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General Purposes Committee - Tuesday, 18th March, 2025 6.00 pm

March 18, 2025 View on council website
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The meeting agreed to all of the recommendations that had been made in the reports provided to committee members. This included a number of appointments to the council's committees and outside bodies, and the setting of salary bands for two new council officer roles.

Appointments to Committees

The committee approved the following appointments to vacant positions on the council's committees.

  • Planning Board: Councillor Calum O'Byrne Mulligan was appointed to fill a vacancy on the Planning Board. 1
  • Local Planning Committees:
    • Councillor Jahdia Spencer was appointed to the vacant position previously held by Councillor O'Byrne Mulligan.
    • Councillor Raja Zeeshan was appointed to the vacant position created by the resignation of Councillor Issy Cooke. 2
  • Children and Young People Scrutiny Panel:

    • Councillor Jahdia Spencer was appointed to fill a vacancy on the Children and Young People Scrutiny Panel.
    • Councillor Zeeshan was appointed to the vacant position previously held by Councillor O'Byrne Mulligan.
  • Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Panel:

    • Councillor Jahdia Spencer was appointed to the vacant position previously held by Councillor 'Lade Hephzibah Olugbemi.
  • Organisation and Communities Scrutiny Panel:

    • Councillor Raja Zeeshan was appointed to the vacant position previously held by Councillor Olugbemi.
  • Transport and Place Scrutiny Panel:

    • Councillor Ivis Williams was appointed to the vacant position previously held by Councillor Sam Littlewood. 3 # Appointments to Outside Bodies

The committee approved the following appointments to the council's outside bodies.

  • John Roan Foundation: Chris Strong was appointed to replace Councillor Mariam Lolavar. 4
  • Sir John Evelyn Charity: Matthew Woollcott was appointed to replace Janet Miller. 5
  • Greenwich Pensioners Forum: Councillor Lolavar was appointed to replace Councillor Majid Rahman. 6
  • Greenwich Co-operative Development Agency: Councillor John Fahy was appointed to replace Councillor Sandra Thomas. 7 # New Chief Officer Roles

The committee discussed reports seeking approval for the creation of two new council officer roles: Assistant Chief Executive, and Director of Communications and Community Engagement. It was noted that the creation of the Director of Communications and Community Engagement role came as a direct result of the recommendations of the Local Government Association's recent Corporate Peer Challenge. 8 The first role had been created on a temporary basis to support the Chief Executive with two specific workstreams:

For a time-limited period the substantive Assistant Chief Executive postholder has been undertaking the line management of HR in addition to the management of, and the rethinking programme for Procurement.

The Assistant Chief Executive role will be paid on a salary band of £105,047-£115,829 and the Director Of Communications and Community Engagement on a salary band of £93,070-£103,851.

  1. The Planning Board is a committee of the council that makes decisions on planning applications. 

  2. Local Planning Committees are smaller committees that make decisions on planning applications that have been referred to them by the Planning Board.  

  3. Scrutiny Panels are committees of the council that scrutinise the work of the council's executive. 

  4. The John Roan Foundation is a charity that provides educational support to young people in the borough.  

  5. The Sir John Evelyn Charity is a charity that provides support to people in need in the borough.  

  6. The Greenwich Pensioners Forum is a forum for pensioners in the borough to discuss issues that affect them.  

  7. The Greenwich Co-operative Development Agency is an organisation that supports the development of co-operatives in the borough.  

  8. The Corporate Peer Challenge is a process by which councils can request a review of their performance by a team of experienced councillors and officers from other councils.