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Call-in, Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday 18th February 2025 6.00 p.m.

February 18, 2025 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The Overview and Scrutiny committee voted to uphold the call in on the Cabinet's decision to allocate £1.6m of the Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (NCIL) to a new cycle of the People Powered Places programme. The committee will issue a formal list of recommendations to the Cabinet for their consideration at a meeting scheduled for 24 February. If the Cabinet endorses these recommendations, an amended budget will be presented to the full Council on 27 February.

People Powered Places

Councillors considered the Cabinet report on the People Powered Places programme 2025-27 and questioned officers on the cost-effectiveness and democratic legitimacy of the programme. The programme has been running since 2018, and is one of the UK’s biggest participatory budgeting schemes.

The committee asked how NCIL money was spent before People Powered Places was introduced. Officers said that the money simply accumulated as there was no process in place for spending it. They said that People Powered Places evolved out of the aspiration of the current administration to give more power to communities.

Councillor Joshua Garfield asked how much money is spent on staffing and running the People Powered Places programme in addition to the £1.6m that is allocated to communities through it. Officers explained that two staff are dedicated to the scheme, and that for other staff in the neighbourhoods teams the programme is simply part of their existing workload, and therefore its cost is not precisely known. Councillor Garfield also asked if a study had been carried out into the comparative efficiency of People Powered Places relative to other schemes. Officers confirmed that no such study had been carried out in 2018.

Councillor Chadha asked if the money spent on the People Powered Places programme could be considered a substitution for spending that would otherwise have been necessary.

If it's determined by a people powered place initiative and meeting over the course of the year, to spend the money on a community garden, if 20 grand is spent on the garden, how many more pounds did it take to get to that decision, through officer hours, venue hire, and all the effort that goes into it?

Conrad Hall, Newham Council's Corporate Director of Resources explained that the money spent on People Powered Places could represent a saving to the Council if it could be shown to substitute for spending that would otherwise have been necessary. He explained that in theory the Council could for example use NCIL money to pay for road repairs, thereby reducing borrowing costs. However, he explained that any decision to reallocate the money would need to be consulted on properly, in accordance with legislation. He also explained that a saving proposal relating to People Powered Places had been made as part of the October 2024 Finance Review report.

Councillor Chadha expressed scepticism about the claims that had been made for the impact of the programme. She said that some had claimed the programme was “internationally acclaimed”, but that its champions were organisations like Go Vocal, which has a commercial relationship with the council as the provider of its engagement platform Newham Co-Create. She argued that the council should not “mark its own homework.”

She argued that despite claims that it is a “participatory budgeting” scheme, in fact People Powered Places gives the community relatively little control over the projects that are funded.

If it wasn't linked to some sort of environmental or therapeutic outcome, it would not be able to get any money from this program. If its work wasn't within the parameters of the corporate plan. So in which case, that's not participatory budgeting, because you haven't got the freedom to express exactly what you want.

Councillor Susan Masters argued that the small size of the grants that are available to residents limits the kind of projects that can be funded. She said that a resident in her ward wanted to get their local park repaired, but that the cost of doing so was too high for a People Powered Places grant.

Councillor Terence Paul asked why the council has chosen to implement a scheme that involves “direct democracy” when it already has a system of representative democracy in place.

And is this because we don't trust elected members to make the decisions for residents um about things that matter to them?

Officers said that elected councillors are in fact closely involved in the People Powered Places programme. They argued that councillors could ask residents in their wards how they would like to spend NCIL money, but that it would not be as meaningful a process.

Councillor Paul expressed concern about the cost of administering the scheme. He pointed out that some projects have experienced delays due to problems getting planning permission, and that in those cases the money allocated to the project has in effect been wasted. He asked why the council had opted for a system that seems to entail a great deal of “wasted time money effort”.

If it was an elected member in the space they would be able to say i can't get planning permission for that space i'm really sorry or actually that's owned by housing over here in ha and actually it's over here that you need to be in this space the process could maybe be tightened or there's an opportunity to that would then stop the wasted time effort and money that takes place in in the whole process

Officers said that a great deal has been done in the current cycle of the People Powered Places programme to improve efficiency and communication with other council teams.

Councillor Masters pointed out that the council has at the same time decided to “pause” the Systems Assemblies process, which was intended to involve residents in discussions about wider council strategy. Councillor Chadha argued that this suggests the council is not in fact committed to wider resident engagement.

I would also just say looking you've referred councillor garfield to the theory of change looking at the theory of change what was really noticeable about all of this is it's numerical there is no qualitative data that you're seeking from here so how do you know if residents are even happy even if the two percent that do turn up

Councillor Garfield argued that the very low level of resident involvement undermines the democratic legitimacy of the People Powered Places programme. He noted that the turnout in the last council election was about 30%, whereas only 2% of Newham residents voted in the People Powered Places scheme. He said that it cost the council about £900,000 to run an election, which suggests that by spending officer time on the programme the council is in effect wasting money.

If it costs a third of an officer's time in the library or in the neighborhoods team throughout the year to administer this program it costs a third of their salary to spend the money and that's the cost that we're not factoring in which is doing two things is a concern to this committee it's costing money to spend money and creating an elongated bureaucratic process and it's robbing people who vote in our local election of the agency to entrust councillor mcclaine to take the decision when she instead passes it off to two percent of the population to take that decision

Councillor Garfield asked what success would look like for the People Powered Places programme, and whether the council has set targets for resident participation. Officers said that in fact the primary goal of the programme is not the delivery of successful projects, but rather to increase resident participation in itself.

I think the primary strategic goal of this work is is about community power and community participation that is you know the the projects we want to absolutely maximize the outcomes whether it's a youth safety project or diabetes or a greening and the cumulative impact of all of those is obviously really important but that those are not the strategic intent of the program the strategic intent is around community power and community participation

Councillor Chadha argued that this is a circular argument, and that the theory of change that underpins the programme is “numerical” and does not capture the views of residents.

I wanted to raise a point about this because this comes back to the figures where people involved in the process 85 percent of people involved in the process were happy to be involved in the process well of course they are if they weren't they'd have disappeared off and it's the ones who've disappeared off that we're kind of missing

Councillor Chadha argued that the council should be prepared to consider other ways of spending the NCIL money, and to consult with residents more generally.

There is nothing to stop us doing more with this money still consulting and engaging with people but doing it in a very different way