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Call-in, Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday 18th February 2025 8.00 p.m.

February 18, 2025 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The meeting considered a call-in of a decision made by the Cabinet at their meeting on the 4th February 2025 relating to the regeneration of the Carpenters Estate. The call-in was not upheld; however, the committee made a number of recommendations to the Cabinet.

Viability of the Carpenters Estate Regeneration

The committee discussed the viability of the Carpenters Estate Regeneration. The estimated total cost of the project has increased by £320 million since September 2023, with peak borrowing now estimated at £1.421 billion. The payback period for the scheme has also increased from 41 to 44 years. The report provided to the committee explains the cost increases are primarily driven by construction inflation and increased building safety requirements. However, the committee heard that the scheme is currently viable, with a Net Present Value of £172 million. Some concerns were raised regarding the long-term viability of the project given the reliance on private sector rents to subsidise the scheme's costs.

clearly that is not a that's not realistic now i know that in all these schemes um they use 3.1 but if you applied 3.1 let's say for 10 years and then a more realistic rate will you get a negative

Councillor Hudson questioned the modelling assumption of a 3.1% increase in private rents over 50 years, arguing that more realistic assumptions would result in a negative Net Present Value for the scheme.

The committee were informed that the construction costs being used in the viability assessments for the Carpenters Estate are benchmarked against other similar schemes in London to ensure best value. Councillor Chadha, unconvinced by this argument, asked:

let's go back to 2018 was that same approach taken then is that why we are in the position we are today because i i read the papers talked to 1.4 billion that's not what was previously you've got to be praised of your own projects haven't you surely

Delay and Delivery Timescales

The committee discussed the fact that the planned completion date for the Carpenters Estate Regeneration has been extended from 11 to 14 years, and the impact this will have on current residents of the estate. Councillor Chadha highlighted the human cost of the project's delays:

i have the luxury of memory having been moved off the estate when i was a child in order for construction to begin on every generation and i celebrated my 30th birthday last month... it has been it has been a dramatically long time

Councillor Lee-Phakoe also raised concerns that the council's budget could be overwhelmed by the cost of the scheme:

i worry that by the time our successes are sitting here the only thing general fund will be paying for is temporary accommodation and this interest because there'll be no other money in the budget and we simply cannot leave that legacy for those that precede us because the project is too and we were once told in this committee nothing is too big to fail i don't think we want to see this fail but i think we at least need to hear that there will be a consideration for another model if this rate of borrowing has to continue

The Mayor, Rokhsana Fiaz OBE, in response to Councillor Lee-Phakoe's concerns, explained that the council will keep the financial viability of the scheme under review, but that the current delivery model - a cross-subsidy model - is the best approach to delivering the homes that are needed in Newham. She acknowledged the fatigue and disillusionment of the residents, but stated that:

if you go to the scheme the work that we've done around milmore projects there's a real sense of optimism and excitement

The committee heard that the first new residents are expected to move on to the estate in two and a half to three years time.

Governance of Populo Living

The committee discussed the governance arrangements of Populo Living, Newham Council's wholly-owned housing company, who are developing the Carpenters Estate Regeneration. The committee were informed that the company has a new chair and are currently undergoing a programme of work to refresh their governance arrangements. Councillor Masters raised concerns that Populo Living are failing to learn from their previous mistakes:

i think previously we've been told that the and maybe i'm not sure if this is a fair question because maybe it needs somebody from poplar to be here was nobody from poplar able to attend tonight... in that respect are they on target to deliver their business plan to you in march... are we sure about that... and so in that respect how much you're you're the representative as the shareholder how much early warning do you get about overspending

Councillor Hudson also highlighted problems with the company's procurement processes. She referenced a report that was presented to the audit committee in January 2024 that had identified some issues around governance and operational management at Populo Living, and pointed out that a contractor working on the James Riley Point development had recently gone into liquidation.

The committee were informed that the council receives monthly financial monitoring reports from Populo Living.


The Overview and Scrutiny Committee resolved to make the following four recommendations to the Cabinet:

  • An independent financial review and review of tenure of all possible strategies for financing the whole of the Carpenters Estate, to be presented to Cabinet and Scrutiny. This review is to be conducted in parallel with existing builds, including sales or public-private partnerships, of the whole or part of the Carpenters Estate.
  • A review of the governance arrangements for Populo Living, including the membership of the board, and including greater representation from Newham officers and members.
  • An internal audit review of the procurement process of the Affordable Homes for Newham programme at Carpenters Estate.
  • A comparison between the Affordable Homes for Newham programme and Populo Living's return on investment.