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The Committee voted to grant planning permission for the change of use of arches 5-20 at Courtenay Place, Walthamstow.
Courtenay Place, Courtenay Mews, Walthamstow E17 (242383)
The Committee considered a planning application for the change of use of railway arches 5-20 at Courtenay Place in Walthamstow. The application site is located to the south of Courtenay Place and comprises 16 arches under the railway line used by St James Street station on the London Overground. The arches are currently vacant.
The application requested a change of use to allow the arches to be used flexibly for a mix of commercial, business and service uses (Sui Generis and Class E) along with some external alterations. The application proposed two different facade treatments. Arches 5-7 and 10-20 would be provided with new glazed shopfronts, new doors, signage and lighting. Arches 8 and 9 would have new metal cladding and would be used for welfare facilities and a toilet and bin store. The applicant proposed that the arches would be let to different tenants over time, with the exact mix of tenants not yet decided.
The application was referred to the committee because the applicant is Waltham Forest Council.
The Council’s Design Team supported the application, describing the proposed signage as appropriately scaled
and the design of the metal canopies over the entrances to the arches as high quality
. They said that the proposals would preserve and enhance the setting of the nearby St James Conservation Area
The Greater London Archaeological Advisory Service, part of Historic England, told the Council that the application did not need to be referred to them.
The Metropolitan Police did not object to the scheme, but said that the applicant should obtain Secure by Design accreditation for the development. They said that a number of security considerations would need to be addressed, but said that these mainly related to the public realm around the site.
Transport for London said that they were still in discussion with the applicant about the proposed layout of a new service bay at the site, in particular the potential for conflict with buses using the adjacent bus station. They asked for more details about arrangements for servicing the arches.
Three objections from members of the public were received. One objector complained that the development would block their view. The case officer responded that the built form in terms of structures will remain largely the same as existing given the proposal seeks to open currently vacant railway arches.
Other objectors asked for more information about the proposed mix of businesses at the site.
The Committee voted to grant planning permission subject to conditions, including a condition requiring the applicant to obtain Secure by Design accreditation. They also resolved to delegate the final wording of this and other conditions to officers.

- Agenda frontsheet 04th-Mar-2025 19.00 Planning Committee agenda
- A3 Plans 04th-Mar-2025 19.00 Planning Committee
- Minutes of Previous Meeting other
- Front page
- 4.1-242383 - Courtenay Place Courtenay Mews Walthamstow E17 - Final
- 0475-010-Proposed-Public-Realm-GA-Plan-Rev02 2 other
- 0475-012-Proposed-Public-Realm-Ownership-Plan-Rev01 2 other
- 933548511738830216__-__A1125-000-Site-Location-Plan 3
- A1125_120_Proposed Floor Plan_rA 2 other
- A1125_300_Proposed NW Elevation_rA other
- Public reports pack 04th-Mar-2025 19.00 Planning Committee reports pack
- Decisions 04th-Mar-2025 19.00 Planning Committee other
- Printed minutes 04th-Mar-2025 19.00 Planning Committee minutes