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Pensions Committee - Thursday 13th March 2025 6.30 p.m.

March 13, 2025 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The Committee noted updates on the Pension Fund Business Plan, the Investment Strategy, and the Pension Administration. The Committee also approved a new Breaches of the Law Policy and adopted a new Communications Policy.

Pension Fund Business Plan

The Committee discussed the Pension Fund Business Plan Update.

The Committee heard that the London Collective Investment Vehicle (LCIV) would now provide quarterly rather than monthly business updates to the council. The quarterly updates would align with the LCIV's own quarterly investment reports. The LCIV would also begin producing a monthly newsletter.

The Committee also heard that the LCIV Global Equity Focus Fund remains under enhanced monitoring, and will next be reviewed in June 2025.

The Committee heard that:

officers are, uh, currently engaged, uh, with the London CIV on their indirect real estate property building initiative

This is the LCIV Indirect Real Estate Pooling (IREP) Initiative. The IREP initiative seeks to pool the property holdings of several London boroughs in a single fund managed by CBRE Investment Management. The Committee heard that the fund is expected to launch on 31 March 2025.

The Committee also heard that:

There is also the, um, LSEV Private Debt Fund 2. Uh, again, this is something that has access to the fund, um, and it will be covered separately within the investment strategy approach.

This is the LCIV Private Debt II Fund. The Committee heard that this fund is of interest to the Newham Fund. It will be discussed in more detail as part of the Investment Strategy Update.

The Committee then discussed the MHCLG's consultation on its proposals for the future of the LGPS. The MHCLG's consultation, LGPS - Fit for the Future, proposed that all assets in the LGPS be pooled by March 2026. The Newham Fund submitted its response to this consultation, which is included in the meeting pack as Appendix 1.

The Committee discussed the Fund's recent history and performance. The Chair described the difficulties the Fund had faced in 2010, saying:

the fund, um, in 2010, there was a, you know, the funding level was, was 72%. So that means they had a deficit of 28%. So that means we had made 28% more promises to our, to our workers. And we had an investments to pay them. So it was a dreadful, dreadful situation to be in as many other local authorities.

The Chair went on to describe the effects of this deficit:

We had to pay on top of the current contributions. We had to pay 16.2 million pounds per year deficit.

Councillor John Gray went on to express concerns about the government's proposals to reform the LGPS. He argued that the Committee should not support any changes that would put the Fund at risk. He said:

what we don't want to do is do something to please. And it happens to be my political master as well as the people here on the left of the chamber. If it's going to cut the fund at risk again, no matter how well intentioned those changes are

The Chair noted that Barnett Waddingham had reported that the Pensions Minister, Laura Trott MP, had reiterated the government's commitment to pooling all LGPS assets by 2026. Pete Smith, from Barnett Waddingham, said that the Minister had:

reiterated that the commitment to having the LGPS pool and pool by March 2026. The clear objective of reducing fragmentation was the expression that they, that they used, that we used, um, in doing that.

The Chair noted that a Pension Bill to enable these changes was expected before the summer.

Investment Strategy Update

The Committee discussed the Investment Strategy Update.

The Committee heard that the Fund's funding level had increased to 99% with an estimated deficit of £19 million. This was attributed to the performance of the Fund's investments, which have exceeded expectations since the last valuation in 2022.

The Committee heard that the Fund's asset valuation was £1.943 billion, the highest ever. This represented an increase of £28 million from the previous quarter. The Fund had returned 3.32% over the quarter, ahead of its benchmark by 1.11%.

The Committee then discussed the potential risks to the Fund's investments, particularly in relation to the US economy.

Councillor Joshua Garfield raised concerns about the Fund's exposure to the US economy and asked if any action could be taken to mitigate the risks. He said:

i mean is there anything that we perhaps should be doing i know it's difficult to actually understand what he threatens who uh you know he doesn't always deliver but sometimes he he does so i mean is there any defensive moves that we should be thinking of at this time because we do have a lot a lot of um assets in in america

Mr Smith responded that the Fund had already taken some steps to mitigate risk, such as tactically overweighting UK Index-Linked Gilts, which are considered a safe haven asset. He said:

we are tactically overweight in uk indexing yields part of that is because they are seen as a safe haven asset and so we have actually taken some of the some of the risk of the table in favor in favor of those when i say they're a risk you know their views of risk mitigating asset

Mr Smith went on to say that the Fund was monitoring developments in the US economy closely, but it was important to maintain a long-term perspective when making investment decisions. He said:

generally speaking what we want to do is to continue to take the long-term view because we are long to you know the fund is a long-term investor and not a trader or a speculator

Pensions Administration Update

The Committee discussed the Pensions Administration Update.

The Committee heard from Jacqueline Andress, the Pensions Projects and Contracts Manager, who reported that:

the underpin calculation had been run against 26 eligible Newham records and that one 1 underpin addition had been awarded, of £356 per annum. This is comparable to all the funds that LPPA administer where 4% of eligible cases have been awarded additions.

This refers to the McCloud Judgement. The McCloud Judgement relates to age discrimination in public sector pensions. The government has legislated to ensure that all members of the LGPS are treated equally regardless of their age. The underpin calculation refers to a specific mechanism in the legislation used to ensure this.

The Committee also heard an update on the Pensions Dashboard. The Pensions Dashboard is an online portal that will allow people to view all of their pensions in one place. All public sector pension schemes are expected to be connected to the dashboard by 31 October 2025. The Committee heard that LPPA was confident it would meet this deadline.

The Committee also heard that LPPA had maintained its performance against the agreed SLAs, with an average of 98.6% of cases being processed within the agreed timeframe.

The Committee discussed the overall membership of the Fund. Councillor John Gray noted that:

there's 20 people uh still receiving a pension over the age of 100

He noted that this demonstrated that it was wrong to say that people die before receiving their pensions. He went on to ask about the demographics of the borough's pensioners:

my question and i have brought this up elsewhere actually he's aware of this sort of allegation because we're right next door to town which we're all different i think we we sort of share a same democratic profile age profile and we have very very similar economic socioeconomic class problems so again i i know nothing about this i have a grade one cse in mathematics but probably nobody here often one or two people will know what that means but that proves that was at the second attempt so it it just does seem that that that happens if it's true if it's correct if it's not a made-up sort of um you know argument that uh are we confident that the same thing isn't happening in newham have we got a unusually high number super old people

Ms Andress responded:

at this point i'm going to refer to my learning actually on this i will ask the question of him i know there's an enormous amount of work goes into destruction of the mortality statistics that they use um and i would imagine it's connected in some shape or form for that when it comes to specific areas um i honestly don't know the answer but i can find out

The Committee also heard about two new employers that have been admitted to the Fund. Innovate Services Ltd will provide catering services to Sarah Bonnell School in Stratford, and Julius Rutherfoord & Co Ltd will provide cleaning services to several schools run by the EKO Trust.

The Committee heard that a new Breaches of the Law Policy was required due to the introduction of the Pensions Regulator's General (Single) Code of Practice, which came into effect in March 2024.

The Committee discussed the potential for breaches of the law, with Councillor John Gray saying:

we do need to be kept regularly informed of breaches and um certainly we would um you know trust the officers to to do professional jobs but we would get it in the can if certainly we knew of something and we didn't didn't have it so it's not it's not to me this is not a great worry because i've got confidence that um obviously but bearing in mind the number of breaches as well by employers which the authority have had to um report to the regulator and it's something which i've had to do as a trustee in the past in a different hat um it's you know we can't say you cannot say from now on oh you didn't realize that this is one of your responsibilities so that again that makes sense and fair but we need to be

Ms Andress clarified that:

the board are what we present and breaches are a regular item in relation presented to the local pension board

The Committee approved the new Breaches of the Law Policy.

The Committee also received an update on the progress of the Triennial Actuarial Valuation, which is due to be completed on 31 March 2025.

Communications Policy

The Committee discussed the Newham Pension Fund Communications Policy.

The Committee discussed the need to tailor communications to younger employees, particularly in light of the cost of living crisis. Councillor Joshua Garfield asked about A/B testing of communications to younger employees, saying:

how much a b testing has been done to see what works with our newer and younger employees and what perhaps started to convince them to opt in the pension scheme or to not pop out

Ms Andress responded:

a lot of the things we've kind of done as well is just to highlight the how little a state pension actually is worth um it's not enough for someone to you know live on post-working without a supplementary income source or pension

The Committee approved the new Newham Pension Fund Communications Policy and the communication schedules contained within it.