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Call-in, Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday 18th February 2025 8.00 p.m.

February 18, 2025 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The Overview and Scrutiny Committee's meeting to review Cabinet's decision on the Carpenters Estate Regeneration Project decided to uphold the call-in. The committee agreed four recommendations to be sent to Cabinet for their consideration.

Viability of the Carpenters Estate Regeneration Project

The committee discussed the viability of the Carpenters Estate Regeneration project. Councillor Hudson pointed out that there had been a £20 million increase in costs since September 2023, taking the total increase to £40 million in 3 years. The committee also raised concerns about optimism bias in the modelling assumptions, noting that the scheme was not viable if more prudent assumptions were used. The Mayor noted that the increase in cost was driven by cost construction inflation and heightened regulatory requirements, particularly fire safety, related to the Grenfell Tower fire in 20171.

Mr John Daly, a finance manager in the council's finance department, explained that the modelling assumptions used were realistic and based on industry standards. He noted that the scheme had been modelled six times, and that the assumptions used had been challenged and reviewed in each iteration. The committee also discussed the council's borrowing rate for the project. The Mayor confirmed that the council had been bench marking costs against similar London schemes to ensure best value for money.

Delays to the Carpenters Estate Regeneration Project

Councillor McAlmont raised concerns over the length of time the project was taking, noting that it had been going on for an awfully long time. The Mayor responded that the project had been delayed by factors outside of the council's control, such as Covid-19, and that the council had been working closely with residents to ensure their views were taken into account.

Governance of Populo Living

Councillor Lee-Phakoe raised a number of concerns about the governance of Populo Living, the council's wholly owned company that is acting as the development manager for the Carpenters Estate master plan and delivering the first phase of the project, the refurbishment of James Riley Point. Councillor Lee-Phakoe stated that the £1.4 billion regeneration project 'raises serious financial strategic and ethical concerns that our council must not ignore'.

The Mayor responded that the council had representatives on the Populo board. Councillor Masters asked who the council's representatives were, and the Mayor confirmed that they were Mr Darren Mackin, Director of Community Wealth Building, and one vacancy. Councillor Masters noted that these representatives were not listed at Companies House. Mr Conrad Hall, Corporate Director of Resources, confirmed that the council was aware of ongoing work being planned to review Populo's governance, and that an external audit had been commissioned by the council's Internal Audit service.


The committee agreed the following recommendations:

  1. To commission an independent financial review and review of tenure of all possible strategies for the financing for the whole of the Carpenters Estate to be presented to Cabinet and scrutiny. This is to be conducted in parallel with existing build including and continue to build including sale or public private partnership of the whole Carpenters Estate or part there all.
  2. To commission a governance arrangements review of Populo Living including greater representation of Newham officers and members on the board.
  3. To commission an internal audit review of the procurement process in the Affordable Homes for Newham program.
  4. To commission a comparison between the Affordable Homes for Newham and Populo Living for return to Newham, for return rate of investment and return of investment.

  1. On 14 June 2017 a fire broke out in Grenfell Tower, a 24-storey residential block in North Kensington, West London. It caused 72 deaths and more than 70 injuries. The fire led to a public inquiry and reviews of building regulations, particularly for high rise buildings.