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Young People, Learning and Employment Policy and Scrutiny Committee - Monday 10th March, 2025 6.30 pm
March 10, 2025 View on council website Watch video of meetingSummary
This meeting will consider an Ofsted report that reviewed the effectiveness of the council's children's services. The committee will also discuss the council's plans for its libraries and archives and examine the strategic plan for the Westminster Adult Education Service (WAES).
Inspection of Westminster Local Authority Children's Services
The committee will review the Inspection of Westminster Local Authority Children’s Services Report, which judged the service as ‘Outstanding’ overall, and will discuss its findings and recommendations.
The inspection considered how effective Westminster's children's services are at helping children who need help and protection, children in care and care leavers. It also considered the impact of the service's leaders on social work practice. Ofsted's only recommendation was that the service should improve the consistency of response to children’s experiences from the local authority designated officer (LADO) service
The meeting will consider how the service can implement any changes necessary to improve the consistency of its LADO service, as well as wider activities that might improve the service in the five areas the inspection considered.
Bi-Borough Libraries and Archives Strategic Action Plan
The committee will examine the draft Bi-borough Libraries and Archives Strategic Action Plan. This plan, covering 2025-2027, has been produced by the Bi-Borough Libraries and Archives Transformation Board, which was set up to oversee the application of the four transformation principles that will guide the development of the service. They are:
- Connected services: Including enhanced partnerships and improved integration with existing council services.
- Future proofed and sustainable: Including increased commercialisation and maximising the use of existing resources.
- Has flexible and engaging spaces: Including libraries acting as community hubs for co-located services and offering
fun, interactive immersive and flexible spaces
. - Co-developed with and for the community: Including co-creation and partnerships, a strong sense of ownership from the community, and
enhanced virtual offer
The meeting will discuss how this transformative approach will be implemented. This will include the role of the Seymour Centre, which is scheduled to re-open in 2026 as a shared space for Marylebone Library, a sports centre and registrars. The committee will also discuss plans to rebrand Westminster Reference Library as an arts and music library and the service's plans to increase community engagement with archives.
The meeting will also discuss the library service's plans for staff development and career progression and its work on the Black & Blue drug awareness programme with the footballer Paul Cannoville.
Westminster Adult Education Service (WAES) and Skills and Employment in Westminster
The committee will review the Westminster Adult Education Service (WAES) Strategic Five-Year Plan (2023-2028) and will discuss the service's emerging priorities and the work that is being undertaken to improve skills and employment opportunities in Westminster. The committee will receive an update on the implementation of WAES's current plan and its future challenges, particularly its plans for relocation. The Lisson Grove centre, where WAES currently has its main hub, is scheduled for redevelopment, and the service may be relocated to the Lilestone Centre when it is completed in 2032/33.
The committee will hear about how WAES's activities contribute to the council's Fairer Westminster strategy, its Fairer Economy Plan and regional priorities, like the Skills for Londoners Strategy.
The committee will discuss the opportunities and challenges presented by WAES's funding model. It will also examine the results of WAES's Self Assessment Report for 2023-2024, which is produced to meet Ofsted requirements and identifies the service's strengths and areas for improvement. The report praises WAES's Good quality of education
and excellent support across the provision
, its resilient leadership at all levels
, and the outstanding community learning provision and partnership working
it offers. It highlights the need for WAES to accelerate its support for GCSE maths, improve its learning support for students in need, expedite its careers support and continue the digitisation of its curriculum.
The committee will discuss feedback from WAES learners, partners and employers, which is generally positive. 97% of learners surveyed said they would recommend the service to friends or family. Finally, the committee will consider the impact WAES has had in the city, including on outcomes for residents.
- YPLE PS Cttee Cover Report - Ofsted Inspection Report - 10 March 25
- YPLE Work Programme Report 100325 other
- Agenda frontsheet 10th-Mar-2025 18.30 Young People Learning and Employment Policy and Scrutiny Co agenda
- Appendix 1_YPLE Terms of Reference
- Public reports pack 10th-Mar-2025 18.30 Young People Learning and Employment Policy and Scrutiny reports pack
- YPLE Minutes 3 December 2024 other
- Appendix 2_YPLE Committee Tracker
- Appendix A_ Westminster_Inspection of Local Authority Childrens Services_Nov24 other
- Libraries and Archives PS Committee Report Final
- WAES PS Committee Report - Final
- Appendix A - Year 1 Highlights and Progress
- Appendix B - Communicating the Offer and Partnerships with Services
- Appendix C - WAES Self-Assessment Report 2023-24
- Appendix D - WAES-Impact-Report-2024
- Printed minutes 10th-Mar-2025 18.30 Young People Learning and Employment Policy and Scrutiny Comm minutes