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Mansfield and District Crematorium Joint Committee - Monday, 20th May, 2024 10.00 am

May 20, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The meeting began with routine administrative tasks, including recording consent, apologies for absence, and the appointment of a new chair and vice-chair. The main discussions focused on the operations report, including staffing restructure, cremator maintenance, and events calendar, followed by the annual statement of accounts.

Operations Report

Staffing Restructure The council is consulting staff on a proposed restructure aimed at reinstating weekend working at the remembrance room. This change is expected to address staff concerns and save around £41,000 annually in staffing costs.

Cremator Maintenance The council is facing challenges with aging cremators. Cremator number three is scheduled for relining, which will take it out of action for three to four weeks. Cremator number four has software issues but is currently operational. The council is managing capacity to avoid overloading the cremators.

Events Calendar A successful Mother's Day service was held in March, with over 100 attendees. A Father's Day service is planned for June, and additional services are being considered, including those for bereaved children. Local support from Ashfield, Newark, and Sherwood has been instrumental in promoting these events.

Cremation Numbers There has been a 15% reduction in cremation numbers compared to the previous year, attributed to limited capacity and a general dip in excess death rates. The council is working to accommodate families as much as possible despite these challenges.

Annual Statement of Accounts

The annual statement of accounts for 2023/24 was presented, showing a surplus better than budgeted by £104,233, which has been allocated to the general reserve. Despite lower income due to reduced cremation numbers, total expenditure was also lower, resulting in a positive financial position. The committee approved the statements and budgeted surplus distribution, and agreed to carry forward unused capital budget for future use.

Other Business

  • Dates of Next Meetings: The dates and locations for future meetings were noted without objections.
  • Work Programme: The work programme was reviewed and noted.
  • Exclusion of Press and Public: The committee resolved to exclude the press and public for the final item of business, citing potential disclosure of exempt information.

The meeting concluded with the exclusion of the press and public for the final agenda item.