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Annual and Ordinary Council, Council - Tuesday, 21st May, 2024 6.10 pm

May 21, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The meeting primarily focused on the transition of leadership within the Tamworth Council, including the election of new officials and the expression of gratitude to outgoing members. The meeting also covered various administrative tasks and future plans for the council.

Election of New Mayor

The meeting began with a vote of thanks to the outgoing Mayor, John Harper. Councillors praised his dedication and service to the community. A vote was held to elect a new Mayor, which passed unanimously. The new Mayor expressed gratitude and outlined his goals for the upcoming year, including promoting local events and businesses.

Election of Deputy Mayor

Councillor Chris Bain was nominated and elected as the new Deputy Mayor. The nomination was seconded, and a vote was held, resulting in a unanimous decision.

Election of Council Leader

Councillor Carol Dean was nominated and elected as the new Leader of the Council. The nomination was seconded, and a vote was held, resulting in a unanimous decision. Councillor Dean expressed her commitment to addressing local issues and working collaboratively with all councillors.

Declarations of Interest

Councillors were asked to declare any interests. One councillor declared a non-pecuniary but potentially prejudicial interest in a specific agenda item and stated they would leave the room during its discussion.

Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes

The minutes from the previous meetings held on March 11 and March 19 were reviewed and approved with a minor amendment.


The new Mayor and Leader of the Council made announcements welcoming new councillors and expressing gratitude to outgoing members. The Leader outlined the council's priorities, including improving local services, regenerating the town centre, and addressing crime and antisocial behaviour.

Public Questions

Two questions from a member of the public, Ron Brown, were addressed. The first question inquired about the timeline for publishing a detailed plan for change, to which the Leader responded that meetings with officers were ongoing to develop the corporate plan. The second question asked about using social media for public surveys, and the Leader confirmed that this was under consideration.

Appointment of Cabinet and Committees

The Leader of the Council announced the new Cabinet members and their responsibilities. The appointments were approved unanimously. The committee chairs and members for the upcoming year were also appointed and approved.

Annual Reports

The annual reports for the Audit and Governance Committee and the Scrutiny Committees were presented and endorsed. The reports highlighted the committees' activities and achievements over the past year.

Calendar of Meetings

The calendar of meetings for the upcoming year was reviewed and approved, with an additional meeting scheduled for June 12.

Exclusion of Press and Public

The meeting concluded with a resolution to exclude the press and public for the final agenda item, which involved confidential information. The resolution was passed unanimously.


Councillor John Harper
Councillor Daniel Maycock
Profile image for Councillor Craig Adams
Councillor Craig Adams  Chair of Audit and Governance •  Labour •  Belgrave Ward
Councillor Nova Arkney
Councillor Chris Bain
Councillor Ben Clarke
Councillor Lee Clarke
Councillor Gareth Coates
Councillor Carol Dean
Councillor Marie Bailey
Profile image for Councillor Rosemary Claymore
Councillor Rosemary Claymore  Independent •  Amington Ward
Councillor Tina Clements
Councillor Sarah Daniels
Councillor Stephen Doyle
Councillor David Foster
Councillor Helen Hadley
Councillor Thomas Jay
Councillor Ken Norchi
Councillor Jeremy Oates
Councillor Ben Price
Councillor Paul Turner
Profile image for Councillor Lewis Smith
Councillor Lewis Smith  Portfolio Holder for People Services, Engagement and Leisure •  Labour •  Amington Ward
Councillor Samuel Smith
Councillor Martin Summers
Profile image for Councillor Janice Wadrup
Councillor Janice Wadrup  Independent •  Glascote Ward
Councillor Andrew Wells
Councillor Lee Wood
Stephen Gabriel
Nicola Hesketh
Tracey Pointon
Leanne Costello
Laura Sandland