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This meeting was about making planning decisions on three sites. The committee also received a report about the council's New Homes Programme. Additionally the committee were scheduled to review the minutes of their previous meetings and note planning decisions made by officers.
79-85 Mare Street and 1A & 350 Bocking Street, London, E8 4RG
Ward: Victoria Konebat Properties Limited submitted a planning application to demolish all existing buildings on the site and construct a part 4 and part 6 storey building. The new building would provide three commercial units (Use Class E)1 and 37 residential units (Use Class C3)2 with associated landscaping and works.
The applicant proposed 19 affordable housing units (51% of all units), with 12 to be social rented and 7 shared ownership.
1,206 objections and 2 letters of support were received.
The officers recommended granting planning permission subject to a legal agreement to secure the provision of affordable housing and financial contributions. They also recommended attaching conditions covering the following:
- The development must be started within 3 years
- The development must be carried out in accordance with the approved plans
- Full details of all external materials to be submitted to and approved by the council.
- A Construction Management Plan must be submitted to and approved by the council.
- A Delivery and Service Plan must be submitted to and approved by the council.
- Details of all cycle parking spaces to be submitted and approved by the council.
- Details of the sustainable drainage system to be submitted to and approved by the council.
- Prior to the first occupation of the development a waste management strategy must be submitted to and approved by the council.
- A preliminary risk assessment to address land contamination must be submitted to and approved by the council.
- Prior to the first occupation of the residential properties a fit out, marketing and actions strategy for the commercial units must be submitted to and approved by the council.
- The development must be built so that it does not cause damage to the Thames Water water main.
- Details of measures to reduce noise from plant and machinery to be submitted to and approved by the council.
- Details of anti-vibration measures to be submitted to and approved by the council.
- Details of sound insulation between commercial and residential uses to be submitted to and approved by the council.
- Details of sound insulation within residential units to be submitted to and approved by the council.
- Details of measures to protect future residents from road noise to be submitted to and approved by the council.
- Details of ventilation and extraction for commercial kitchens to be submitted to and approved by the council.
- A condition prohibiting external amplified sound and restricting internal amplified sound to background levels only.
- The development must meet the sustainability standards outlined in the Energy Statement.
- A final “as-built” Energy Statement to be submitted to and approved by the council.
- The development must meet the ventilation standards outlined in the Energy Statement.
- A final “as-built” ventilation report to be submitted to and approved by the council.
- The development must explore the implementation of a Water Heat Recovery System.
- A final “as-built” Water Heat Recovery System report to be submitted to and approved by the council.
- An overheating risk assessment to be submitted to and approved by the council.
- A final “as-built” overheating risk assessment to be submitted to and approved by the council.
- A plan showing how the development will connect to a Decentralised Energy Network3 to be submitted to and approved by the council.
- Confirmation of solar panel installation and performance to be submitted to the council.
- Details of heating system performance to be submitted to and approved by the council.
- A final “as-built” heating report to be submitted to and approved by the council.
- Details of cooling system performance to be submitted to and approved by the council.
- A final “as-built” cooling report to be submitted to and approved by the council.
- A condition requiring the development to achieve a minimum BREEAM4 rating of 71.12%.
- A condition requiring the submission of a BREEAM Final Design Certificate within 12 weeks of occupation.
- A lighting plan to be submitted to and approved by the council.
- A hard & soft landscaping plan to be submitted to and approved by the council.
- Details of the swift, sparrow and starling bricks/boxes and bat boxes to be provided at or close to the eaves of the development to be submitted to and approved by the council.
- A condition requiring a 'Secured by Design' accreditation be obtained before the building is occupied.
- A written scheme of investigation (WSI) to be submitted to and approved by the council.
- A condition requiring 10% of the units to be built to Part M4 (3) wheelchair accessible standards and the remaining units to be built to a minimum of M4 (2).
The officers recommended that the legal agreement should include the following requirements:
- Affordable housing
- Car Free Development
- Contribution to an Electric Vehicle Car Club
- Car club driving credit to residents
- Travel Plan and monitoring fee
- Construction Management Plan monitoring fee
- Highways works
- Funding for the conversion of a parking bay to a Blue Badge parking bay
- Education contribution
- Employment and Training contribution
- Employment and Skills Plan, local labour requirements and apprenticeship programme.
- Carbon Offset contribution
- Sustainability monitoring and reporting
- Open space contribution
- Payment of the council's legal fees and monitoring costs.
12 Blurton Road, Hackney, London, E5 0NL
Ward: Lea Bridge
This was an application by Heshy Friedman for the conversion of a dwellinghouse (Use Class C3) to a 10 bedroom large house in multiple occupation (HMO, Use Class Sui Generis)5 with a mansard roof extension, cycle and refuse storage. Some elements of the proposal are retrospective.
The application is a resubmission of a previously refused application.
17 letters of representation objecting to the proposed development were received.
The officers recommended granting planning permission subject to conditions and a legal agreement. They also recommended attaching conditions covering the following:
- The development must be started within 3 years
- The development must be carried out in accordance with the approved plans
- New works must match the materials used in the existing building.
- Details of the proposed cycle parking to be submitted to and approved by the council.
- Details of the proposed refuse and recycling store to be submitted to and approved by the council.
The officers recommended that the legal agreement should include the following requirements:
- Car Free Development (Non-Blue Badge Holders)
- Monitoring costs
Unilateral Undertaking for New Homes Programme
The committee received a report about the council's New Homes Programme. This is a programme to build new council homes on infill sites across the borough. The report explains that the Housing Regeneration team intend to complete a Unilateral Undertaking under Section 106 to commit to meeting affordable housing provision targets for the programme as a whole, rather than on a site by site basis. The report explains that this would allow the council to deliver a minimum of 50% affordable housing formed of 60% social housing and 40% intermediate housing across the whole programme.
The report provided details about all of the sites in the programme. The report explained that these are pre-application proposals, and are all under discussion and subject to change:
- Blackwell Close: 18 Social Rent homes and a community garden
- Blandford Court: 13 Social Rent homes.
- Buckland Court: 13 Social Rent homes and 32 private sale homes.
- Cherbury Court: Early pre-application discussions.
- Cropley Court: 45 Social Rent homes.
- Fellows Court: 28 Social Rent homes.
- Morris Blitz: 19 Social Rent homes.
- Nye Bevan: 9 Social Rent homes and a pocket park.
- Orwell and Welshpool: 31 Social Rent homes, 55 market sale homes and a five-a-side pitch.
- Parkside: 16-20 Social Rent homes.
- Regents Court: 33 Social Rent homes, a replacement ball court and communal gardens.
- Selman and Wellday: 20-36 Social Rent homes.
- Wayman Court: 15-20 Social Rent homes and 7-14 Market Sale homes with a communal garden space.
- Weymouth Court: 18 Social Rent homes.
Use Class E covers most commercial, business and service uses. ↩
Use Class C3 is for dwellinghouses. ↩
A Decentralised Energy Network (DEN) is a network of pipes that distributes heat and power to buildings from a central source, such as a combined heat and power (CHP) plant. ↩
BREEAM is an environmental assessment method and rating system for buildings, with certified assessors evaluating the sustainability performance of projects. ↩
HMOs are shared houses or flats lived in by three or more unrelated people who share basic amenities, like a kitchen or bathroom. HMOs are sometimes referred to as 'house shares'. Large HMOs are HMOs occupied by 5 or more people. ↩

- Draft4.12.24PlanningSub-Committeemeetingminutesv2.docx-compressed 1 other
- Draft 05.02.2025 Planning meeting minutes v2.doc 1 1_compressed other
- Agenda frontsheet Wednesday 05-Mar-2025 18.30 Planning Sub-Committee agenda
- Public reports pack Wednesday 05-Mar-2025 18.30 Planning Sub-Committee reports pack
- 79-85 Mare Street Committee Report_compressed
- 2022-0988_Site-Location-Plan_compressed
- 12 Blurton Road - 2024_2494 2_compressed other
- 12 Blurton Road PS Updated_compressed other
- 2024-2494_Site-Location-Plan_compressed
- New Homes Programme Ctte report 2.docx_compressed
- Cherbury Court_compressed
- Fellows Court_compressed
- Buckland Court_compressed
- Morris Blitz_compressed
- Cropley Court_compressed
- Delegated Decisions by Ward 25-01-2025 to 20-02-2025 1_compressed other
- Supplementary Item 4 Minutes of the previous meeting Revised 4.12.24 Planning Sub-Committee meetin other
- REVISED Draft 4.12.24 Planning Sub-Committee meeting minutes v2.docx_compressed other
- Supplementary Addendum Wednesday 05-Mar-2025 18.30 Planning Sub-Committee
- 05_03_2025 Planning Sub Committee Addendum
- Decisions Wednesday 05-Mar-2025 18.30 Planning Sub-Committee other