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Licensing Sub-Committee (6) - Thursday 27th February, 2025 10.00 am

February 27, 2025 View on council website  Watch video of meeting
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This meeting of the Licensing Sub-Committee will consider applications for new licences, including an application for a Sexual Entertainment Venue Licence, and for shadow licences. It also appears that Councillor Caroline Sargent will replace an unnamed Councillor as a member of the committee. The documents do not contain the names of the departing or arriving Councillors, however the agenda states: To report any changes to the membership.

The Penthouse Club

The most significant item on the agenda appears to be the application from Soho Prime Entertainment Ltd for a new Sexual Entertainment Venue Licence for The Penthouse Club at 1-4 Walker’s Court. The applicant is seeking permission to provide: striptease, table and table-side dancing, stage dancing, nude performances and acrobatics, adult theatrics, burlesque and pole dancing until 03:00, seven days a week. The application is supported by a statement from Caroline Kirkendoll, the president of Kirkendoll Management, and a report from Dr Philip Hadfield entitled: Location Observational Report and Local Authority Licensing Policy Assessment. Objections to the application have been received from Westminster Council's Licensing Authority and Environmental Health departments, as well as nine interested parties, who are all local residents. The Council's Licensing Authority objects to the application on the grounds that: the number of sex establishments, or of sex establishments of a particular kind, in the relevant locality at the time the application is determined is equal to or exceeds the number which the authority consider is appropriate for that locality. The Soho Society also objects to the application, and states: Soho is already saturated with licensed premises. The Society also argues that granting the application would be contrary to the Council's own policy on Cumulative Impact1 as outlined in its Statement of Licensing Policy.


Another item on the agenda is an application from Soho Estates Portfolio Limited for a shadow licence 2 for the Daroco restaurant at Ilona Rose House on Manette Street. The applicant is seeking permission for the sale of alcohol until 01:00 seven days a week, as well as late night refreshment until the same time. An objection to the application has been received from The Soho Society, which states: We are concerned with all licences and especially those that fall outside of the core hours policy and their impact on the licensing objectives and cumulative impact, this also includes ‘shadow licences’ which allow landowners to protect their interest in the property.

44-46 Cranbourne Street

The Sub-Committee will also consider an application for a new premises licence for a shop at 44-46 Cranbourne Street. The applicant has not been named in the documents. Westminster Council's Environmental Health department has proposed a number of conditions to be attached to the licence, including that: No super-strength beer, lagers, ciders or spirit mixtures of 5.5% ABV (alcohol by volume) or above shall be sold at the premises, except for premium beers and ciders supplied in glass bottles.

The Newman Hotel

Finally, the documents also describe an application from Kinsfolk & Company (Hospitality) Limited for a new premises licence for The Newman Hotel at 49-57 Newman Street. The applicant is seeking permission for the sale of alcohol 24 hours a day for hotel residents and their guests, and until midnight or 12:30 for members of the public. Permission is also sought for the provision of late night refreshment until midnight. An objection has been received from the Fitzrovia West Neighbourhood Association, who state: Our association objects to this application as we believe it would lead to a public nuisance by way of noise to residents nearby. The Association is particularly concerned about the hours of operation proposed for the sale of alcohol and provision of late night refreshment to the public, and are seeking for them to be restricted to the Council's core hours.

  1. Cumulative impact is the recognised phenomenon that concentrations of licensed premises in one area can lead to problems with crime and disorder, public nuisance and public safety.  

  2. A shadow licence is granted to the freeholder of a property and does not come into effect until the current licence attached to the property is revoked, surrendered, or lapses.