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Licensing Sub-Committee - Thursday 20 February 2025 10.00 am

February 20, 2025 View on council website
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The Licensing Sub-Committee was scheduled to consider an application for a new premises licence for a food hall1 at Tower Bridge Blend, 224 - 226 Tower Bridge Road, London. The application, from Tower Bridge Blend Ltd, sought permission to provide live music, recorded music, and performances of dance from 08:00 to 23:00 every day, and to sell alcohol from 10:30 to 23:00 every day. Sixty-eight representations were received from local people objecting to the application, as well as representations from the Metropolitan Police and the council's environmental protection team. The police and environmental protection team subsequently withdrew their representations after agreeing schedules of conditions with the applicant.

Application for a new premises licence for Tower Bridge Blend

The report pack contained an application from Tower Bridge Blend Ltd for the grant of a new premises licence in respect of a food hall at Tower Bridge Blend, 224 - 226 Tower Bridge Road, London. The application describes the premises as:

“Food Hall We host local performers who provide live background music to guests as they eat. These are small groups, sometimes amplified, but typical not. (Choirs, Brass band, acoustic guitar and singer) we play background music while guests eat their food we host cultural festivals that involve dance, for example, Chinese new year dragon dancers, these are small groups.”

The application requested permission for the following:

  • Live music, recorded music and performances of dance (all indoors):
    • Monday to Sunday: 08:00 to 23:00
  • The sale of alcohol to be consumed on the premises:
    • Monday to Sunday: 10:30 to 23:00
  • The proposed opening hours of the premises:
    • Monday to Sunday: 08:00 to 23:00

The proposed Designated Premises Supervisor was Nina Patel Bigland.

Representations from local people

The report pack included 68 representations from 'other persons', all but four of which were from local residents. The remaining four were from a local councillor, and three from local tenants' / residents' associations.

The representations variously object to:

  • The sale of alcohol at the premises
  • The provision of entertainment at the premises
  • The concentration of licensed premises in the immediate area
  • Noise and nuisance from existing licensed premises
  • The perceived impact the premises will have on the area

One representation fully supports the application, and three others support the application despite having concerns about it.

Representations from responsible authorities

The report pack included representations from the Metropolitan Police Service and from Southwark Council's environmental protection team.

Both the Metropolitan Police Service and the environmental protection team raised concerns about the application as submitted, and requested that conditions be added to address their concerns.

The report pack indicates that after liaising with the applicant, the Metropolitan Police Service and the environmental protection team agreed to schedules of conditions, and subsequently withdrew their representations.

Council policy

The report pack summarises Southwark Council's statement of licensing policy 2021-2026, and its relevance to the application under consideration. The premises are noted as falling within the London Bridge strategic cultural area. The policy document sets out recommended closing times for different types of licensed premises in the London Bridge strategic cultural area, as well as other relevant information.

The report pack also notes that:

Licensing and planning are separate legislative regimes, and issues relating to planning matters cannot be considered by the licensing sub-committee in their determination of this application.

It states that the application has no bearing on the planning status of the premises, and that:

It is important to note that the premises will be able to operate as a food hall regardless of whether this application is granted or not.

The report pack also contains a summary of the licensing history of the premises, noting that no previous licences have been held in respect of the premises under prior or current licensing legislation.

Climate change

The report pack summarises Southwark Council's commitment to considering the climate change implications of decisions. It notes that:

Climate change is not a legal factor in the consideration of a grant of a premises license under the current licensing objectives, however members can make enquiries and request an agreement from applicants to promote the reduction of the impact of climate change that may be caused by the operation of the premises.

Examples of agreements to promote the reduction of climate change are given, such as not using single-use plastics, and encouraging the use of public transport.

Community, equalities, and health

The report pack summarises Southwark Council's legal requirement to consider applications on their own merits, and its duties under the public sector equality duty to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity, and foster good relations.

It notes that:

Health impacts cannot be considered by law when making decisions under the Licensing Act 2003.

Resource implications

The report pack states that the application fee of £315.00 has been paid by the applicant.

Advice from other officers

The report pack contains advice from the Assistant Chief Executive – Governance and Assurance on the council's duties as the licensing authority, the principles that must be applied, and the hearing procedure to be followed. It also contains advice from the Strategic Director of Resources on the cost of the process.

Background papers and appendices

The report pack includes a list of the background papers used in its preparation, and a list of the appendices attached to the report.

  1. A food hall is a type of indoor market consisting of a number of different food stalls or vendors, typically with seating provided in a communal area. They are increasingly popular in London and other major cities. 


Councillor Jane Salmon
Councillor Kath Whittam
Debra Allday
Toyin Calfos
Charlotte Precious
Wesley McArthur
Andrew Weir