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Appointments Panel - Thursday, 6th March, 2025 9.30 am

March 6, 2025 View on council website
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This meeting was scheduled to discuss the appointment of a new Director of Health and Adult Services for Greenwich Council. The meeting was also scheduled to agree that the interview process be conducted in private.

Appointment of Director of Health and Adult Services

The job description for the Director of Health and Adult Services role was included for discussion. The role will involve leading on adult social care in the borough and will report to the Chief Executive of the Council, Debbie Warren.

The new Director will be responsible for developing and delivering public health and adult social care services. They will also be expected to provide leadership on the Council's integration agenda, working with the South East London Integrated Care Board (ICB), NHS Trusts, primary care providers, and organisations in the voluntary and community sector. The postholder will be expected to lead the Council’s response to refugees, migrants and asylum seekers and to deliver the Greenwich Borough of Sanctuary strategy and action plans.

Lead the Council’s response to refugees, migrants and asylum seekers and deliver the Greenwich Borough of Sanctuary strategy and action plans.

- Royal Borough of Greenwich, Job description - Director of Health and Adult Services, page 2.

The successful candidate will have a track record of planning, commissioning, and managing adult services at a senior level in either local government, the NHS, or the independent sector.