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Call In, Cabinet - Monday 24th February 2025 2.00 p.m.

February 24, 2025 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The meeting was to consider two decisions of the Cabinet made on 4 February 2025. Both decisions were referred back to Cabinet by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, following the Council's Call-In procedure. The Cabinet voted to confirm the original decisions on both matters.

Restoration and Regeneration of the Carpenter's Estate

This matter was before the Cabinet following a decision made at the 4 February 2025 meeting to approve an updated strategy and viability assessment for the Carpenter's Estate regeneration scheme. The Overview and Scrutiny committee called the decision in on 12 February 2025, citing concerns about increasing costs, the impact on Newham Council's Housing Revenue Account, the potential impact on the Council's 'C4' Viability Rating1 from the Regulator of Social Housing, uncertainties about assumptions relating to modelling, interest rates, inflation and reserves, and the projected rental values. The matter was referred back to Cabinet for reconsideration, and the Overview and Scrutiny Committee made recommendations on four areas, namely: independent financial review, composition of the board of Populo Living, internal audit, and comparison and alignment with Affordable Homes for Newham.

Councillor Anthony McAlmont, Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee introduced the item. He summarised the committee's reasons for calling in the decision, and their recommendations. The Mayor then made a series of general comments, before delivering the Cabinet's response to each of the recommendations made by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee:

Independent Financial Review

The Executive noted that the decision to approve the updated strategy and viability assessment for the Carpenters Estate regeneration scheme was made following an extensive resident engagement process, including a GLA compliant estate ballot in 2021 in which over 72% of residents supported the Outline Master Plan. The Council had a rigorous and robust internal governance arrangement in place to oversee the delivery of the programme, and to ensure that value for money is provided. The Executive was open to exploring alternative investment and delivery options to enable the programme to progress given the challenging economic climate, and officers had initiated conversations with potential partners. These discussions would progress alongside the design work, and the outcomes would inform any advice given to the Cabinet before it makes decisions about progressing to the construction phase. The Executive therefore did not believe an independent review was needed.

Councillor McAlmont, in response, welcomed the discussions with external partners, and encouraged the Cabinet to ensure that these discussions aimed to reduce the Council's financial exposure. He went on to express concerns about the frequency of reporting on the programme's progress, which the Cabinet had said would continue to be annual. He felt that a more frequent, bi-annual reporting cycle might have helped to avoid some of the increasing costs seen in the last 18 months.

Board Composition of Populo Living

The Executive agreed to commission a review of governance to test the current board arrangements at Populo Living against good practice. The review would consider the appropriateness and benefit of any changes including those set out by the Scrutiny Committee, and a copy of the report would be provided to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. The Executive would not be making any changes to the board or appointments process until the review concluded.

Councillor McAlmont, in response, expressed the view that at least two Newham Councillors should be appointed to the board of Populo Living. He felt that the questions raised by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee about the programme might have been put to the Populo Living board had Councillors been present on the board.

Internal Audit

The Executive agreed to instruct officers to work with Populo Living to review the company's procurement processes. They noted that the company is obliged by law to follow Public Sector procurement regulations, and confirmed that the Council retained oversight of all procurement activity undertaken by Populo Living. They went on to say that the matters regarding the underperformance of a contractor and the liquidation of a contract bidder, as raised in the February cabinet report, were taken extremely seriously. Work would be done to understand the reasons for these matters, and any learning would be used to inform future practice.

Comparison and alignment with Affordable Homes for Newham

The Executive confirmed that a review of the delivery model for the Affordable Homes for Newham programme was already underway. This review included a comparison of key financial metrics, including costs, between schemes commissioned by the Affordable Homes for Newham team and those commissioned by Populo Living. The outcomes of the review would be reported to Cabinet and any changes to the delivery approach would also be reported. A copy of the review, once concluded, would be sent to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

Councillor McAlmont, in response, confirmed that he would take back to the Overview and Scrutiny committee the Cabinet's suggestion that they consider the setup of scrutiny as it relates to estate regeneration schemes.

Following this discussion, the Cabinet confirmed that they had considered the recommendations of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the Executive response to those recommendations. The Cabinet then voted to confirm the original decision made on 4 February 2025.

Development of the People Powered Places Programme 2025-2027

This matter was before the Cabinet following a decision made at the 4 February 2025 meeting to continue the People Powered Places Programme for another two-year cycle and to allocate £200,000 from the Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (NCIL) to each of the eight community neighbourhoods in the Borough. The Overview and Scrutiny Committee called the decision in on 12 February 2025 citing concerns about the financial sustainability and value for money of the programme, as well as concerns about operational effectiveness, governance and risk management, strategic alignment and resource allocation. The Overview and Scrutiny Committee made a series of recommendations about the allocation of NCIL funding. They suggested six alternative approaches for distributing the £1.6 million. These included: Direct Infrastructure Investment, Targeted Grant Programme, Match-Funding Approach, Community Asset Transfer Programme and a Commissioned Services Model.

Councillor McAlmont introduced the item and summarised the Committee's reasons for calling in the decision and their recommendations. Councillor Charlene McLean, Cabinet Member for Resident Engagement and Resident Experience, responded that the programme was an evolving one, and that many of the committee's recommendations could be considered within the existing programme. She said that, for example, the direct infrastructure investment suggested by the Committee could be achieved using the existing programme's mechanisms, and that match funding was already being provided by the Royal Docks Team. She also said that the Cabinet's response to the Call-In was detailed in the report at Agenda Item 6. She reminded the meeting that the Cabinet report restated the administration's pledge to participate in democracy, and confirmed that the People Powered Places programme would be staying in its current iteration.

The Mayor, in a supplementary response, added that the current programme had undergone a review and that learning from that review would be used to inform the next two-year cycle. The Executive decision made on 4 February 2025 would stand. He noted that the NCIL funding allocated to People Powered Places would remain at the existing level, but that other NCIL monies were being reviewed. He went on to say that the ideas proposed by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee would be considered as part of that wider review.

Councillor McAlmont, in response, said that the Overview and Scrutiny committee were not satisfied that the existing programme was meaningful, or that residents were really involved in it. He expressed concern about the way the funding was allocated through the programme, but welcomed Councillor McLean's confirmation that match funding was being explored. He concluded that he would raise his concerns at the relevant committee meetings.

Following this discussion, the Cabinet confirmed that they had considered the recommendations of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the Executive response to those recommendations. The Cabinet then voted to confirm the original decision made on 4 February 2025.

  1. This is a technical measure used by the Regulator of Social Housing. It refers to the long-term financial viability of a Registered Provider of social housing. 


Councillor Zulfiqar Ali
Councillor Neil Wilson
Councillor Amar Virdee
Profile image for Councillor Blossom Young
Councillor Blossom Young  Cabinet Member for Housing Landlord and Tenant Experience Improvements •  Labour •  Beckton
