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Pension Board - Monday, 10th March, 2025 2.00 pm

March 10, 2025 View on council website
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This meeting was scheduled to include the confirmation of the minutes from the previous meeting, a report on breaches of the Local Government Act 1972, a discussion of actions arising from the previous meeting, and consideration of a training log for board members. The meeting was also scheduled to include a general update and a discussion of the board's work programme.

The most significant item on the agenda was a report on the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) reforms that were consulted on by the UK Government. The report, titled Fit for Purpose, proposed several changes to the LGPS including:

  • Increased Scale and Pooling: The government proposes to increase the scale of LGPS asset pools, aiming for a smaller number of pools with assets in excess of £50 billion.
  • Setting of Investment Strategy: The setting of investment strategy is to remain with administering authorities, defined as the 'broad instruction regarding asset classes and level of risk'.
  • Implementation of Investment Strategy: The consultation proposes that administering authorities (AAs) fully delegate the implementation of their investment strategy to the pool and take their principal advice on investment strategy from the pool.

The report noted that Lewisham Council had responded to the consultation, and included the council's response as an appendix.

The report stated that:

Lewisham Council has raised concerns about maintaining ethical investment policies within the larger pooled structures... It is crucial to retain the ability to determine whether passive equity allocations align with their Responsible Investment policies.

The meeting was also scheduled to include discussion of the London Collective Investment Vehicle (LCIV). This item was scheduled to be discussed in a closed session, from which the press and public would be excluded.

The meeting was also scheduled to consider a report on the administration of the pension scheme. This report was to include an update on the Pension Regulator’s General Code of Practice (GCOP).

The report stated that:

We completed the GCOP tool checker in September 2024 and a further review will be carried out now that the Administration Strategy has been approved by the Pension Investment Committee (February 2025). The GCOP tool checker is an ongoing piece of work which will be reviewed at regular intervals.

This report also included an update on the Heywood ISP, which the council had purchased in preparation for the Pensions Dashboard.

Finally, the meeting was scheduled to consider updates to the Pension Fund accounts for 2023/24 and a report on the triennial valuation of the Pension Fund.