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Planning Committee - Wednesday, 22 May 2024 9.30 am

May 22, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Denbighshire County Council meeting on 22 May 2024 covered several key topics, including the appointment of the chair and vice-chair, a moment of reflection for a deceased councillor, approval of previous meeting minutes, and several planning applications.

Appointment of Chair and Vice-Chair

  • Chair: Councillor Mark Young was nominated and appointed as the chair for the municipal year 2024-2025. He was praised for his experience and leadership.
  • Vice-Chair: Councillor Alan James was nominated and appointed as the vice-chair. Both appointments were uncontested and supported by the council.

Moment of Reflection

  • The council observed a minute of silence in memory of Councillor Windmill and James, who had recently passed away. Councillor Young expressed his condolences and highlighted her contributions.

Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes

  • The minutes from the previous meeting were reviewed and approved without any objections.

Planning Applications

Cluitgate Motel, Clambetta, Dr. and Cluit Riffin

  • Proposal: Provision of external alterations, lighting, and associated works.
  • Decision: The application was granted. The council discussed the impact of external lighting on ecology, dark sky, and residential amenity. A detailed lighting assessment was submitted, and the lighting scheme was amended to address concerns. The Public Protection Officer and AOMB Joint Committee raised no objections.

Former Generator Building at Cluitgate Motel

  • Proposal: Conversion of the former generator building to form holiday accommodation.
  • Decision: The application was granted. The council discussed the principal development, impact on ecology, dark sky, residential amenity, and highway safety. Conditions were imposed to ensure compliance with policies and to address concerns.

Former North Wales Hospital, Denbigh

  • Proposal: Approval of the S106 agreement terms and updated planning conditions for a hybrid planning application.
  • Decision: The council decided to defer the application due to ongoing legal discussions and the need for further clarity on the terms of the S106 agreement. The deferral aims to protect the council's interests and ensure the project's compliance with legal requirements.

Outbuilding at Havard Park, Botfarii

  • Proposal: Approval of planning conditions for the demolition of an existing storage building and conversion of an existing coach house to form one dwelling.
  • Decision: The application was granted. The council reviewed and approved the suggested list of planning conditions.

Tree Preservation Order at Town Hall, Clang Offlan

  • Proposal: Serving and confirmation of a tree preservation order.
  • Decision: The council confirmed the tree preservation order. The tree officer recommended the TPO for greater control over works to the tree, despite the town council's objection.

Graig Quarry, Denbigh

  • Proposal: Request for member involvement in defending the local planning authority's decision to refuse planning permission for extending the quarry.
  • Decision: Councillor Delif Jones and Councillor Arwell Jones were nominated to represent the council in defending the decision.

The meeting concluded with the council addressing all agenda items and making necessary decisions to move forward with various projects and initiatives.


Councillor Delyth Jones
Councillor Jon Harland
Councillor James Elson
Councillor Gwyneth Ellis
Councillor Mark Young
Councillor Alan James
Councillor Chris Evans
Councillor Julie Matthews
Councillor Elfed Williams
Councillor Justine Evans
Profile image for Councillor Ellie Chard
Councillor Ellie Chard  Labour •  Rhyl South
Councillor Andrea Tomlin
Councillor Arwel Roberts
Councillor Terry Mendies
Councillor Raj Metri
Councillor Merfyn Parry