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Licensing Sub Committee - Thursday, 27th February, 2025 2.00 p.m.

February 27, 2025 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Licensing Sub-committee refused an application for a new premises licence from Lebanese Grill Express LTD for the Lebanese Grill at 80 Brick Lane. They also approved an application for a new premises licence from Bad Boy Pizza Bethnal Limited for Bad Boy Pizza at 419 Bethnal Green Road subject to conditions. Finally they approved the extension of the decision deadline to April 2025 for a number of other applications.

Lebanese Grill, 80 Brick Lane

The sub-committee heard an application for a new premises licence from Lebanese Grill Express LTD for the Lebanese Grill, a takeaway at 80 Brick Lane.

The applicant sought permission to sell late night refreshment1 from 11pm to midnight Sunday to Thursday, and 11pm to 2am on Friday and Saturday.

The Licensing Authority objected to the application on the grounds that the applicant had twice sold food after 11pm without a licence, that the premises is in the Brick Lane Cumulative Impact Zone2, and that they did not believe that the applicant would abide by the terms of the licence.

Environmental Health also objected to the application on the grounds of public nuisance. They noted that the applicant had not provided specific details of how they would prevent loitering.

The applicant stated that they had been unaware of the licensing requirements but had since taken steps to comply. They also stated that they had been operating under Temporary Event Notices3 without any issues.

The Licensing Officer noted that the applicant had been found to be trading beyond 11pm without a licence on two separate occasions, including one incident where officers had to leave the premises due to concerns for their safety. They said that the applicant had shown a blatant disregard to the licensing laws.

I would say you've seen evidence in front of you to suggest that the premises will not comply with the licensing objectives and therefore should be rejected. - Moshin Ali, Licensing Officer

The applicant reiterated their commitment to working with the authorities and ensuring that staff were aware of the licensing requirements.

The sub-committee deliberated in private and ultimately decided to refuse the application on the grounds that the applicant had failed to demonstrate that they would operate the premises in accordance with the licensing objectives.

Bad Boy Pizza, 419 Bethnal Green Road

The sub-committee heard an application for a new premises licence from Bad Boy Pizza Bethnal Limited for a restaurant at 419 Bethnal Green Road.

The applicant sought permission for the sale of alcohol on and off the premises from noon to 11.30pm Monday to Thursday, noon to midnight Friday and Saturday, and noon to 10.30pm on Sundays. The applicant also sought permission to sell late night refreshment from 11pm to 11.30pm Monday to Thursday and 11pm to midnight Friday and Saturday.

A local resident, Mr Gurdeep Singh, made representations objecting to the application on the grounds of the prevention of crime and disorder, public nuisance, public safety and the protection of children from harm.

The area has seen an increase in anti-social behaviour, and granting this licence may exacerbate the problem - Gurdeep Singh, local resident.

Mr Singh was particularly concerned about noise and litter nuisance from customers smoking and congregating outside the premises. He was also concerned about the impact of additional traffic in the area and the risk of alcohol being accessed by underage individuals.

The applicant stated that they operated other restaurants in London without any issues, that they were committed to working with local residents, and that alcohol would only be sold ancillary to food.

the alcohol is very much an ancillary part and that's conditioned... to sort of reassure everybody of that. - Sarah Taylor, applicant's legal representative.

They also noted that they had agreed a condition with Environmental Health limiting the number of people permitted to smoke outside the premises to six after 9pm.

The sub-committee deliberated in private and decided to grant the licence subject to the conditions agreed with Environmental Health and a condition that no drinks or glassware be allowed outside after 9pm. They noted that the applicant had demonstrated a willingness to work with residents and that the conditions would mitigate the risk of public nuisance.

  1. The sale of hot food and drink after 11pm. 

  2. A zone in which the number of licensed premises is considered to be so high that it is likely to have a negative impact on the licensing objectives. 

  3. A notice that allows licensed premises to extend their hours for a specific event or series of events.