that weakness.

Meeting Transcript, lines 50-54.

They also said that there were delays in the handover process from the previous auditors, Deloitte, which meant that they were not able to start their work as early as they would have liked.

In terms of handover between Deloitte's and ourselves, it was slightly delayed... So, it probably was slightly delayed from what would have been a desirable position earlier in the year.

Meeting Transcript, lines 83-90.

Officers set out how they intended to improve audit preparedness going forward, including by providing training for staff, starting the audit earlier and working more closely with the auditors.

So, the first thing is, this was a difficult first-year audit, and normally things take a bit longer in terms of the walkthroughs. But we've looked at our resources, we're waiting for the new audit plan to come through hopefully soon. But I think the key thing for us now is to focus on training. So, some of these issues could be just staff training, because we had an influx of changes in terms of staff. So, things like running reports from systems, for example. And then the other bits is about, you know, making sure we start the audit earlier. So, normally we do interim audits. So, this time we've got plans to start in March for the 24-25, have the right resources in place to do some of the heavy sampling, for example, or building those assurances as early as possible. And then come the summer, then, you know, we work with our auditors again to just make sure we're on time in terms of delivering what they've requested. But I think we are on a journey. Normally, with new audits, there's a learning phase as we transition. And I think we've kind of worked with our auditors and built those relationships.

Meeting Transcript, lines 132-155.

External Audit of the Pension Fund Accounts

The committee also received the external audit report on the pension fund accounts. The auditors issued an unmodified audit opinion3 on the accounts, which means that they believe that the accounts give a true and fair view of the fund's financial position. However, the auditors did identify one matter of significant importance, relating to the completeness and accuracy of membership data.

We identified one matter of significant importance relating to the completeness and accuracy of the membership data used in the production of the financial statements. The Council are undertaking work to improve the accuracy of the membership data and we will review the outcome of this work, but this matter has been pervasive to our audit.

THPF - Audit Results Report 2023-24, page 4

Officers explained that work was underway to address this issue and that they expected to have it resolved by the end of March 2025. The committee questioned officers on the progress of this work and sought assurances that it would be completed on time.

Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Capital Strategy

The committee considered a report on the Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Capital Strategy for 2025-26. The strategy sets out how the council intends to manage its finances, including its borrowing and investments.

The key change in the strategy was the introduction of a new Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP)4 policy. The new policy is designed to ensure that the council's borrowing is affordable and that it does not build up too much debt.

So a little bit different to what you're used to in previous years, is we're asking for an in-year update to the 24-25 MRP policy, as well as approving the 25-26 MRP policy. And this is in relation to our MRP calculation. So in consultation with third-party support around the MRP guidance, we've looked to revise our policy to ensure that the debt financing or the capital financing in relation to our unfinanced capital expenditure is more closely linked and related to the cost of borrowing. Also, we deem it to be, and this is in the guidance itself, it better reflects the related charge to taxpayers as well, council taxpayers to charge us here particularly. So I just wanted to draw members' attention to that particular policy.

Meeting Transcript, lines 418-428.

The committee questioned officers on the new policy and sought assurances that it would be effective.

Internal Audit and Anti-Fraud Implementation of Recommendations

The committee considered a report on the implementation of internal audit recommendations. The report set out a new process for monitoring the implementation of recommendations, which is designed to improve the council's governance and risk management arrangements.

Consequently, Internal Audit is making a significant update to its methodology and working processes to enable DLTs, CMT and individual Service Heads to better track the implementation of Internal Audit recommendations on an ongoing basis.

Internal Audit and Anti-Fraud - Implementation of Recommendations, page 3, paragraph 3.7

The committee welcomed the new process and sought assurances that it would be effective.

Annual Governance Statement

The committee considered the draft Annual Governance Statement 2023-24. The statement is a key document that sets out the council's governance arrangements and how it manages risk.

The committee raised a number of concerns about the statement, including that it was unbalanced in its reporting of the findings of the LGA peer review and that it was too process-focused in its discussion of the best value inspection. The committee also raised concerns about the process for developing the statement and whether it was sufficiently independent.

I, on first reading it, felt it was unbalanced in some ways. I felt that in particular with the LGA peer review, there was a lot of focus on the good points of the review, and there was less discussion in this statement on the criticisms that came out of the peer review... Similarly, I think in the best value inspection section, I agree with Councillor Francis in that there is more fact in here, rather than subjectivity. However, it's quite process-focused, and less conclusive around some of the findings. As a document that is there to describe the governance of the council, it's not one that I necessarily feel comfortable, slightly honest about it, so I do agree with Charlotte's observations as well.

Meeting Transcript, lines 297-306.

The committee agreed to raise their concerns with management and to request that they be addressed in the final version of the statement.

Update from PwC re: Homecare Contract and Forensic Audit

The committee went into private session to receive an update from PwC on the forensic audit into the council's homecare contract. The committee also discussed the mayor's quoting from a restricted report at a cabinet meeting. No decisions were made in private session.

  1. A disclaimer of opinion is issued by an auditor when they are unable to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence to provide a basis for an audit opinion on the financial statements.  

  2. Best Value Inspections (BVIs) are carried out by the UK government to assess whether local councils are providing good quality services and using their resources effectively. 

  3. An unmodified audit opinion is issued by an auditor when they believe that the financial statements give a true and fair view of the entity's financial position.  

  4. The Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP) is the minimum amount that a local authority must set aside from its revenue account each year to repay the principal of its debt. 


Profile image for Councillor Mufeedah Bustin
Councillor Mufeedah Bustin  Chair of Audit •  Labour Party •  Island Gardens
Profile image for Councillor Amin Rahman
Councillor Amin Rahman  Aspire •  Bethnal Green West
Profile image for
 (Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Inclusive Development and Housebuilding) •  Aspire •  Weavers
Profile image for Councillor Asma Begum
Councillor Asma Begum  Labour Party •  Bow West
Profile image for Councillor Bodrul Choudhury
Councillor Bodrul Choudhury  Scrutiny Lead for Housing and Regeneration •  Aspire •  Bromley South
Profile image for Councillor Marc Francis
Councillor Marc Francis  Labour Party •  Bow East
Profile image for Councillor Harun Miah
Councillor Harun Miah  Aspire •  Shadwell
Charlotte Webster  Independent Person
Farhana Zia
Profile image for Councillor Ahmodur Khan
Councillor Ahmodur Khan  Scrutiny Lead for Resources •  Aspire •  Blackwall & Cubitt Town
Profile image for Councillor Amina Ali
Councillor Amina Ali  Labour Party •  Bow East
Paul Audu
Jill Bayley
Hayley Clark
David Dobbs
Hassan Rohimun
Abdulrazak Kassim
Ahsan Khan
Julie Lorraine
Stephen Reid