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Joint Health and Overview Scrutiny Committee (Frimley Park Hospital) - Tuesday, 25 February 2025 1.00 pm

February 25, 2025 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The committee noted the two reports presented to the meeting, and agreed to review the Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust overarching strategy in more detail at a future meeting. The committee agreed a recommendation requiring the Trust to make additional efforts to ensure their communications about the new hospital programme reach digitally excluded and minority groups.

New Frimley Park Hospital Programme Update

Alex White, the Programme Director for the New Frimley Park Hospital, told the committee that the construction of the new hospital at Frimley Park is likely to commence between 2028 and 2029, at a cost of between £1.5 and £2 billion. He explained that the Trust is aiming to bring the start date forward if possible. He said that the Trust is on track to confirm their preferred site for the new hospital in the spring of 2025, and that the Trust would continue to liaise with the Committee and the community, once the decision had been made.

The Committee heard that the final stages of the construction of a £50 million extension to Frimley Park Hospital will be complete in April 2025. James Clark, the Chief Strategy Officer for the Trust, told the meeting that the extension will contain 76 new beds, new diagnostic imaging equipment, and a one-stop shop for patients requiring breast care treatment and diagnostics.

Communications and Engagement Strategy for the New Hospital Programme

Carol Deans, the Director of Communications and Engagement for the Trust, presented the Trust's draft communications and engagement strategy for the new hospital programme.

Councillor Richard Tear asked how the Trust planned to engage with 'seldom heard' groups. Ms Deans said:

Obviously setting out the full plan for that is the piece of work we're doing at the moment.

Councillor Tear also sought an assurance that communications would be translated into the languages spoken by minority groups in the area. Ms Davies said:

We have a lot of languages that are spoken across the system. There are five main ones. But we've been thinking around not just translations, but actually how you make culturally appropriate communications. So that's something that's coming out of our recent work with our communities and definitely something that will feature heavily in this.

The Chairman of the Committee, Councillor Trefor Hogg, highlighted the findings of a recent Select Committee report that approximately 20% of the population were digitally excluded, and said that this should be taken into account in the communications plan. He said:

Just because people don't like using it doesn't mean that you can't talk to them. You have to actually find ways to do so.

Sam Burrows, the NHS Frimley Integrated Care Board's (ICB) Chief Transformation, Delivery and Digital Officer said:

The point I would just make in addition rather than in opposition to what you said, Chair, is actually the importance of us not holding any preconceptions on who are the digitally excluded.

Overarching Frimley Health Strategy

James Clark, the Trust's Chief Strategy Officer, presented the Trust's overarching strategy.

Satisfied Patients

The Trust's first objective is 'Satisfied Patients'. Mr Clark explained that the Trust wanted to put patients at the heart of everything it does, to ensure that patients feel that every interaction they have with the Trust matters. He explained that the Trust planned to achieve this by: joining up care, providing compassionate care, offering timely access to services, bringing care closer to home, being at the forefront of digital innovation, and empowering patients to make choices about their care.

Councillor Hogg welcomed the prominence given to compassion in the Trust's strategy, saying:

It's something that's sometimes forgotten in the process of doing all the nice technology bits, and the rush of dealing with a crisis with a patient, that somebody just holding their hand and saying, you know, has a huge impact.

Engaged People

The Trust's second objective is 'Engaged People'. Mr Clark told the meeting that the Trust wants to become the best NHS Trust to work for. He said that the Trust planned to: equip staff for the future, make staff feel valued, supported, and listened to, provide staff with the best leadership training, use resources well, live the Trust's values, provide staff with modern facilities, celebrate success, and provide staff with modern benefits.

Councillor Dominic Hiscock asked where the Trust was now on staff satisfaction, and how it planned to improve. Mr Clark said:

So we're currently at 65%, which is, I would say, average for the NHS, probably in maybe in the top, the top half, but not, not anywhere near the top. The, and that will be based on the amount, also the amount of people that have done the survey. So out of the 13 and a half thousand people that do our survey, not every single person fills in the survey. So one of the things that we need to also do is improve the amount of people that fill in the survey because you don't might be disengaged in the first place.

Modern Infrastructure

The Trust's third objective is to provide 'Modern Infrastructure', by which it means not just buildings but also ensuring that the Trust is a digital leader and that it has sustainable facilities. Mr Clark explained that the Trust will invest in Wexham Park Hospital and community and out-of-hospital facilities, as well as building the new hospital at Frimley Park.


The Trust's fourth objective is to develop a culture where quality and safety are paramount, by ensuring that the Trust provides the right care, in the right place, at the right time.

Councillor Bill Withers welcomed the presentation, but stressed the importance of implementation, saying:

The proof of the pudding is actually putting it into action.