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Cabinet Procurement and Insourcing Committee - Monday 3 March 2025 2.00 pm
March 3, 2025 View on council websiteSummary
This meeting was about whether to award a series of contracts for services for residents. The report pack included details about what each service would cost, and how it would be delivered. No information was made available about what was actually discussed during the meeting, or what was decided.
Sexual Health Contracts
The meeting included consideration of whether to award three contracts for sexual health services for residents.
The report pack stated that the first contract was to provide a Commercial Sex Workers service
. The document stated that this service aimed to, improve the sexual wellbeing of on-street and off street Commercial Sex Workers (CSW) in Hackney and the City of London
. The report pack requested that the council approve a Direct Award Process C contract for £2,710,128 to Homerton Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust for the provision of this service for 5 years from 1 April 2025, with the option to extend for a further three years.
The second contract considered was to provide an Enhanced Sexual Health Service
. The report pack requested that the council approve a Direct Award Process A contract to City and Hackney Integrated Primary Care to deliver this service. It stated that the value of the contract would be £2,400,000 for 5 years from 1 April 2025, with the option to extend for a further three years.
Finally, the meeting included the proposed award of contracts to pharmacies in the borough to provide sexual health services. The report pack included a list of the 47 pharmacies that had applied to provide the service, and that would be awarded contracts if they met the criteria. The document stated that, additional pharmacies may meet the requirement to be issued a contract, in which case they will be within the authority of the Director of Public Health to approve
. The total value of the contracts was stated as being £1,280,000 for 5 years from 1 April 2025, with the option to extend for a further three years.
NHS Health Checks
The meeting included the proposed award of a contract to deliver NHS Health Checks to residents. The report pack stated that, the Local Authority is mandated to make provision for the NHS Health Checks programme provided for eligible residents
. The report pack requested that the council approve a Direct Award Process A contract for £1,760,000 to City and Hackney Integrated Primary Care to deliver this service. It stated that the contract would be for 5 years from 1 April 2025, with the option to extend for a further three years.
Early Years Catering Services
The report pack stated that the meeting would include consideration of the award of a contract to provide catering services to children's centres in the borough. A business case included in the report pack stated that, the existing contract for catering in Hackney's children's centres is due to end on 30th June 2025
, and stated that the new contract would be awarded for 5 years from 1 July 2025 with the option to extend for a further two years.
West Reservoir Improvement Project
The report pack included consideration of the award of a contract to undertake improvement works to the West Reservoir. It requested that the Cabinet Procurement and Insourcing Committee note that the contract had already been awarded by the Hackney Procurement Board, as the total value was less than £2 million.
Supported Living and Residential Services Framework
The final item in the report pack included consideration of the award of a contract for Supported Living and Residential Services. It requested that the committee decide whether these services should be provided in-house, or by an external provider via a framework agreement. The document stated that, a framework agreement is an agreement with one or more suppliers which sets out terms and conditions under which individual contracts (call offs) can be made throughout the duration of the framework agreement.
The report pack stated that the framework agreement would be for 4 years, with the option to extend for a further 4 years. The total value of the framework agreement was stated as being £150 million.
- S449 Open Appendix 2_ Models Lots
- S414 REPORT West Reservoir Improvement Project - Contract Award CPIC Report
- Minutes Public Pack 03022025 Cabinet Procurement and Insourcing Committee other
- s449 Open Appendix 1_ Feedback from Market Consultation other
- Agenda frontsheet Monday 03-Mar-2025 14.00 Cabinet Procurement and Insourcing Committee agenda
- Public reports pack Monday 03-Mar-2025 14.00 Cabinet Procurement and Insourcing Committee reports pack
- S449 REORT SLS Residential Framework CPIC Business Case Insourcing or Outsourcing Decision Repo other
- S442 REPORT _ Health Services CPIC Contract Award - Community services and Open Doors V2.docx
- S442 Sexual Health contract award CPIC - Appendix 1.docx
- S442 Sexual Health contract award CPIC - Appendix 2.docx
- S442 Sexual Health contract award CPIC - Appendix 3.docx
- S442 Sexual Health contract award CPIC - Appendix 4.docx
- S442 List of pharmacies to be issued contract_ Appendix 5.xlsx - Google Sheets
- S442 Appendix 6_KPIS.docx
- S370 Business Case - Children Centre Catering CPIC clean version 1
- Copy of s449 report SLS Residential Framework CPIC Business Case Insourcing or Outsourcing Decisi other
- Copy of s449 Open Appendix 1_ Feedback from Market Consultation_compressed other
- Copy of S449 Open Appendix 2_ Models Lots_compressed
- CHE S414 West Reservoir Improvement Project - Contract Award CPIC Report - Google Docs
- Supplementary paper Monday 03-Mar-2025 14.00 Cabinet Procurement and Insourcing Committee
- Decisions Monday 03-Mar-2025 14.00 Cabinet Procurement and Insourcing Committee other
- Appendix 6_KPIS.docx - Google Docs
- S370 Addendum Business Case - Children Centre Catering CPIC - Google Docs