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Planning Committee - Thursday, 6th June, 2024 4.00 pm

June 6, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The meeting began with a notification that it would be recorded and streamed online. Apologies for absence were noted for several councillors. Declarations of interest were made by some members regarding specific agenda items. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

Former Allotment on Barnaby Road, Newark

The main discussion focused on a proposal for residential development on a former allotment site on Barnaby Road, Newark. The proposal included nine dwellings with a mix of two, three, and four-bedroom houses. Key concerns raised included the site's overgrown state, the impact on local ecology, and the site's planning history, including a previous refusal in 2016. The proposal included vehicular access, a managed traditional orchard, and an attenuation pond. The council's lead ecologist did not object to the scheme, provided a biodiversity management plan was in place. The proposal was approved with conditions, including amendments to specific conditions discussed during the meeting.

Land at Greenaway, Rolleston

The second major topic was a proposal for five dwellings on Greenaway, Rolleston, including the demolition of two existing bungalows. Concerns were raised about the impact on the village hall, parking, and drainage issues. The parish council and local residents objected, citing the site's use for overflow parking and existing drainage problems. The council decided to defer the decision to seek further information from Seven Trent Water regarding drainage capacity.

Shady Oaks, Eagle Road, Spalford

The final significant discussion was about a proposal for five gypsy and traveller pitches at Shady Oaks, Eagle Road, Spalford. Concerns were raised about the site's sustainability, flood risk, and the cumulative impact on the small hamlet of Spalford. The committee decided to defer the decision and conduct a site visit to better understand the context and impact of the proposal.

Other Items

  • Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs): The committee discussed the council's involvement in NSIPs, including solar farms and the A46 project. It was agreed that the committee would receive quarterly updates, and the council's representations would be delegated to the Director for Planning and Growth in consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Planning Committee.
  • Permitted Development Rights: The committee noted the implementation of various amendments to existing classes of permitted development rights.
  • Appeals: The committee noted recent appeals lodged and determined, including a decision on the Tesco Express application, which was in favor of the committee's original decision.

The meeting concluded with the agreement to note the reports on appeals and other administrative matters.